m Bitcoin overview

Key Points

  1. For non-compliant DeFi, Bitcoin is a good option ( eg Dark Web actors, those moving money out of a country to protect assets etc )
  2. Bitcoin POW fits the use case but should never be used outside of Bitcoin - any other use of POW is obsolete and deprecated
  3. For public, permissionless blockchains, look at EVM or similar platforms with smart contracts and better consensus models
  4. For better trusts and performance consider private, permissioned enterprise DLT like Hyperledger Fabric or engineer trusts on DLT


m blockchain types & conceptsother blockchains and key concepts

bitcoin-cheatsheet-2023 staub

bitcoin-cheatsheet-2023 staub pdf  link 

bitcoin-cheatsheet-2023.pdf file

Key Concepts

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps