i Product Mgt
Key Points
- Agile PO responsibilities, collaborations
- PO strategies
- PO tools
- PO challenges, solutions
Reference_description_with_linked_URLs_________________________ | Notes________________________________________________________________ |
cspo folder *** | |
i Lean Agile | |
2020-Scrum-Guide-US.pdf | |
CSPO-Workbook-MP-V1-Fillable-c2.pdf | |
cspo.txt | |
Project Documentation List - State RI - gsheet | |
basic product mgt concepts | |
pmi-agile-practice-guide-flash-cards/. *** | |
Key Concepts
Agile PO responsibilities, collaborations
Creating a backlog
After a set of goals, scope and use cases are listed, creating a backlog of groomed stories is a good next step.
What are prereqs to development of epics and stories?
It should be easy to understand the context, goals, personas, roles, key requirements and understanding of the existing solutions as background to start story development.
When do we define the backlog?
After everyone has read and understood the context, goals, personas, roles, key requirements and understanding of the existing solutions.
Then they have the understanding to work on the backlog.
How do we define epics?
Look at the major use cases.
Typically those will line up reasonably well with epics.
Sometimes more epics may be needed to meet a use case.
Who drafts stories?
In theory, we ( POs ) should know enough to draft them ( not get them all correct ). When something is outside our knowledge, reaching out to the best engineer on the team to help also makes sense. It does not make sense at all to have the team write all of the stories as a start. After you have some targets, then grooming with the team is productive. You don't have to get all stories done either. We do need to decide the correct priority on epics and focus on those to build the backlog in order. Yes the team will correct errors much faster in grooming then writing the stories from the ground up.
We'll set some time later today to review stories before we present to the team tomorrow.
After a backlog of priority work has been created, have the team groom the epics and stories together. They will change and add stories. Estimate together
PO strategies
PO tools
PO challenges, solutions, methods
ISR - Information Solutions Review
ATR = Digital Transformation Roadmap
ISP - Information Solutions Plan
tell me about your challenges
> commitment, communications,
> quality, resources, product definitions, budget, time
> how did you overcome?
- bad release plan
- lack of trained resources
- poor quality
- poor documentation
- missed delivery dates
- dependencies not delivered
- bad architecture
- bad delivery strategy
- customer commitment, acceptance challenges
PO Solution Journey
understand the market, customers, roles, feelings
define use cases
user journey
current state, needs analysis
competitive solutions
new user journey
product requirements & dependencies
product acceptance criteria
product value map
solution strategy
architecture strategy
delivery strategy
product value plan > time to value
SAFE program roadmap
release roadmap
backlog grooming of epics, user stories as test cases
estimates on epics, stories size, complexity
sprint plans, sprint, review, retro add remove carry
burndown charts
team incentives
PO Interview questions
q> key technologies - server, languages, dbs, svcs, bc?
q> how do you engage communities ?
q> how do you find needs vs wants?
q> how do you set expectations, manage consequences with clients, teams?
CBTP - Confidence needs understood, Belief we can meet the needs, Trust we will meet needs if given the work
LSP - greeting, IBS, listen, needs analysis, FBRs, trial close, manage objections, summarize, CTA ( if I, will you )
q> how do you define requirements, research requirements, validate requirements?
q> what is the starting point to define a feature?
q> gap analysis on RFP
update epics, stories
q> how do you define solution architecture ?
q> how do you test, set test f, non-f requirements ?
q> how do you decide 3 B ( build vs buy vs borrow ) ?
q> what is your design process for a service ?
q> how do define DOR ?
q> how do define DOD ?
q> example of a user story format?
q> how do you set estimates, story points as ??? hours ???
q> coordination of product w a larger program
q> what challenges in estimating user stories?
q> what challenges in handling dependencies?
q> how did you handle an architecture design problem?
q> how did you build regression tests ? tools ?
q> how did you manage clients when there is a big problem, challenge on delivery?
expectations > consequences > communications > commits
q> example of a sprint where there was a major issue in retro?
manage resources, deliverables, time, quality in a sprint
q> how do you track the actual work delivered vs sprint plan?
q> how do you manage a sprint?
plan, deliver, review, retro
a> po manages backlog for next sprint
q> quality checks by team
q> how do you handle bad data on a bc?
- provide data verifications - up front quality
- the assumption that data is good is the worst
- define adjustment, reconciliation transactions
- how we replayed transactions through a network at Apple
q> off-chain on-chain?
- hash the data as proof
- only key provenance data
- limited by chain performance
q> describe release rollout plans ( not deployment )?
q> describe a production quality problem scenario?
q> architecture skills, experience?
q> development skills, experience?
q> QA skills, experience?
q> client skills, experience?
q> vendor mgt skills, experience?
q> training skills, experience?
tell me about your challenges
> commitment, communications,
> quality, resources, product definitions, budget, time
> how did you overcome?
- bad release plan
- lack of trained resources
- poor quality
- poor documentation
- missed delivery dates
- dependencies not delivered
- bad architecture
- bad delivery strategy
- customer commitment, acceptance challenges
success in this role requires
> organic network growth by selling companies on the increasing value of f2p network solutions
> primary focus to ensure that the network delivers on the value proposition and expectations for all network members and roles
> requires focus, listening, research, coordination, pre-sales, planning, delivery, negotiation, team work
PO tips from Deeksha's first course
- The first and most important step is to understand WHY we need to build the specific product.
- Being in an end user / client place and understanding their need , approach to build a simple but problem solving implementation via Technology.
- Mindset to understand and implement the physical word / actual process and merging the technology with the same.
- A clear understanding of business concepts and validation on the same.
- Defining the business concept and idea into a story - A user story to make the understanding from the point of a user.
- Strategically focused - being focused on how to tackle problems and how big a vision to keep towards the goal.
- To follow the incremental process - Making a set of sub goals towards an end goal and working on them one by one as per the priority.
- Customer centric mindset.
- Balancing business needs and customer desires.
- keeping ownership of the roadmap with a backlog that aligns the objectives and strategy.
- Communicative - Clear communication with a team , using tools for instant communication.
- Result driven - executing and delivering on objectives.
- Maintaining agility in the process.
- Play a key role with the Team as an "We" approach and not I or Me to take things forward with a constructive decision.
- To be a good influencer - being a product manager , A key attribute that has to be built is a network with people , contributors and clients as well.
Common SDP
MVP product process
product-mgt-2024-Minimum-Viable-Product-Framework-Guide-productboard.pdf link
product-mgt-2024-Minimum-Viable-Product-Framework-Guide-productboard.pdf file
Potential Value Opportunities
Potential Challenges
10 Dysfunctions of Product Management - 2023 link
10 Dysfunctions of Product Management-2023.pdf file
Candidate Solutions
Step-by-step guide for Example
sample code block