m Analytics & BI tools

m Analytics & BI tools

Key Points

  1. is data, ML, AI integrated and adding value into the business and consumer processes and decisions?
  2. who is served by the analytics? the company or the customer?
  3. is the analysis pre-defined or created at runtime with new data?
  4. is the purpose to provide data to a user?
  5. is the purpose to generate a forecast from a VA - virtual assistant?
  6. does the forecast account for risk tolerances?
  7. are the risks and forecasts adjusted from experience? using a beta?
  8. can the user set a risk preference for the forecasts?
  9. does the forecast compare multiple model accuracy over time?
  10. more



https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l5jCQ_ppFNKkOX6_xJSDRSVyBjYAL7qkGuide to Data Visualization Techniques



Data Science Concepts Summary for Business Leaders
Business Analytics
http://www.innovativeprojectguide.com/documents/BABOK_Guide_v3_Member.pdfBusiness Analysis Book of Knowledge




Groovy Data Science Tools presentation - pdf -   Paul King
DataCamp - data science for managers
edx data management and statistics for data analytics
https://cran.r-project.org/R project
https://cran.r-project.org/manuals.htmlR project documentation
https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-intro.pdfR Intro
https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-data.pdfR Data Import / Export
https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-admin.pdfR admin


data-science-online-education-low-cost-2021.pdf  gdrv

Data Science Learning programs online - low cost - 2021 **

More app value comes from better data
a few open source data visualization tools - 2019
Using R with MongoDb
2024 - blog-open-source-bi-tools** good current list of BI tools

https://www.techrepublic.com/article/data-scientist-vs-data-analyst-3-main-differences/Difference between data analyst and data scientist
https://www.techrepublic.com/article/cheat-sheet-how-to-become-a-data-scientist/Skills to become a data scientist

Key Concepts

Data Analytics Key Topics


q> how to test .net mysql connector ??



using pbi

a> powerbi presentation ---

a> Data-Driven Businesses presentation

Describe how a top performing company operates today

finds key opportunities and challenges quickly

reacts quickly as the landscape changes

knows the value of solutions, services, features, customer use cases

What is critical for all of those capabilities?

Data, Information, Knowledge, Actions, Results, Impacts, Value

data driven systems
get value from data
learn by doing
agile questions > answers models
understand ..
partners, industry sectors
customer searches
customer orders, tranactions, service levels, gaps
customer satisfaction - direct, indirect measures
customer behavior with my org, other orgs
customer value from our services, products
customer recommendations
data analytics uses
automation solutions
data sources
data services
db2, docs, sql, nosql, apis,
data models vs reports
models answer categories of questions
create models - query editor, data models

Other Data Analytics Sources

Business Analytics Book topics

The knowledge areas of BABOK Guide are:

  • Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring: describes the tasks used to organize and coordinate business analysis efforts.
  • Elicitation and Collaboration: describes the tasks used to prepare for and conduct elicitation activities and confirm the results.
  • Requirements Life Cycle Management: the tasks used to manage and maintain requirements and design information from inception to retirement.
  • Strategy Analysis: describes the tasks used to identify the business need, address that need, and align the change strategy within the enterprise.
  • Requirements Analysis and Design Definition: describes the tasks used to organize requirements, specify and model requirements and designs, validate and verify information, identify solution options, and estimate the potential value that could be realized.
  • Solution Evaluation: describes the tasks used to assess the performance of and value delivered by a solution and to recommend improvements on increasing values.

Open-source BI Tools

Top Open Source BI Tools In 2024 (Quick Reference Guide).pdf.  link


  1. Eclipse BIRT
  2. Apache Superset
  3. Seal Report & ETL
  4. Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Suite Community Edition
  5. Metabase Open Source Edition
  6. ReportServer Community Edition
  7. KNIME Analytics Platform
  8. Helical Insight Community Edition
  9. Preset Cloud
  10. FineReport
  11. SQL Power Wabit 
  12. Pentaho Community Edition
  13. An open source BI tool is only as good as the data it pulls

Eclipse Business Intelligence Reporting Tool (BIRT) is an open-source software project to provide a platform for reporting functionality and data visualizations. It includes a visual report designer and a charting engine. The designs you create can be used across many data sources.

Apache Superset is a “modern data exploration and visualization platform.” This is an open source project with options including built-in visualizations, charts, and interactive dashboards. It is lightweight, flexible to connect to any SQL-based datasource, and is highly scalable. 

Powered by Apache Superset, Preset Cloud is a fully managed service to create custom, interactive analytics, with visual or SQL-based queries, dashboards, and visualizations. The free version allows up to 5 users. 

Seal Report ( PowerBi alternative ) is an open source project framework for daily reporting from any database, providing basic querying, charts, and web reports. It differs from other tools in that it was developed for the Microsoft .Net Framework. 

The Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Suite Community Edition is a platform consisting of different components. JasperReports is the reporting server, which can create analytics to be embedded or otherwise shared. The BI Suite also includes Jaspersoft Studio, which is an Eclipse-based report designer that features a report editing interface for visual report design that allows you to create complex layouts and  preview your data. The Jaspersoft BI Suite Commercial Edition includes additional functionality, including ad hoc and dashboard design. 

ReportServer Community allows you access to a variety of tools within a single platform interface. From within ReportServer, you can utilize some of the different reporting tools listed above, such as Eclipse BIRT or JasperReport, as well as other reporting tools and an OLAP server. The ReportServer Enterprise edition provides additional functionality for a fee. 

KNIME Analytics Platform is an intuitive platform that provides ease of use for beginners and robust tools for more experienced analysts. It utilizes visual workflows and a low-code/no-code interface while offering the possibility for coding or using ML libraries for advanced analysts. KNIME Hub is commercial software that can be added on for additional capabilities.

FineReport is a reporting tool that allows users to design and generate reports and publish them to a report server to be viewed on a variety of devices, including mobile apps or large presentation screens. The fully functional application is free for personal use; pricing is available for commercial use.

Pentaho Community Edition is a pared down version of Hitachi Vantara’s Pentaho Enterprise Edition. The Community Edition allows you to create a variety of data visualizations using their report designer.

Learning R roadmap

DataCamp Data Scientist with R Track program - 22 courses

I can personally vouch for the quality of Jonathan Regenstein's book and associated shiny apps. Very easy to follow along and well-structured. I also appreciate the ability learn code in xts, tidyverse, and tidyquant/tibbletime side-by-side. Especially when you're attempting to go from a novice-level R user (using xts objects in my case) to a person looking to build shiny apps.

Learning Python roadmap

Visualizations should tell a story, answer key questions, highlight key facts

Guide to Visualization Methods


how to mix data types on different chart types

Consider Live data charts

  1. charts can be connected to data streams and updated as data changes
    1. think a 911 dashboard on hot calls
  2. a 2 way chart can update the data source directly as well
    1. think a actual vs forecast sales chart. During review, the forecast lines for future months can be moved to a new level changing the forecast in the data source ( see ENVY/400 charts 1994 )
  3. drill-down charts
    1. think monthly sales by division. Click on a division's month sales to drill down to a pie chart showing product lines sales for that division this month or a chart showing monthly sales by product line for just that division

Potential Value Opportunities

Data Science Concepts Summary for Business Leaders


Potential Challenges








Candidate Solutions

Open Source Analytics Solutions


BI-tools-logz.io-18 Free and Open Source Business Intelligence Tools.pdf

BIRT and Grafana are 2 open-source advanced charting solutions

BIRT open-source data analytics visualizations

Grafana enterprise open-source data analytics visualizations


Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps

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