s Blockchain in Public Sector - Redefine Governance, Operations

Key Points

  1. many use cases: identity, assets, transactions, tokens
  2. governments have jurisdictions, legal contexts
  3. iam - traditional vs DID models
  4. governments have multiple identity roles: issuer, holder, verifier 
  5. feature - impacts
  6. use cases x sig
  7. governance & regulations - impacts
  8. building consortiums - rethink, re-engineer VCN
  9. public - private partnerships
  10. questions

  • Paramount is a leading IT services firm

  • delivers creative solutions
    using the latest technologies including blockchain
    to solve business problems.

  • over 200 technical experts with deep skills, business experience in industries including public sector

  • Excited to partner with 101 Blockchains to educate others on blockchain




PS 101 Blockchain session - Panel - Public Sector Blockchain Governance and Use Cases

word doc

Blockchain Liability Legal Risks - Study - 2021governance management can reduce liability risks

https://mailchi.mp/paramountsoft.net/enterprise-blockchain-workshopSession I - Enterprise Blockchain Concepts & Value invite


Webinar recording link
ps-blockchain-concepts-value_v2.pptxWebinar - Jim Mason slide deck - v1
swt-identity-blockchain-concepts-v1.pptx     gdrvWebinar - Jim Mason slide deck - v2 ***

blockchain concepts

Blockchains - different types, different use cases

Bitcoin - public, anonymous, trade Bitcoin, BFT consensus

Ethereum - public, anonymous, trade Ether, BFT consensus, smart contracts

Fabric - permissioned, membership, smart contracts, multiple consensus

Others:  Corda, Quorum, Hyperchain, Multichain, EOS, Simba chain


smart-contract-alex-rosen-2020-globaltrademag.com-How to Save Time and Money with Blockchain Smart Contracts.pdf

Smart Contract concepts - Alex Rosen

##  excellent article on when, where, why to use smart contracts

PKI concepts - keys, encryption, certificates, identities, signature

 - my pki pptx ?

more PKI

chain of blocks - see YouTube video


merkle-tree-concepts-blockonomi.com-What is a Merkle Tree Beginners Guide to
this Blockchain Component.pdf

Understanding Merkle Trees

Jim Writing


C:\Users\Jim Mason\Google Drive\_swt\_psoft\writing\blockchain\

Jim ps workshop 1 - ebc concepts value


C:\Users\Jim Mason\Google Drive\_swt\_psoft\writing\blockchain\

Jim Blockchain pptx 
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gaoUm22SnE2s3XRVVRAfk38ul8Tjx6FGJim  –  jmason_fabric_POC_project_v1.pptx

Identity concepts

Enterprise blockchain concepts

EB Features Impacts with examples

integrated solutions that include: cloud, IoT, Big Data, Machine Learning, Analytics in new BPM

Industry use case summaries
ESG support models for organizationsESG support models for organizations
EnerBlock NSF SBIR Phase I Update 11-04-19.pptx
blockchain-forbes-2019-use-cases-com-Blockchain 50 Billion Dollar Babies.pdfforbes 50 article 
John Jordan - govt projects

Food Trust Network

Trust Your Supplier


m Blockchain Supply Chain#IBM-MaerskShippingBlockchain-TradeLens

Trade Lens
https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/initiative-mapEBC - European Blockchain Council - blockchain project map ***
https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/Get+Started+EBSIEBSI - European Blockchain Services Infrastructure
http://widgets.weforum.org/blockchain-toolkit/step-two/WEF Blockchain Toolkit
Consensys public sector bc projects - 2020 ***



DARPA - digital modernization strategy uses blockchain - 2023

DoD Records Management Program 2024 **

Develops and establishes DoD policy and standards to implement a DoD Records Management Program, including the life-cycle management of records in all media in accordance with References



Colorado Blockchain Council - report - 2019 ***
guiding principles, governance, opportunities, challenges, strategies



2008  - eGovernment Capability Maturity Model - DG CMM


Multi-Dimensional Approach to Digital Government Capability Assessment pdf

2008 - Multi-Dimensional Approach to Digital
Government Capability Assessment


dg-cmm-2017-gartner.com-5 Levels of Digital Government Maturity.pdf

5 Levels of Digital Government Maturity - Gartner - 2017


Gartner Digital Government Maturity Model 2.0

Gartner Digital Government Maturity Model 2.0

DG CMM - Digital Government Concept Presentation.PDF

DG CMM - Digital Government Concept Presentation ***




Re-engineering business system networks
ecosystem to consortiums
role engineering
processes to contracts

2020 - access to pc or smartphones - US
Next Steps


analysis on current state - FACTUR3DT.io

BOA - Blockchain Opportunity Assessment

Key Resources

  • swt confluence
  • hlf docs
  • some blockchain books
  • andy martin, biser posts
  • some SIG presentations in use_cases folder
  • demo vinblock or ????
  • reference TYS for consortium concepts

How Blockchain integrates a digital economy 

What's missing ?  governance and trust models 

From Andy Martin, IBM





governments face challenges in the digital age and must find new ways in how to create trust in their systems while handling new societal challenges. Distributed ledger technology (DLT) of which blockchain is one system has experienced in recent years a lot of attention as it offers new ways of bringing public services to citizens and businesses. Because of this, governments have started experimenting and investing in blockchain and DLT solutions for the public sector

present a total of 21 DLT use cases associated to each of the Dutch ministries to show potential opportunities for application in different public sectors and services in the Netherlands. The use cases analysed build the basis for a new decision-making approach, in which we highlight the different steps that can be taken by the government to identify application possibilities in the future. Our findings highlight, that DLT can have an impact on the following public values:

  • • Strengthen democratic values;
  • • Increase public integrity;
  • • Collaboration;
  • • Government efficiency.

Jim>> democratic values is a subjective definition. the other 3 potential benefits are easier to reach consensus

DLT has currently a lot of limitations and immaturities. And DLT adoption depends highly on the organisational, societal, technological and ecosystem context

Challenges for DLT in digital government

The government should further investigate, and address

  • barriers in the local context (i.e. legal framework, lack of skills in the government,
  • the attitude of government staff and the government as well as a
  • lack of capital and funding in the Netherlands) to enable and support blockchain solution development that strengthen public value.
  • This needs to be always done in a way that takes into account the contribution to (or loss of) the public values of society.
  • representation and participation of stakeholder interests for citizens, organizations
  • prioritization of use cases by value, cost, risk, probability of success

Jim>> this view above is the physical view not the management view for stakeholders in a VCN 

use case list for digital government in the Netherlands

Short Session 1 - Enterprise Blockchain Concepts & Value 

New seminar limited to 20 minutes for this sessions

  1. 12 slides max

    1. current systems > visual + issues – show ETL model – separate db view

    2. ebc > visual + impacts – show mult shared writes to shared db view

    3. ebc choices > many vs viable vs fabric = highest in forbes 50 for a reason

    4. fabric flex – logical vs physical nets w integrated svcs, data?

    5. user env – user = roles, authn, authz, ids, wallets, client apps > services

    6. fabric ebc sfw stack – platform independent, integrated, managed

    7. uc1 – tradelens --- opp > solution > impacts

    8. uc2 – food trust for recalls

    9. uc3 – verified.me

    10. uc4 – pss sum: f2plate, sahoja, nsf ( iot, auto, ml ), utilities

    11. opps > automated contracts, workflows, integration, trust, intelligence

    12. where r u? > solution process – discovery, opportunity, definition, delivery, support

    13. boa + metagility + bos ( opportunity survey )

  2. key points

  3. what is ebc? - visual slides on ecosystem, sfw stack, id + tokens

  4. Demo ebc automation, data – vinblock or cpaper 2?

  5. why ebc? Forbes 50 – key wins including dcs, food trust, tradelens, tys

    1. opportunity > solution > impacts format

  6. your roadmap, next steps > boa and .... more info resources

why fabric keys ...

automated governance, finality, scale, automation, smart contract business rules, integration, flexible configuration, pluggable services, mult languages, composer modeler

Session I - Enterprise Blockchain Concepts & Value

• Enterprise Blockchain solutions are a strategic investment for an organization. They are also different than public blockchains.

• This session presents the basic concepts of Enterprise Blockchain: organizations, consortiums, identity, wallets, membership, authentication, roles, abac – account-based access control, logical and physical networks, digital assets, distributed ledgers, peers, orderers, smart contracts, consensus, transactions, events, shared data, data privacy, data views, token reward systems and payment systems.

• The session also references different organization contexts for Enterprise Blockchain ( Supply Chain, Finance, Public sector, Healthcare etc ) as well as potential regulatory impacts of GDPR, CCPA and other regulations.

• Re-think and re-engineer how a network works. It’s more than just blockchain technology. Often Big Data, IoT ( Internet of Things ), Machine Learning, Automation and other technologies are part of the new solution as well. A few sample use cases for Enterprise Blockchains are reviewed focusing on how they deliver value for the respective organizations.

• Summary -
• Key Takeaway 1
Understand the key features of Enterprise Blockchains compared to Public Blockchain

• Key Takeaway 2
• See how smart contracts automate transactions across a network in real time

• Key Takeaway 3
• Learn how Enterprise Blockchain networks have changed business operations

Session Slide Deck - Enterprise Blockchain Concepts

Session - Identity Blockchains


Session - Blockchain in Public Sector 





Notes on current slide deck version

Missing use cases 

Missing identity, credentials, taxation, 

Missing Indy, Aries, Vonx libraries

Missing an SDP w BOA

Missing 1 slide on Psoft BC delivery > projects on blockchain

References ...



WB_PSS-JEM-notes.pptx - good notes on fabric design engineering options - deep dive prequel

s Blockchain Opportunity Assessment - BOA

Chainyard TYS Deck - Supply Chain SIG.pptx

__ about chainyard





Blockchain 50 - 2020

Michael - Congrats on the new role at Forbes!

I'm busy researching more on my great grandmother and delivering an enterprise blockchain seminar this Thursday ---


I want to use your article on the Blockchain 50 ( 2020 ) as the starting point to show where blockchain is in use now.

Let me know if this is the right link:


Thanks very much,


EBC Slide Set

Paramount Workshop 1 - Enterprise Blockchain Concepts & Value



registration page


registration form did not capture


interest  priority

call me X


questions ?  enter in chat

Jim Mason bio

Blockchain Practice Director with

Paramount Solutions Software - an IT solution services provider with focus on Digital Transformation, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Analytics and more

My Experience covers:

  • DLT Architect and Product Owner
  • IBM, Fidelity, Citizens Bank and more
  • European Blockchain Observatory & Forum, Experts Panel
  • Hyperledger Public Sector leader and Boston Meetup
  • Rhode Island Self Sovereign Identity POC for Dept of Business Regulations
  • P2P Energy Trading Marketplace and Carbon Trading Marketplace on Hyperledger Fabric
  • Hyperledger Fabric documentation team - 3 years
  • MOBI - core teams on VID, CMDM standards
  • VINblock tracking vehicle registrations in an online market, 
  • Cloud data analytics & data services for dealers
  • Big data services & analytics for Apple CustomerCare and others,
  • IoT integrations for event automation

The session .. EBC concepts & value – at 50,000 feet quickly

We need to focus on:

  1. what it is
  2. value delivered
  3. sample use cases
  4. keys to success

We'll provide slides via email to all registered attendees

as well as answers to selected questions

what is ebc?

- visual > nodes net, shared immutable ledger, dist transactions, scontracts, consensus, msp, orderers, msp, ca, wallets, tokens



Basic blockchains ( DLT )

  1. Peer Network - host organizations: each maintain a copy of shared ledger in synch using smart contracts
  2. Immutable, shared ledger - chain of write-only transaction blocks ordered by date distributed across host organizations
  3. Smart contract - secured program implements a contract between parties to validate, write transactions on the ledger with event support
  4. Consensus  method- policies define how transactions are approved, posted to the ledger
  5. Governance services to manage the network


Enterprise Blockchain Differences

chart  bc vs ebc differences or see the Fabric slide - Features and Impacts


smart contracts & transaction flow


Which existing contracts are candidates for smart contracts?


  1. Use FACTUR3DT.io on the existing contractual relationships
  2. are there trust issues, costs, risks in the relationships?  true with external contracts vs internal
  3. are there contracts difficult to execute between parties ( vs simple ones that run well all the time )?
  4. is there extensive paper documentation required with signatures ?
  5. are there counter party risks between companies on contract execution?
  6. are there frequent reconciliations, rework, returns, losses, inspections, discounts that occur?
  7. what data is currently used in the existing processes ?
  8. should the data inputs be automated, improved?
  9. what audits and compliance issues exist?

current network compared to blockchain network

> visual + issues – show ETL model – separate db view

Given defined transactions and agreed contracts, which is better? Why?


Current Business Networks - Integration Challenges

Sample scenario looks at commercial paper life cycle

Each organization has separate database with security, maintenance issues

Intermediaries needed for validations to reduce counter party risks

Added delays, errors, rework, audits, costs, risks, inefficiencies, compliance issues

ebc view

> visual + impacts – show mult shared writes to shared db view


Blockchain Business Network - Coordination Benefits

Trusted, shared, historical, single version of the truth for all

Client apps call smart contracts to write to the ledger

Smart contracts write approved, signed transactions to shared, immutable ledger

Fewer delays, errors, rework, audits, costs, risks, inefficiencies, compliance issues

Coordination creates a Value Chain Network ( VCN )



Need ?

multiple participants in a BVN with counter party risk

if I pay you, will you deliver the goods and services as agreed?

Compare to current solutions

independently developed

multiple data movements

EBC potential values

<< can a blockchain add value slide + compliance model >>

Visual – id, shared system of record - trust, transparency, security, privacy, confidentiality, perf, track and trace, chain of custody, contracts, governance, automation
>> more value w iot, big data, data services, analytics, automation, ML

Faster transactions and data

Better quality data with defined smart contracts for transactions, data validations

Trust in network participants with reputations

Reduced friction with known members, defined roles, rules for counter-party risk, governance

Compliance with regulations

Lower operations costs when automated with events, AI

Coorindated digital value network - more than integrated

Enterprise Blockchain Platform Choices

> many vs viable vs fabric = highest in forbes 50 for a reason

Forbes Blockchain 50 - major blockchain solution case studies

Forbes Blockchain 50 article
Edited by Michael del Castillo and Matt Schifrin


Highlights large companies using blockchain solutions
Key impacts: speed business processes, increase transparency, lower costs, improve compliance on value chain networks
Great place to understand blockchain value delivered
I made assumptions on which blockchain platforms they focused on

Compare Key Enterprise Platforms: Fabric,  Ethereum  Corda

Open-source?Yes – many core orgsYes – many core orgsYes – 1 core org
shared ledger?YesYesNo
private data?YesOptionsYes
consensus?Execute > order > validateOrder > execute / validateExecute / validate > order
tokens?Not directlyYesNot directly
performance?> 3000 TPS< 50 TPS public> 6000 TPS




private data




Hyperledger - an Open Blockchain Solution provider

are you joining an existing network?

No need for Hyperledger

do you need to build a ledger or a network?

Hyperledger is a great starting point

Platforms vs Support Services

Focus only on Fabric today

Fabric Features and Impacts


A different type of distributed ledger
Users have digital identities to access
Transactions are signed by users
Endorsed transactions
Transactions hashed in sequence in blocks
Transactions are “write-only”
Smart contracts create transactions
Can integrate with payments, tokens
Public or private?
Permissioned or permissionless?
Options for private data
Event support


Shared real-time data across organizations
Trusted, secured identity for users
Proof who created a transaction
Proof transactions are approved
Proof transactions occurred at a set time
Proof that transactions are not changed
Authorized access only, no direct data access
Enables payments, incentives for users
Who can read a blockchain
Who can write to a blockchain
Who can read shared, private transactions
Automated workflows with transaction finality

fabric networks: logical vs physical

– logical vs physical nets w integrated svcs, data?


Blockchain networks with only a few organizations

Every organization may be a host on the network and the network can perform well

Blockchain networks with many organizations

A logical blockchain network may be created with

A few large host organizations running the physical network of nodes

Many participant organizations that join the network but do not host it and do not exist as nodes

An example would be OEM auto manfacturers and car dealers. A few large OEMs and many thousands of small car dealers.

OEMs might host nodes on the network

Dealers join as members but don’t host

fabric ebc sfw stack

– platform independent, integrated, managed


fabric environment  ( skip ??? )

– user = roles, authn, authz, ids, wallets, client apps > services > smart contracts

org.user event flow – schedule a truck

org.sensor automated event flow – schedule a truck

fabric private data


Blockchain Interoperability Concepts, Standards


Blockchain Use Cases

uc0 - blockchain success requirements

standard project success criteria +++

committed roles for sponsors, owners, champions, business partners, governance teams, implementation partners

clear business case defined for all participant roles

right blockchain platform to fit the use case

successful pilot based on business roles,

uc1 – tradelens --- opp > solution > impacts



high costs of separate data integration - $2T savings

poor visibility on shipments

slow payments

costly documentation management



TradeLens permissioned blockchain

Value chain network integrates suppliers, carriers, owners and more

role-based authorizations and private data ensure confidentiality

uses Hyperledger Fabric blockchain to store proofs


coordinates owners, carriers, warehouses, ports, terminals and authorities

fast automation and approval of shipping documents, payments

improved trust across all parties

all parties have immediate access to their information

information is private, restricted to authorized parties

provides an online marketplace for 3rd party apps and services

uc2 – food trust for recalls

Food trust supply chain connects Food Trust benefits



Many participants to integrate separately across supply chains

high support costs

poor traceability of products leads to broad recalls

difficulties proving chain of custody

documentation issues can lead to slow payments


IBM Food Trust Network

BAAS - Blockchain As A Service

links growers, processors, distributors and retailers in single value chain

Decentralized governance organization sets operations rules

uses Hyperledger Fabric blockchain to store proofs


more than 15,000 stores in 33 countries connected

not controlled by 1 company

improves traceability of goods through supply chain

lower recall costs

provides chain of custody

safer, more efficient, transparent supply chain

uc3 – verified.me




no universal method for organizations, individuals to provde identity

reliance on existing paper documents and manual workflows

separate data stores for organizations verifying others

individuals may expose more personal information than needed

documents less secure, get lost

can't automatically revoke access on paper documents


SecureKey Technologies partnered with British Columbia

created digital identities for indviduals and organizations

fully encryped identity and access management

uses Hyperledger Fabric blockchain to store proofs


new, secure way to verify your identity

get faster access to products, services and support online, in person or on phone

helps you verify your identity quickly and securely, using personal information that

you consent to share from your Connections.

Verified.Me reduces oversharing – you choose when and with whom you want to share your personal information. You are always in contro

uc 5 - BC OrgBook - Identity, Credentials for Businesses







uc6 – pss F2P - Farm to Plate: food safety, recalls, ethical sourcing, 

f2plate, sahoja, nsf ( iot, auto, ml ),


f2f-plan-jim-notes.pptx g gdrv


uc7 - trusted ESG governance 

governance bodies, standards and practices are evolving, not set, in many areas when compared with the maturity of existing financial management


Thanks Andrea Frosinini for this. It's clear many of these ESG governance domains lack the maturity of financial governance regulations, standards and practices at this point. Yes there are multiple standards bodies, certifier organizations but in most cases their acceptance is not universal. The standards and metrics for governance of carbon management and the acceptance of those is changing now as an example. Thanks again.

ESG support models for Organizations - McKinsey - 2021 - The role of ESG and purpose


Five big themes emerged.

  1. The first is having clarity on what matters. Investors are not interested in frothy statements but in understanding how purpose is material to the performance of the business. T
  2. he second is evidence of metrics. Investors want businesses to be much clearer on why purposeful activity produces business outcomes.
  3. They also want to see how senior-executive teams are aligned through their incentive systems to deliver purposeful activity.
  4. The fourth area is how purpose informs capital allocation decisions, both financial and human capital.
  5. The final concern is standardization of reporting. There has been an explosion of different reporting mechanisms, which is not necessarily helpful, but as in any new frontier, you will start to see coalescing around the most powerful and easy-to-adopt standards.

fabric opps > automated contracts, workflows, integration, trust, intelligence

Can Enterprise Blockchain add value to your BVN ?

<< adapted from the question list is ebc right for you – fab concepts flows >>

Is a shared, persistent data store useful? Maybe

Is there a need for shared data and data privacy? Maybe

Is improving trust and transparency in our business network a goal? Maybe

Is a complete, accurate historical record of all changes useful? Maybe

Is tracking consent, agreement and signatures important? Maybe

Is reducing friction, risk and settlement times important? Maybe

Are the transactions supporting business contracts? Probably

Are compliance and audit important? Probably

Do multiple parties need to add data or process transactions? Probably

If half of these factors apply to your use case, blockchain may add a lot of value

Potential Value Points

re-think BVN outside your organization

who are then end customers?

what are the steps needed to supply goods or services?

integrate, coordinate, automate

hyperchain labs

Identity - KYC, KYS




M3 - Mason Maturity Model for VCN

BVN > VCN =  connected > integrated > coordinated > automated > smart

BTP - where r u? > solution process – discovery, opportunity, definition, delivery, support, grow

blockchain transformation process

our solution approach

metagility + boa + bos

deliver business solutions with blockchain

define personas for each role in the network

review current challenges for each

identify counter-party risks for transactions

define common transaction rules

design blockchain network model


Jim invites

script to send emails or just linkedin messages

Chris Gabriel

John Carpenter

Pramod Saija

Liz Tanner

Michael Castillo

Ken Carroll

AJ Bhambhani

Richard Rubin

Adhavan Ramasamy

Madahavan Munisamy

Jason Ward ??

Fred Carvalho ??

Jim Gudaitis ??

Venkat ??

Carol Smith ??

Brian Owen

Jim Anderson

Dawn Dawson

Chip DiFolco

Eileen nemug

Rich Marcotte nemug


Key Concepts

Potential Value Opportunities

Good Governance Builds Better Trust

Current Crypto Market and DeFi now have many of the same challenges: KYC, AML, Centralization, Trust, Verification, Governance, FACTUR3DT.IO


What are DeFi's problems?

The technologies are good but will be better.

The technologies can support a number of use cases now

The problems ( as usual ) are the people.

Listen to the claims ( few of which are verfiiable today )

In theory, there is no difference between theory and reality

but in reality ( and DeFi ) there is

Key thoughts on DeFi

Trust doesn't come free

Trust doesn't come from using technologies

Trust comes from Good Governance

Enterprise Blockchain Value Opportunities

Identity Blockchain Value Opportunities

  1. Verifiable digital identities
  2. Verifiable digital credentials ( licenses )
  3. Verifiable digital signatures for data provenance on transactions
  4. Verifiable consent management
  5. User managed identities implement Self-Sovereign Identity and privacy standards
  6. Better identity protection with selective disclosure proofs, non-correlated data
  7. Automated digital trust using smart wallets (implement Trust Over IP standards)
  8. Improved compliance at lower costs
  9. Significant fraud reductions possible
  10. Better data quality for analytics, reporting
  11. Improved data security for identities, credentials
  12. Authentication support to some legacy systems leveraging OIDC ( Open ID Connect ) and related interfaces
  13. Legal compliance with current and many future regulations ( GDPR, CCPA etc )
  14. Safety of of Personal Identity Information ( PII )from theft, fraud


    faster, decentralized ctls, immutable ledger

    more accurate identity info in 1 register

    more efficient processes save costs, resources

    lower business, individual frictions, costs

    improve experience for individual, businesses

Potential Challenges

Some Public Sector Challenges for Blockchain and Digital Identity ( DID )

Define the governance model

Governance Concepts
Drop focus on technologies and focus on business models and governance  for network operation, growth
Governance questions  include:
what are the membership roles, responsibilities for firms, individuals, agencies ?
what authorities do they have ?
what policies are set at the member level by role?
what policies are set at the network level?
how are disputes tracked, managed, resolved?
how do the governing rules and regulations get set?
who manages the governance of the network?
who manages the operations of the network?
who manages the support of the clients?
who provides services to the clients?
how are they chosen, trained, staffed?
Look at Sovrin, Trust Your Supplier governance models
Consider integration with State health departments on inspections, compliance, alerts, recall interfaces
F2F advantage>>
focus on business and operating model transparency
encourages active member participation and ownership of the network

Access to smart devices - US - not universal in 2020


  1. Based on current access to smart devices ( smart phones and / or PCs ) in the US, digital identity systems can't fully replace existing paper systems.
  2. In 2019, 83% of adults in US urban areas own a smartphone 
  3. It's estimated 81% of US adults own a smart phone in 2020
  4. Realistically, approximately 10 - 15% of US adults do not have a smart phone or PC access in 2020.
  5. Android and Apple smart phones do allow multiple users to use a single phone with separate user accounts as an option.

Pew Research study - 2020

The vast majority of Americans – 96% – now own a cellphone of some kind. The share of Americans that own smartphones is now 81%, up from just 35% in Pew Research Center’s first survey of smartphone ownership conducted in 2011. Along with mobile phones, Americans own a range of other information devices. Nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults now own desktop or laptop computers, while roughly half now own tablet computers and roughly half own e-reader devices.

Credit card ownership in the US is similar ( 2018, 83% of adults 30 - 49 years old have a credit card

Conclusions on use of Smart Phone digital identity in US in 2020

  1. While digital systems are excellent, they can't be the ONLY delivery mechanism for public services.
  2. Based on current trends with over 81% of US adults owning a smart phone, it's expected within 5 years, smart phone ownership will exceed 90% of the adults in the US
  3. It's important now to add digital identity solutions because they can improve access & efficiency for many, provide additional security and control while reducing costs and errors in many public services 
  4. As digital identity systems increase, it becomes important devices that are shared ( smart phones, PCs etc ) among adults support "multi-tenant" access and security for digital identity and services allowing secure access for adults who don't own a smart phone
    1. This will allow "public smart phones" similar to the old public phone booths provided in the 20th century opening access to all

2020 access to smart devices in the US

Candidate Solutions

EBC - European Blockchain Council - blockchain project map


IBM Food Trust

From boardrooms to kitchens around the world, there’s unprecedented demand for a smarter, safer food supply. IBM Food Trust™ makes it possible, delivering transformative business results and unrivaled piece of mind.

Food Trust is the only network of its kind to connect participants across the food supply through a permissioned, permanent and shared record of food system data.

Trust Your Supplier

"in the world of Supplier Information Management speed and risk mitigation are tremendously important in establishing the partnerships so critical to business growth and success. Unfortunately, most organizations have been unable to address these challenges."

"Trust Your Supplier (or TYS), addresses these pain points and more"

"TYS creates a Trusted Source of Supplier Information and Digital Identity that simplifies and accelerates Supplier Onboarding and Lifecycle Management. Supplier-provided trusted data, their identity, is used by buyers to validate and manage the partnership. It’s immediate access to real-time data that generates massive savings and reduction of risk. "

Step-by-step guide for Example

What's worth more than Bitcoin today?

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps