m RI ebc pilot 1

m RI ebc pilot 1

Key Points

  1. Follow PMO standards
  2. Define requirements as executable test cases 
  3. Create test environments
  4. Done right, a blockchain solution creates a Business Value Chain of Trust
  5. Put Trust to Work






https://www.politico.com/newsletters/digital-future-daily/2023/02/09/the-smallest-state-has-the-biggest-blockchain-ambitions-00082118?tab=most-readLiz Tanner - RI RFI for Phase 2 State Identity project for businesses

Liz Tanner - Enterprise Blockchain Award - 2021


Liz Tanner - Enterprise Blockchain Award - 2021 ***

https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-m-tanner-esq-95a7546/Liz Tanner Linkedin
https://www.govtech.com/computing/rhode-island-eyes-blockchain-based-identity-management-projectRI Business Digital Identity Project - 2023 - RFP launched
https://ridop.ri.gov/vendors/bidding-opportunitiesRI Digital Identity Project Phase 2 -
RFP#: 23002232 Digital Transformation for Business Registration and Credentialing.
https://www.golocalprov.com/business/rhode-island-commerce-honored-as-economic-development-agency-of-the-yearRI Honored as Economic Development Agency of the year - 2022 Go Global Awards
https://ntia.gov/press-release/2022/biden-harris-administration-awards-55-million-rhode-island-internet-all-planningRI award for digital equity

RI article on Blockchain in Digital Identity Verification

RI article on Blockchain in Digital Identity Verification pdf

Rhode Island Wants To Make It Easier To Do Business Using Blockchain Technology 2022 forbes url

forbes.com-Rhode Island Wants To Make It Easier To Do Business Using Blockchain Technology.pdf file


SSI shifts the identity and credential management from centralized systems run by the government with all the associated silos to a peer-to-peer model using public-key cryptography, decentralized identifiers over a blockchain.

The second element is Hyperledger Indy, a distributed ledger purpose-built for decentralized identity. Hyperledger Indy comes with tools, libraries, and reusable components to create and use independent digital identities on blockchains.

Finally, there is Hyperledger Aries, the client part of a decentralized identity application. Aries is the client layer within Hyperledger Indy that facilitates interaction with other platforms.

Blockchain and Identity reference pages
Digital Identity Concepts
m SSI / DID / VC - Self Sovereign Identity
m TOIP Trust Over IP
m Public Sector - LFDT
m Public Sector Sessions 1
Identity Management security concepts
s Blockchain in Public Sector - Redefine Governance, Operations
m Hyperledger Indy
m Hyperledger Aries - identity, data management tools

ri ID BC - POC Testing
https://rhodeisland.service-now.com/sp?id=indexHelp Desk portal
RI Blockchain POC Project Folder RI Blockchain POC Project Folder
RI Confluence Page for Blockchain POC RI Confluence Page for Blockchain POC
RI Sharepoint project folder Blockchain POCRI SharePoint project folder
DBR Blockchain POC groupRI DBR Blockchain POC Group

RI Blockchain POC SOW

SOW - BlockChain - Draft_v10.docx

RI Blockchain POC SOW•
RI Confluence project page url
RI Confluence SharePoint project status folder url

t Todo Listmy task list w time log
my time sheet

Reference materials
1Drive workshop folder for poc project

Rhode Island - Blockchain Use Case.pdf

Rhode Island - Blockchain Use Case.pdf link

vis use case 1 - cpa license

Jim Mason blockchain overview ***

ACE Education Blockchain Initiative


blockchain grants in education ??
https://tech.ed.gov/blockchain/33Blockchain in Education - US Office of Education

https://e-estonia.com/category/blockchain/Estonia blockchain
PWC on Estonia blockchain

VONbook - Jordan, Curran - detailed
https://trustoverip.org/Trust Over IP org

Public-facing DIDs Vs. Private _pairwise_ DIDs -
Technical _ DIDs (Decentralized Identifiers) - Sovrin.pdf
public vs pairwise DIDs - Sovrin


at master · WebOfTrustInfo_rwot3-sf · GitHub.pdf

DID concepts - Sovrin w3c

RI license process for mobile food truck

doc xfer
SOW - BlockChain - Draft_v10-notes.docx
Rhode Island_Blockchain_KickOffDeckFinal.pdf
onotes.txtonotes.txt ***

POC to Production changes.xlsx

POC to Production changes (1).xlsx

poc to production concepts ***


RI-DBR-Blockchain-POC-Report-DRAFT-v2.docx   from win


POC Final Report ***

RI DBR Blockchain Project Workshop v1.docx win

RI_DBR_Blockchain_Workshop (1).pptx

RI_DBR_Blockchain_Workshop (1)-jem.pptx

RI_DBR_Blockchain_Workshop (2).pptx

Identity Blockchain POC Integration Concepts - v6.pptx

Identity Blockchain POC Integration Concepts - v7.pptx

Identity Blockchain POC Integration Concepts - v8.pptx

Blockchain Demo video-v1-Liz.pptx


Transaction_Flows_POC_V6 (3).pptx








POC Review Workshop ***
WP_Blockchain-RI_TC_v6_06.11.2020.docxInfosys White Paper **

RI Blockchain POC RFP **
BlockChain POC Identity_use_cases_v3.docx
BlockchainPOC-RI-TestCases 0.3 (2).xlsx



work group pptx

to ri



RI_DBR-Blockchain-POC-v9-all (3).pptx




dbr bc summary pptx

to ri



bc concepts pptx

to ri



DBR use case analysis **

swt-publc-sector-identity-blockchain-solutions-v1.docx   file







swt-publc-sector-identity-blockchain-solutions-v1.docx   ****




UAT Test documentation **
temp-notes1.txttemp notes
VO script for governance_RI_v1.docx

RI State forms, sites
https://www.sos.ri.gov/doc_lib/searchRI forms inventory
http://www.dmv.ri.gov/licenses/DMV site
http://business.sos.ri.gov/loginsystem/login_form.aspSOS site - firm registration
https://www.sos.ri.gov/divisions/business-servicesRI business services
https://dbr.ri.gov/rules/RI DBR site
RI DBR Accounting Practice Unit pdf
https://elicensing.ri.gov/RI elicensing - cavu
https://elicensing.ri.gov/Lookup/LicenseLookup.aspxRI elicensing lookup - cavu

Other sites
https://nasba.org/stateboards/#rhodeislandnasba link to Jovonna at BOA
https://nasba.org/licensure/nasbalicensing/some states ( eg NH ) use NASBA site to manage license process 

https://www.govops.ca.gov/blockchain/CA Blockchain working group
Delaware Blockchain Initiative - for corporate filings only - slows down



Delaware Blockchain Initiative - slows down

compare listed potential to reasons for slow down  ***

British Columbia Digital Transformation Services

Dubai Blockchain

Estonia Blockchain

UK cbdc & digital financial system re-engineering
see    m TOIP Trust Over IP     m SSI / DID / VC - Self Sovereign Identity      European Blockchain Council
see    m TOIP Trust Over IP     m SSI / DID / VC - Self Sovereign Identity      WEF Blockchain Toolkit
see    m TOIP Trust Over IP     m SSI / DID / VC - Self Sovereign Identity      EBSI - European Blockchain Services Infrastructure

swt-sample-bpm.pptxsample BPM file
Identity Blockchain POC Integration Overview-v4.pptx
POC design doc  
Blockchain POC project-RAID (1).xlsx
BlockchainPOC-RI-TestCases 0.3.xlsx
POC Architecture TechnicalDiscussion.pdf
Rhode Island_Blockchain_KickOffDeckFinal (1).pdf
Rhode Island_Blockchain_KickOffDeck.pptx
Blockchain POC Identity_BPM-v2.pptx
Mobile App_citizen.pdfwireframes
State Identity Credential Issuance Flow_TestScript.docxSprint 1 test results

m RI ebc pilot 1


Blockchain in Public Sector-V2.pptx

Unemployment fraud claims high under Pandemic Relief in many states
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-protocols-oidcMicrosoft OIDC support - Azure for Microsoft apps
https://onezero.medium.com/clear-conquered-u-s-airports-now-it-wants-to-own-your-entire-digital-identity-15d61076e44dClear - private companies want to own your identity and access for a fee
https://www.wesh.com/article/florida-digital-driver-license/34370685Florida - digital driver's license pilot - Thales


did-dirvers-license-LA-2020-lawallet.com-Official Louisiana Digital Drivers License.pdf

LA Wallet legislation support 

did-drivers-license-origins-lawallet.com-Official Louisiana Digital Drivers License.pdf

Louisiana House Bill 481 - LA Wallet law for drivers license

LA Wallet - LA drivers license - envoc

https://lawallet.com/origins/ - legislation support

LA Wallet Law 

2023 - Liz Tanner - RI Phase 2 value expectations

a230309 - Rhode Island Wants to Have the First State-Level E-Government




Rhode Island Secretary of Commerce Elizabeth Tanner told StateScoop that when she began searching for ways to streamline the registration service and the state’s records management system a few years ago, she came upon the potential of blockchain’s distributed ledger technology. The choice of tech and the RFP are the result of years of research, a successful pilot program and an unsuspecting source of inspiration abroad.

“I was very familiar with how to open up a business, and I thought there must be a better way,” Tanner said. “So I looked at every other state in the country and found that they all do it the exact same way that Rhode Island does — you go to certain websites to fill out certain pieces of paperwork, and sometimes, again, those might be paper-based systems.”

But another issue was synchronizing registration names for businesses and individuals across the recordkeeping systems state agencies used. She said in one system, for example, a business could be called “ABC Restaurant” and “The ABC” in another, leading to inconsistency and confusion.

Rhode Island’s pilot program used blockchain for one government service: creating credentials for certified public accountants. Tanner said that service was chosen because it’s not risky and “very boring.”

While the main focus of Rhode Island’s project is streamlining business registration, Tanner said blockchain’s future with the state’s services is limitless.

“I like to call it a wheel, you know. So when you enter a singular website, you enter your most basic information into what we call a data lake,” she said. “And then there’s just lots and lots of spokes that you can put on that wheel to do more and more good work. And so that’s what we want to do.”

2023 - Liz Tanner - RI moves forward with RFI for Business Identity Solution Phase 2



Phase 1 POC succeeded

To keep things as boring as humanly possible, she enlisted both Rhode Island’s Division of Motor Vehicles and the state’s certified public accountants for a proof-of-concept pilot program that concluded in June.

The accountants were able to get a digital ID card from the DMV, then use the digital credential to prove their identity to the Department of Business Regulation, which in turn issued them a digital copy of their CPA license.

this blockchain system was designed to be “boring and not risky,” says Commerce Secretary Elizabeth Tanner, who tells DFD that opening a restaurant in Rhode Island currently requires accessing 11 state websites.

Tanner determined that the use of a distributed blockchain database was the best way to create a single records system used by multiple agencies.

In Rhode Island’s model, most information is stored privately by the government and in users’ digital wallet apps, while the shared blockchain stores public keys — published by the issuing agency — that can be used to verify the authenticity of a user’s digital credentials.

Tanner dropped the less polarizing term “DLT,” an abbreviation of “digital ledger technology.”

2021 Enterprise Blockchain Awards -  Liz Tanner - Public Sector

award show


awards list


Hyperledger Global Forum Session Overview Slides 2022

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lPCgIVEY1IotWs-l8ZJK3IoqcqdeTdiLw3_I4-rMXcA/edit#slide=id.g16c17774731_0_395 gslides

RI-Leads-on-Digital-Identity-Solutions-v2.pdf file

RI-Leads-on-Digital-Identity-Solutions-v2.pdf link

Projects - Key Concepts

POC Project Goals 

  1. Meet State SOW POC functional requirements for use case 1 ( CPA licensing )  use case 2 ( Firm registration, Certificate of Authorization ),  research use case 3 SSI authentication options
  2. POC report from DBR and tech teams:  goals > standards > eos > accomplishments > lessons learned > production considerations > solution expansion > partnerships ( int, ext )
    1. what are the responsibilities for a production blockchain solution for each party?  individual, organization, State agency
    2. what are the potential net benefits of a production blockchain solution for each party?  individual, organization, State agency
    3. what is the governance model?  rules, regulations, incentives for each party and role?
    4. what are the functional requirements for a production identity blockchain solution in DBR for each party
  3. POC project case study updates
    1. key technologies > key solution benefits > key business value delivered > next opportunities
  4. RI blockchain opportunities research - ( automated ebc w IoT, API integrations ) with mapping to State Architecture strategies, services, investments
  5. RI blockchain education and promotion - articles, case studies, conferences, presentations, standards groups, partnerships, more ???
    1. Final POC video
    2. executive summary presentation ( Sandesh & Chirag )
    3. DBR summary for licensing with identity blockchain
    4. White paper
    5. other resources

POC Solution Use Case Definition Steps

  1. Define use case context, relevant existing processes, solutions
  2. Define solution goals, constraints, scope, interfaces
  3. Define functional performance, value kpis ( current, targets )
  4. Define non-functional performance, kpis ( current, targets )
  5. Define actors, agents, objects 
  6. Define actor responsibilities, outcomes, benefits for work flows
  7. Define key process work flows, outcomes, inputs
  8. Define events, listeners for actors, work flows
  9. Define process step rules, decisions, data for work flows
  10. Define operational, value and non-functional risks to manage with strategies
  11. Define solution architectures, environments, services strategies
  12. Define test cases for actors, processes
  13. Define data quality test cases

Standard Solution Use Case Definition Steps

  1. Define use case context, relevant existing processes, solutions
  2. Define solution goals, constraints, scope, interfaces
  3. Define functional performance, value kpis ( current, targets )
  4. Define non-functional performance, kpis ( current, targets )
  5. Define actors, agents, objects 
  6. Define actor responsibilities, outcomes, benefits for work flows
  7. Define key process work flows, outcomes, inputs
  8. Define events, listeners for actors, work flows
  9. Define process step rules, decisions, data for work flows
  10. Define operational, value and non-functional risks to manage with strategies
  11. Define solution architectures, environments, services strategies
  12. Define test cases for actors, processes
  13. Define data quality test cases


SWT > discover > define > design > deliver > implement > support

RI >    initiation > plan > execute > close

Project Control Documents 


I> issue w google sheets macro create embedded sheet on macos only - 200814

RI SOW Infosysthe POC Statement of WorkY1doneInitiationRI team
team list xlsxresources assigned to POC projectY2doneInitiationInfosys
pmo standardsstandards, governance ctlsY3doneInitiationRI PMO
RAID logrisks assumptions issues dependenciesY4workon goingJ Mason
project status pptxPMO format for weekly Project Status meetingsY5workon goingJ Mason
project status ConfluencePMO SharePoint siteY6workon goingJ Mason
project plan xlsxProject plan covering phases, responsibilities, owners, dates, timelineY7workDesignInfosys
poc use case docDefine the use case in scope and the stretch goal use casesY8reviewDesignJ Mason
poc use case bpmBusiness Process Diagrams for use case flows showing process and 
9reviewDesignJ Mason
poc Business Casevery limited given POC scope.  A FACTUR3D.IO analysis of current KPIs and expected KPIs. Will be important for the Final ReportN22
DesignJ Mason, Liz Tanner
poc Business Requirements

Needs full review by DBR and Liz Tanner for all but technical details.

Brian and other RI IT staff can provide technical review

OKR outcomes

Scenario / Responsibility inputs as stories

daily standuptext notes file for action items >> email out action items or add to teams wikiY11doneongoingTeam
poc Final Reportmany inputs ( RI IT, dbr rpts ), external refs, presentations etc
many authors from RI needed for inputs 
Y12workTest, CloseTeam
architecture planTechnical architecture first draft done.  Expect updates during projectY13workDesignInfosys
test casesAfter requirements set, create the epics and stories that map to the use cases in scope.Y14openDesignJ Mason, Infosys
test planTest plans for both DEV and UAT environments for data, API's, blockchain, UI, servicesY15openDesignJ Mason, Infosys
engineering plan

Add to RAID workbook as a log sheet - 

issue > options > decision > expected impacts

16openDesignJ Mason, Infosys
deployment plan2 instances - dev at infosys, uat at RI - both AWSY17openSprint 2

test resultsDEV and UAT test results tracked separately with defect supportY18openSprints, UATJ Mason, Infosys
poc demo docsdocs - runbook - videos - slidesY19openSprints, UATJ Mason, Infosys
external documentationUnder RI control:  case study, overview, white paperN23openUAT, Closeall participants
request forms as neededinternal forms for access to POC assets as needed etcY20openongoingall participants
RI State docsas needed on existing processes, rules, forms etc referencedY21openongoingall participants
RI Project Governance template

track progress, frame decisions for governance team

Blockchain POC project - Governance.pptx

N24holdongoinggovernance team

Proposed Software Stack for Identity Blockchain POC 

POC use case overview infosysmore detailed version has sample mobile app flow etc

m Ubuntu Linux basics

m VirtualBox

m Docker containers

swt Ares

https://www.hyperledger.org/use/aries shared, reusable, interoperable tool kit designed for initiatives and solutions focused on creating, transmitting and storing verifiable digital credentials. It is infrastructure for blockchain-rooted, peer-to-peer interactions.




Hyperledger Aries allows trusted online peer-to-peer interactions based on decentralized identities and verifiable credentials. Aries includes a protocol definition, tools, and reference implementations. The Aries protocol supports identities rooted in a variety of distributed ledgers or blockchains. This approach to identity is often called Self Soverign Identity (SSI).

agents > DID comm > protocols > key management > client agent SDKs

for xamarin mobile agent routing services
https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobileagent-xamarina cross platform mobile app (iOS/Android) built using the Xamarin framework in C#. More specifically the two platform specific projects share a common UI through the use of Xamarin.Forms.

swt Indy

https://www.hyperledger.org/use/hyperledger-indyHyperledger Indy is a distributed ledger, purpose-built for decentralized identity. Developers can use the tools and libraries from Hyperledger Indy to create identity solutions that are interoperable across jurisdictions and agencies
https://github.com/topics/hyperledger-indyIndy github -  topics - links to all the Indy projects
https://hyperledger-indy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/indy readthedocs
https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk#installing-the-sdkIndy SDK
provides a distributed-ledger-based foundation for 
self-sovereign identity. Indy provides a software ecosystem for private, secure, and powerful identity, and the Indy SDK enables clients for it. The major artifact of the SDK is a C-callable library; there are also convenience wrappers for various programming languages and Indy CLI tool.

https://hyperledger-indy.readthedocs.io/projects/sdk/en/latest/docs/index.htmlIndy SDK readthedocs  
https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-nodeIndy Node 
all the functionality to run nodes (validators and/or observers) that provide a 
self-sovereign identity ecosystem on top of a distributed ledger. It is the core project for Indy
Sovrin Foundation is a public utility for identity, built on top of this codebase.

s Blockchain in Public Sector - Redefine Governance, Operations

m Public Sector - LFDT

s Blockchain Opportunity Assessment - BOA

Solution - Key Concepts

Digital Trust Model slide

Individual digital identities ( DID s)

How are DIDs issued ?

by independent DID orgs

by government authorities: US.gov, States or ???

or ??

Does RI require a Driver's license to issue a CPA license?


Can a Passport be used as a legal identity in the CPA license process?

How can the State issue individual digital identities?

DMV is the logical authority

Organization digital identities (DIDs )

Would the State use existing valid DIDs from other governments for a State ID

Call notes 8/7

8/7 call notes
idividual ID scenarios realistically tie well to RealID

s1>  if Jim does not have a RealID, RI issues Jim:

		a RealID w driver's license
		a DID
		a driver's license credential

s2>  if Jim has a RealID and DID from Kansas, RI issues Jim:

		a driver's license credential

a> remove 1a validate employee

i> create a did for individual, firm

a> emphasize flow w wallet, did first

a> identity scenarios for orgs ... 

	bc > gen DID and wallet
	org brings DID and wallet

user brings id
starting point ..

principle ... 

slides on how DIDs can be issued

id origination scenarios ... 

poc - created in software

RI - create did

individual - brings in a did accepted

current DMV realId process ...

dbr = orgs first 

RealD concepts 

RealID overview






Potential Value Opportunities

Identity Blockchain Potential Value for Public Sector ***

  1. Verifiable digital identities
  2. Verifiable digital credentials ( licenses )
  3. Verifiable digital signatures for data provenance on transactions
  4. Verifiable consent management
  5. User managed identities implement Self-Sovereign Identity and privacy standards
  6. Better identity protection with selective disclosure proofs, non-correlated data
  7. Automated digital trust using smart wallets (implement Trust Over IP standards)
  8. Improved compliance at lower costs
  9. Significant fraud reductions possible
  10. Better data quality for analytics, reporting
  11. Improved data security for identities, credentials
  12. Authentication support to some legacy systems leveraging OIDC ( Open ID Connect ) and related interfaces
  13. Legal compliance with current and many future regulations ( GDPR, CCPA etc )
  14. Safety of of Personal Identity Information ( PII )from theft, fraud

Potential Value for Identity Blockchain network

identity blockchain opportunities
if done right .. our KEY benefits are ???

potential benefits

	automated trust
	ssi for individuals, businesses
	one source for truth on identity
	automated verification of credentials
	automated revocation of credentials
	user consent mgt
	user control with selective disclosures
	reduction in identity data correlations
	support for privacy stds, regs
	better governance, auditability
	policy driven management of identity rules
	faster, decentralized ctls, immutable ledger
	more accurate identity info in 1 register
	more efficient processes save costs, resources
	lower business, individual frictions, costs
	improve experience for individual, businesses

our initiatives for the State on BC
	basic education concepts on blockchain in public sector
	State blockchain council - how to leverage in dept use cases
		( really an "inside" re-engineering focus )
	do we create a similar council across the State orgs ???

Governance Concepts for Public Sector - Questions, Actions, Impacts

Governance Concepts
Drop focus on technologies and focus on business models and governance  for network operation, growth

Governance questions  include:
what are the membership roles, responsibilities for firms, individuals, agencies ?
what authorities do they have ?
what policies are set at the member level by role?
what policies are set at the network level?
how are disputes tracked, managed, resolved?
how do the governing rules and regulations get set? 
who manages the governance of the network?
who manages the operations of the network?
who manages the support of the clients?
who provides services to the clients?
how are they chosen, trained, staffed?

Look at Sovrin, Trust Your Supplier governance models
Consider integration with State health departments on inspections, compliance, alerts, recall interfaces

F2F advantage>>
focus on business and operating model transparency
encourages active member participation and ownership of the network

Public Sector Blockchain Projects

s Blockchain in Public Sector - Redefine Governance, Operations

Paramount session on 9/17

Enterprise Blockchain Value Opportunities 

see s Enterprise Blockchain Concepts and Value

Proposed POC Workflows based on the SOW 

The POC strategy based on the SOW

Based on the SOW defined deliverables in scope, my POC strategy was:

Bootstrap the Indy network with test scripts creating:

the Indy network as part of a State Identity Registry
the network steward ID that manages Indy
the department trust anchors ( DMV, DBR) needed in the CPA license flow

DMV creates Digital ID workflow

using the proxy DMV anchor, create a DID identity and wallet for a CPA to register with the State

DBR processes CPA license app workflow

then create applications, APIs for the CPA, DBR to issue CPA license

create the process flow in the SOW for CPA licensing
CPA has a mobile app to apply for the CPA license
DBR validates the CPA identity ( DID )
DBR validates the CPA application
DBR issues the CPA credential on the ledger and to the wallet

DOS issues CPA firm Digital ID workflow

DBR processes CPA firm practice unit license workflow

Later added the stretch goal for the firm registration use case and COA

CPA firm issues employment credential to CPA workflow

Assumptions for a Production Identity Network

Usage assumptions for the State's production identity network:

Setup the State Identity network

The State IT team creates an indy ledger using a steward DID to manage the ledger as part of a State Identity Registry

The steward creates DIDs for departments that will be trust anchors to issue DIDs to individuals and organizations ( entities ):

DIDs for existing registered entities

When the Indy network is implemented:

The State can create DIDs for existing registered entities
creates wallets as needed for entities that need compatible wallets

The State records the DID on the ledger
The State can decide how to distribute the DIDs and wallets

DIDs for new entity registrations

When a new entity registers with the State

The State provides apps that create DIDs for an entity as needed to support registration processes
creates wallets as needed for entities that need compatible wallets

The State records the DID on the ledger

Issue Credentials for entities

When an entity applies for or qualifies for a credential

the State trust anchor verifies the qualification
the State issues the credential to the enttiy wallet and the ledger

Revoke Credentials for entities

When an entity has a credential that should be revoked

the State trust anchor verifies the revocation qualification
the State revokes the credential to the enttiy wallet and the ledger


1> doc synch - xuc, bpm, brd for reqmts review mtg

2> DMV integration to create CPA id ??
BM - how?

3> test cases, env work for sprint 1, 2, 3 ???

4> BDD stories ???

5> report toc - goals
sow goals

DMV Notes

DMV input needed 200925

Yes .. that's it.  
The primary focus for our team is to learn 
( as the email said ) is 
planning for a pilot / production project.  
We need to 
understand the current systems and 
how digital identities can be integrated 
(  UX,  api services on both ends, data sources, current authentication and authorization methods etc ).

q> do we have metrics on how many transactions we process of each type?
	helps on perf requirements 

	private, commercial, govt other ? entities
	new licenses, real ids, state ids
	renewals of all

	volumes, time to issue ( from application ) etc
	percent w good docs, validation, those need more info etc

q> access sites, permissions???

Get identity and credential related documentation 
on the DMV applications and RIMS solution for 
analysis. Typically this includes system overview, 
user, developer, admin, architecture, API, tooling, 
deployment and database documentation.

Discuss proposed requirements and solution strategies 
for a future integrated pilot solution allowing 
DMV applications to create, access and 
manage digital identities for 
external and internal users.


alm op team
	added agile during project
q> do we have access to the ticketing system??
q> access to defects in time...

a> demo ... test systems

a> read-only access 

q> use api definitions ?? produce / consume

i> approval for an export ??

> use cases
> requirements summary
> requirements strategies

a> overview demo

a> get dump system interfaces / apis ???
	specs ..

a> get data models - ERDs

a> get software stack

a> export alm stuff if needed. as excel 

have stories 
no comprehensive docs...

doc gen tool
- static
- dynamic

RI Improvement Opportunities

Web forms library search 


should be regex like, not standard string search

ex> search for practice license 

should have tag searches as well by topic with tag list view option

Potential Challenges

Lack of Common Understanding of Identity Blockchains and Potential Value

Proposed Identity Blockchain Education Plan

Education Plan

  1. Basic education presentations on:
    1. Identity Blockchain concepts
    2. Case studies on Identity blockchain in government
    3. Answer questions on Identity Blockchain
  2. Schedule Identity Blockchain Opportunity Assessments
  3. Reference materials on Identity Blockchain use cases in Public Sector and Industry

Technical Challenges

Credential revocations

manage revocations from revocation list or api via did comm notes


[3:01 PM] McCarthy, Tim (DOA)
    For sure. I also had hoped it was entities writing to the chain as info changed so that was the source of truth and reduce/eliminate the need for agencies to api/call to each other to verify data. For example, death would impact various agencies, DMV, DLT, Tax, and could be used to eliminate fraud, never mind reduce spending on letters to deceased people.
[3:02 PM] Mason, James (DOA - Contractor)
    we don't need to implement an api for revocation vaidation. the choice is what do you store as proofs on blockchain. that's a design option. 
?    yes -- transitions for individuals and organizations could automatically trigger MANY State processes !
?    fraud, impersonation etc can be reduced dramatically with digital ID. For voting, to vote as me you would have to steal my phone, know my unlock code and ( probably ) a MFA multi factor authentication question etc ... 
?    the other key is the stack we are using  ( Indy, Aries, Ursa ) supports "wallet to wallet" communications to automate validations and proofs WITHOUT calling other APIs in many cases
?    The goal over time is to put more on to the logical blockchain and leverage automated digital trust for validations and proofs

I'm in. Makes complete sense and efficiencies, even if 20% adoption, will be measurable. 

Candidate Solutions

CAVU integration concepts 

integration pptx

- key challenges

Cavu not designed for integration services
Vendor does not have an open architecture for services or database
Vendor customization services are costly

- key opportunities to leverage

- SQL server is a full function, standards-based RDB that is easy to integrate and extend

- use a loosely coupled design between identity apps and cavu wkflow engine
- current usage of CAVU does not have to change for any apps that do not use identity blockchain
- simplifies dependencies on maintenance or replacement of wkflw engine
- copy existing wkflow to new one
- bypass collect demographics info page etc

- log and automate management of any integration services errors based on configured admin policies

- id.bc.apps >> read, write, react

READ data strategy

- identity applications need to read data from CAVU
(eg cpaLicense.status etc )

- read has 2 options
1> create a read api using a GraphQL concept - need 1 read api
2> create a separate service that runs the queries on
SQL server logical views
- determining logical views is easy for key queries
using existing SQL Server binary log to see queries from existing application tests
dynamic SQL isnt' a real performance issue given
smart caching by SQL Server

WRITE data strategy

- identity applications need to write data to CAVU
(eg cpaIdentity.demographicsInput etc )

- write has 2 options

1> create write apis for each update to CAVU services
- requires working with the vendor

2> create a separate update service that updates
SQL server logical views and tables for each transaction

- far more risk in this "reverse engineering" approach
- a "last resort" if the vendor won't create update apis

- determine data tables and views to update for a transaction
using existing SQL Server binary log to see specific CAVU updates from application tests
- create an update api service

REACT to events strategy

As a workflow engine, the CAVU system will generate many application events that the identity applications should be dependent on and react to: ( eg application.readyForReview, cpaLicense.Approved etc)

- currently, CAVU applications handle those events but do not "publish" them for consumption by dependent applications

- the strategy is to create an event stream for selected events from Cavu and let the identity applications react to those.

- Easy to create a local replica in SQL Server with only selected tables and views. That avoids modifying the CAVU database directly

- An event service can be created to listen to the data event stream on the replica and publish the application events to registered user or firm wallets when connected using the mediator services

self-sovereign identity authentication for existing applications

the identity applications will use the self-sovereign identity and Aries to authenticate with the State credential registry and the enterprise applications for new applications that support that identity authentication model.

Initially, most State appilcations are not setup to support self-sovereign identities so only the new, custom identity applications can use self-sovereign identities for authentication.

To increase the applications that can use self-sovereign identity authentication initially one option requiring minimal changes is to use OpenID Connect for any applications in the State catalog that support OAuth2 interfaces today.

The change to use OpenID is normally minimal for those State applications, sometimes only a configuration change.

There is a 3rd party, open-source OpenID Connect driver for Aries that can be used for authentication. There may be work to ensure the driver works with the latest production version of Aries.

Design: DMV blockchain solution for Individual Identity

We can talk tomorrow when you have time, but the ask from the DMV is to assist with a use case where the DMV is the initiator of a citizen’s ID on the State blockchain when the DMV creates the State credential. The next step in the use case is DBR issues a CPA license, verifying the person on the blockchain. Since the DMV assessed the person’s identification, this blockchain process improves identity management, compliance, trust and speed to execution.

DMV Resource Investment

  1. Support the research for production integration requirements, processes and strategies.  (Estimated time commitment for subject matter experts is 10-20 hours.)
  2. Run a Test script developed by the blockchain vendor, Infosys, to create individual State ID process on the blockchain Test environment. (Estimated time commitment from Nicole or Pam - Thirty minute of training, 1-2 minutes per test script transaction.)
  3. Help write Proof of Concept final report. (Estimated time commitment for subject matter experts is 10-20 hours.)

Benefits for the DMV in the blockchain proof of concept project:

  1. Digital Identity as real-time verifiable identity proof
  2. Enables other agencies to use same verification process via the digital ID.
  3. DMV helps set identity blockchain standards and strategies for the State.
  4. Lower compliance costs for DMV on Digital Identities

    Many other benefits but not for DMV accuracy or productivity
  5. Digital Identity is a Self-Sovereign Identity ( SSI ) based on identity standards that protects individual privacy
  6. Individual Digital Identity holders have "selective disclosure" on all shared Identity data
  7. Potential fraud reduction in all related State and external processes using a Digital Identity


Chew on it and we can discuss.

Thank you!

From: Craddock, Walter (DMV) <Walter.Craddock@dmv.ri.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 4:30 PM
To: McCarthy, Tim (DOA) <Tim.McCarthy@doit.ri.gov>
Subject: RE: App

In a nut shell…are they trying to access all DMV records?  If so, for what purpose?

From: McCarthy, Tim (DOA) <Tim.McCarthy@doit.ri.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 3:42 PM
To: Craddock, Walter (DMV) <Walter.Craddock@dmv.ri.gov>
Subject: RE: App

Hello Bud,

I’ve asked the project manager working on the DBR blockchain to create an informational presentation. I will schedule a meeting shortly.

Thank you,


From: Craddock, Walter (DMV) <Walter.Craddock@dmv.ri.gov>
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 11:54 AM
To: McCarthy, Tim (DOA) <Tim.McCarthy@doit.ri.gov>
Subject: App

Blockchain Integration Concepts pptx

Identity Blockchain POC Integration Overview-v3.pptx

m200902 - DMV integration meeting feedback

DMV POC BC integration feedback
m200902 - DMV integration meeting 


circle back internally

how it fits


busy now more online

which id type?

could we have ftp drop a file ?
	our process runs, then reads

a> email deck

	sample json


Our POC ends at the end of November and we need to show our working POC solution and complete our Analysis Report by then. 

minimized the technical ask as much as possible

a> continue the conversation

Blockchain Use Case BPM diagrams pptx

Blockchain POC Identity_BPM-v2.pptx

RI Blockchain Work Group

see Blockchain Work Group slide deck


RIDTC -- Digital Transformation Council


ribc - RI Blockchain Council

RI BC WG ???

Understand how blockchain and related technologies can be leveraged in public and private solutions integrating all stakeholders ( individuals, organizations ) effectively

> technology accessibility for all Rhode Islangers ...

Groups to include:

announced efforts by the State's corporate legal community to explore the need for any clarifications to the Delaware corporate law to address and enable the authorization of "distributed ledger shares" by Delaware corporations.




investment themes

solution themes

CIP - continuous improvement process
SSM smart service mgt
SDM smart data mgt
SOE service oriented engineering
XUC reqmts = executable use cases
EDS event driven systems
AQM automated quality mgt

other Govt sites

british columbia digital transformation >>


delaware blockchain initiative
corp filings only


RI BC Work Group Slide deck adds


add iam decks ...


who am I
what is ssi
how it's different
what are potential benefits
how can we get there
prod plan - create use case, boa, solution strategies
what are success keys
clear bcase
leverage existing experience, solutions
phased rollouts - pilot w feedback, adjustments
design for change
privacy by design

current iam systems
ssi id bc
new toip
aries agent arch ex

about me

Education Products

Blockchain Video concepts 

Blockchain Demo video-v1-Liz.pptx

This is a very good start. In addition to defining digital identities, their potential benefits and some reference use cases, the detail analysis on journeys from an individual, a business and a State agency perspective are definitely a great way to present this.

Identity Blockchain Concepts pptx

Work Products 


poc solution
mon - prod reqmts mtg
wed - prod architecture mtg ( meet prod reqmts, arch stds)
case study
poc final report
workgroup plan - biz, tech audiences


Digital Government Blueprint

Identity Blockchain POC to Pilot Plan and Comparison

based on Amit discussion ..

a> poc 2 pilot deck

	poc scope, use cases, features, roles, goals, value realized
		reqmts > design > infra 

	pilot scope, use cases, features, roles, goals, value realized
		reqmts > design > infra 

lgoical vs physical

host as a service into existing infra

blockchain data similar to other data types


givens for reqmts
	oidc integration
	data integration

who's doing this??

what we need to do?

what are the foundations?

	what are we delivering for prod?

	paper flow
	passport reqd

automate w events, notifications

i> slow to see pts

a> email link to dmv video

DBR Digital Identity Blockchain POC deck


3 parties 

short video
short pptx

	new version for tomorrow

	did, vc
	other license example --- restaurant etc 

	summary 3 views


call to action

a>>> updated deck 

a>>> view ega.ee

a>>> legislation


legal structure changes
	for did, bc trust

goals >>

	see podcasts

	can you help us??

	focus on community = dg 

	full digital nation estonia

see >>>
	chainyard ebc credentials video

long video
related pptx on points
ref on concepts


can use wallets for crypto, tokens

DG definition 


a different way to organize and work together as a community.

DG roadmap

Digital Identity 
Digital Services
Digital Community
Digital Partnerships

#Key POC .question.list

  1. what is id bc?
  2. what is biz value of id bc by role?
  3. what are the challenges of id bc?
  4. where is id bc used in production now?
  5. which public sector teams have done id bc well?
  6. how does id bc integrate to existing IAM systems?
  7. what are the best migration strategies for id bc?
  8. how do we manage id bc migration?

>> related production solution questions to review

  1. what are the agency and IT priorities that would delay a production project?
  2. what are the foundational identity focus areas?  (  DMV, SOS ) ?
  3. what are the highest benefit areas for ID bc by agency?
  4. how, when and where do we provide multiple ID formats ?  (eg paper, DID etc )
  5. how can users get max value, convenience from their digital IDs, credentials and wallets?
  6. how centralized or decentralized services should services be?
  7. what's the app catalog and priority usage for citizens, firms, agencies?
  8. which ones can be accessed using did for authn?
  9. which ones have API interfaces, agents and / or data interfaces?
  10. which apps should be prioritized?
  11. how do we conplete BOA ( Blockchain Opportunity Assessments ) with FACTUR3D.io,  OKRs?
  12. what's the best migration strategy for each user role?
  13. what are the recommended services to backup and restore user wallets easily, safely?
  14. when should MFA ( Multi-Factor Authentication and Authorizations ) be used ?
  15. what does the recommended production services stack look like for each tier in the architecture
  16. what does a production project plan, documentation control list look for DID project phase 1 ?
  17. what are the key project decisions?
  18. what does the project team look like?
  19. what are the supporting State resources needed? when?


Chirag - 9/29/20 deliverables for POC team

White paper :
Chirag to review
multiple products - Infosys, Joint, RI press release

What is the Digital Roadmap and Milestones for Digital ID in State Government

  1. RI DG Blueprint
    1. deliver better services, efficiency, trust, transparency with milestones and metrics
  2. RI DG Work Group
    1. an expanding team to define the blueprint, the milestone deliverables and work on projects

Evolve a Digital ID - Maturity Model for State Governments

  1. RI DG CMM
    1. open > planned > tactical > strategic > sustainable
    2. sample metrics for each stage
  2. RI DG SDP
    1. solution delivery model - combines SWT SDP, WEF toolkit and PMO standards
  3. RI DG BOA
    1. blockchain opportunity assessment - from SWT BOA

What is the Blockchain POC project

  1. dbr mission > DG program > BC POC project
  2. What the POC solution does
  3. Why it's needed
  4. Recommended next steps

What is different between POC - Pilot - Prod
RI POC to Pilot Comparison

  1. functional
  2. non-functional
  3. governance
  4. operations
  5. support

The output of POC has to be Demo, User Journey etc.
POC outputs ...
User journey maps
Recommended Next Steps .


Liz meeting 201001

DBR CPA potential DID value on use cases

id bc value

DG foundation for other milestone solutions
improved service levels for users, firms
improved security & data privacy
improved compliance with regulations & standards
improved transparency & accuracy with blockchain history
improved efficiency with credentials sharing ( like phone autopay )
improved user control with consent management
improved reliability with automated agents, digital wallets
support for digital identity backup & recovery

cpa, firm flows
	auto-verification of id key
	pu license
		default fields from sos id
	1 time vs on going tasks
		qr code once, connection def cached
option to auto-fill in of cpa license, pu license from 
		the presented ids


	did ctl
	did consents
	did autofill
	did history
	data provenance - governance - compliance

Current Week task list

2> workflows compared: old vs new

create old slide
create new slide
discuss net payoffs

validate processes w Dee / Jovonna
cpa license > old v new
firm license > old v new


last test ---
get more screen shots of a test to match to benefits

reviews needed ..
jovonna, Liz, mark, Brian ?
JB - auto load data, automated workflow are keys - other?

- survey Liz, Jovonna on benefits

deck content review w jem notes

- results & findings
cpaApplicationApproved.xlsx >> to validate w DBR, then slide

- integration strategies - dmv,dos and cavu
mark kent - review DBR apis, event data sources >> update doc

- referenced examples ...
estonia - eid, services, full integration
bc.gov - ssi, business licenses gain 4x faster when automated
singapore - liz references --

old process

user goes to nasba - registers for RI, exam, transcript
go to RI fill out paper form send in
admin enters profile info
nasba data matched on user ID and loads exam, transcript
firm supplies experience credential as a form
admin enters experience into system

new process

apply at dbr using RI ID, shared
auto load user data
match nasba on user ID to load exam, transcript
user notified firm work history needed with a link
i send my employer a request for experience w callback
firm enters work experience online
the system matches the work experience on the cpa RI ID nbr
when app complete
notify user via email or text
move app status to ready for review for admin

3 of 4 steps automated
4th step has an automated workflow but requires firm input on web link

add notes on re-engineering:
dbr - cavu dstreams for event notification msgs
read-only db for dashboards
custom workflows ... cps
load demographics to db ( update authz )
nasba exams
nasba transcript
load firm work experience from online app
ready for review page
dmv - use integration deck docx
ui - did option select, did request status
api - call create did on callback to ui
email user ??
dos - same integration model
ui - did create notice, did request status
api - call create did on callback to ui
email user ??
wp references from state
emphasis on DG, roadmap, id foundations, modernize in place themes

then update pilot wbook


Does the project / solution summary below work for you?

The key is the potential benefits which are long ( see list below ).

I realize now the benefits will come from 3 main areas:

  1. Identity Blockchain
  2. Services integration ( vs the relatively standalone applications we have today in departments – the POC actually includes this in the CPA licensing workflow )
  3. Data quality with better data validation available in the services model

I have 2 key goals for our Thursday meeting.

  1. Spend a few minutes letting you test the POC live from your Chrome browser with me
  2. Get quotes on the potential value of the production solution that we can use in our Final Report on the project

Mark Kent - CAVU db

CAVU Corporation_Permission_Level.pdf


cavu summary 

cavu schemas to read, update on workflow automation

1> use the existing cavu workflow solution as the engine for automation, paperless
2> keep cavu development process the same
3> create alternate workflows for steps where data inputs are automated
4> update cavu workflow step status, application step & user info
5> extend cavu to automate workflow events using event source streams



key objects

	case = license
	workflow   Each record is a WorkFlow tied to a specific Credential 
	documents ( attached )

	mailingListType - all mailing lists


Good morning Jim,
I reached out to the vendor yesterday.
Below is information from the vendor.

Regarding Read Only access in CAVU, there are different security levels within CAVU, which includes Read Only.  Attached is a security document for your reference.  

Below are links to data dictionary / diagrams./  Please note the contents are very outdated, however, you may use this as a starting point.

Tables/Diagrams – Main Menu:
https://portal-mmr.micropact.com/DataDictionary/DEFAULT.ASP [nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com]

https://portal-mmr.micropact.com/DataDictionary/ddShowObject.asp?type=U [nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com]

https://portal-mmr.micropact.com/DataDictionary/ddShowDiagramMenu.asp [nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com]

-Mark Kent

From: Mason, James (DOA - Contractor) <James.Mason.CTR@doit.ri.gov> 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 2:25 PM
To: Kent, Mark (DOA) <Mark.Kent@doit.ri.gov>
Subject: questions on Cavu and documentation

Hi Mark,

The DBR Blockchain POC is looking at the  professional and business licensing workflows defined in Cavu. Ignoring the workflow tools, I’m looking interfacing options.

I’ve been told Cavu does not have an API layer, that everything you want to access from Cavu is a billable project to them to create the service, is that correct?

I do assume they are using some sort of standard database to store data ( eg MySQL, Oracle, Mongo etc ). Is that true?  Is there documentation on their data model and a read-only capability to access it by applications?

Thanks very much,


Estonia First Call

estonia first call

q> legislation for use case

	core concept
	simple, unified focus
	physical and digital world the same for user
		in our case that will be different .. bar example
	customer service example
		patient emr 
	q> regs on consent mgt ??
	q> use of emr systems that estonia doesn't build?

	user uid for all as public data - no rights from did
		like my email, phone nbr now
	q> doesn't the did provide access ??
	q> how do you get access online ?? mfa 

	q> id is never access.
		ids map to roles and permissions for access
	your id is similar to IDP like google id
		I am granting consent to an system to access something
			eg track my data
		oidc connects that public id to legacy systems
	estonia id shares name w uid
	some countries have more restrictive privacy data rules

	i> levels of id, data protection based on use case
		access to netflix needs less verification
		than access to my ssn acct

	estonia eid card is mandatory unlike most countries
	eid is valid for eu travel
	v> adoption is easy for eid based on common usage, low data risk
	q> can I use your eid card to travel or get some benefit

	i> estonia not mobile yet
	i> eid card vs mobile did ?
		not same info sharing 
	q> how does user recover did quickly?
	q> does the did belong to the user or the govt ?
		ids are credentials
	f> govt issues 2 forms of eid - card, phone option
	q> what's the process to re-establish your id ??
	v> eid card needed to get services

	f> we all have digital signature act on bc
	q> proof of free will for a signature to validate ???
	q> for online agreement, our did is proof of who signer was
		can add mfa biometrics and other proofs

	i> eid exposes name, not good for private transactions

	i> private sector companies as trust service providers
		( eg banks etc to create accounts )
		similar to aml, kyc
	f> estonia business registry like RI
	q> estonia firms not a legal person, in US company is legal person
	i> how does person represent company on corporate actions?
	f> RI has relationship for officers, persons linked to firm
		company credential automated in RI
	f> person can represent multiple companies if authorized

	f> first name, last name, eid are the exposed data elements
	i> names should be optionally private

	win> they have automated and mandated their process
	loss> they don't have the strongest privacy practices yet

	f> US has automated fraud detection on card use -- see amex
	i> their permanent number allows data correlation, brokering
	q> how do I get a replacement eid?

	win> estonia is small country w lower fraud risks
		existing systems work reasonably well for them, not US

	f> iam support for multiple org mappings on eid
		rbac for each org for a user

	q> are you familiar with toip.org ???

	f> eid verification process = 1 week min to get a new card
		temp eid card to use 2nd one as a did
		your eresidency card is eid card 2 - sign w diff key

	f> free access to get ids
		open source for tax payer funds usage
		open source reduces conspiracy control by govt
			how to prove?? did does that
		openssl bugs seen, fixed vs hidden

	h> move to open systems was at least 5 years from closed systems
		eg ecdsa key tools etc

	x> mobility example - insurance co accesses real owners 
		to set fair rates ...

	d> diff> we are more consent driven in data sharing
		they pre-define rights

	i> govt access granted by:
		direct by law
		user consent
		probable cause of a crime or ?
		warrant process for access

	f> eid is self identify and legal signing

	x> driver speeding only needs eid, police use to get 
		insurance, registration

	x> a mobile license would allow driving in other countries,
		rental, travel etc --- universal eid model

	sum> easy, integrated system lowers business costs
		state provides id vs businesses
		user grants consent to businesses

	sum> needs trust for server trust providers
	sum> shares names universally - not gdpr compliant
	sum> mobile id for devices - cars make decisions

key laws
	digital signature
	real id
	digital identity protections

a> create a deck from this ...

hr8215 - digital id task force bill to recommendations

egovernance academy
	consultants from estonia
	RI use case
	no tech solutions
	architectural consultancy
	legal process support 
	data security practices for processes
	strong did practices
	key mgt systems

	what are the operational metrics systems to manage this?

	process similar for use cases
		differences in use cases

my points
1> name should be restricted in some use cases
2> data brokering with permanent ids
3> ids for orgs, things
	legally binding for a company, individual signer is company issued credential
4> access to private data rules
	by law -- ssn
	by consent
	by probable cause for authorized agents in use cases
	by warrant 

eid paired did w key to validate

me >>> 

differences between realid (eid ) and did ( digital id )

	is the id paired with a physical id card for use by all?
	who issues the id?
	is it decentralized?
	do I own the id or the government?
	do I control the id or the government?
	does the government issue me a resident credential?
	can my data be correlated using the id?
	do I control the data I expose with my id?
	do I have control and consent over my data relations, credentials?
	where is my identity or proxy identity shared? eg google id
	can trust be fully automated with other parties (eg toip )?
	what's the process, time to recover my id? parties involved?
	how is my identity verified to issue my id or credential?

Project Status Meeting - 201109 

on target for final delivery

issue - no direct planning inputs from DOS for Pilot

RI AWS should be available this week

Pilot solution analysis continues

Project Report in progress

Project slide deck, video in final edits

User Test continues to next week as expected

Project Status Meeting - 201026

a> Brian, Tim project status, strategy meeting

a> Amit - presentation meeting

a> wpaper reviewed, updates in progress

a> dos help on planning for firm digital identity for Pilot solution

a>poc to pilot analysis and planning in progress

showed poc to pilot xlsx

t> research other states on DID, related legislation

a> detail analysis w other DBR, DMV, DOS staff on current operations

t>> met Friday with Jovonna on POC review, how digital ID can improve CPA, firm licensing

t>> met Thursday with Liz on 

t>> schedule next meeting with DMV 

open>> schedule first meeting with DOS showing ID BC integration concepts deck, get feedback on support

a> test env -- Infosys setup done
use other vis aws lz env ???? Amit

a> delay in RI AWS test environment has extended test schedule by 1 week

>> testing in infosys UAT environment

>> no idea when RI AWS LZ will be ready yet

a> User testing started 

>> I'm going through the POC configuration now

>> Infosys providing support as needed

>> planning for a demo of POC in User Test next week

a> Digital Government Blueprint and Digital Identity research 

reviewing Estonia, BC.gov, Lichtenstein, US states and more

have multiple inputs for DG CMM - capability maturity model including Gartner lightweight summaries

Prior Week task list


Project Status Meeting - 201019

a> wpaper reviewed, updates in progress

a> dos help on planning for firm digital identity for Pilot solution

a>poc to pilot analysis and planning in progress

showed poc to pilot xlsx

t> research other states on DID, related legislation

a> detail analysis w other DBR, DMV, DOS on current operations

t>> meeting Friday with Jovonna on POC review

t>> schedule next meeting with DMV 

open>> schedule first meeting with DOS showing ID BC integration concepts deck, get feedback on support

a> test env -- Infosys setup done
use other vis aws lz env ???? Amit

a> delay in RI AWS test environment has extended test schedule by 1 week

>> no idea when RI AWS LZ will be ready yet

a> User testing started 

>> I'm going through the POC configuration now

>> Infosys providing support as needed

>> planning for a demo of POC in User Test next week

a> Digital Government Blueprint and Digital Identity research 

reviewing Estonia, BC.gov, Lichtenstein, US states and more

have multiple inputs for DG CMM - capability maturity model including Gartner lightweight summaries


a> wpaper review

a> dos help on planning

a> showed poc to pilot xlsx

a> test env -- start w infosys 
use other vis aws lz env ???? Amit

t> detail analysis w other DBR, DMV, DOS on current operations

t>> meeting for DBR Cavu demo - Jovonna, Dee or Mark ??
goals ???

t> research other states on DID

i> sandesh meeting access?

p201013 tue



> test envs

> DOS team needed for pilot planning


etss report




DOS - Dept of State support request

vis on aws now
migrating a mobile app there now

a>> follow up on vis aws LZ acct for our poc in their account
brian, amit, chirag

a>> send wpaper link

i>> legislation for DID support ??

us.gov ???

governance model

other states on legislation ...

other states on DID for DMV

a>> chirag on gartner research for states on did legislation
currently multiple states doing digital identity, getting legislation for Liz

a>> schedule a demo of poc ....
end of next week

a>> review of pilot planning
morning review

a>> blueprint not in scope
dg cmm



what is did & bc?  factur3d.io
what is biz value of id bc?
what are the challenges of id bc?
where is id bc used in production now?
what public sector teams have done id bc well?
how does id bc integrate to existing IAM systems?
what are the best migration strategies for id bc?
how do we manage id bc migration?

>> other 
centralized or decentralized services?
what's the app catalog and priority usage for citizens, firms, agencies?
which ones can be accessed using did for authn?

w200925 week

m200918 fri



Liz presentation ...

1 to 3 minutes / pages

this is what it does - before / after views
this is why you want it
this is what we propose

outcomes are
	commitment & support
	potential funding

many supporting appendices

>> examples of GREAT projects ? executive presentations?


test env

prod env

what other projects have done this integration ?

a>> get dbr metrics for processes
	volumes including rework


app catalog
service catalog
security iam methods
api gateways
ads ??

a>> get dbr metrics for processes
	volumes including rework
	use case list
	bpm - transaction details
architecture overview doc

	no toc??
	abstract good but generalize from cpa license
exec sum
	not just replace paper, upgrade existing systems
	add legal, safety reqmts to sum not just impacts
	show user control over their identity, credentials and 
		private data

a> need to add the migration, integration plans to existing
	sites, systems into wpapper scope

present scenario
a> need visual for CPA license flow OLD vs NEW

r> Brian
a> heat map start ....


email Maureen

To: Mason, James (DOA - Contractor); Patel, Chirag (DOA); Craddock, Walter (DMV); McCarthy, Tim (DOA); McGuirk, Brian (DOA); Sedlock, Clare (DMV); Barnett, Nicole (DOA); Mazzenga, Pam (DOA); Rathor, Bhim Singh (NON-US); Bashir, Saad; Antonaccio, Lisa (DMV); Amit Trikha; Tanner, Liz (DBR) 

m200917 thu


a>> get dbr metrics for processes
	volumes including rework
	use case list
	bpm - transaction details
architecture overview doc

	no toc??
	abstract good but generalize from cpa license
exec sum
	not just replace paper, upgrade existing systems
	add legal, safety reqmts to sum not just impacts
	show user control over their identity, credentials and 
		private data

a> need to add the migration, integration plans to existing
	sites, systems into wpapper scope

present scenario
a> need visual for CPA license flow OLD vs NEW

r> Brian
a> heat map start ....

	fri pm

a> cost estimates on 2 med, 1 large

aws instances



a> content scheduling for wpaper - press release etc ... who owns??

a> education plan

a> case study / bcase

a> poc video 

	final product will matter
	need intro 
	show each user journey - cpa, dbr license, 
	move admin work to appendix

a> coa not for cpa licenses

a>> get dbr metrics for processes
	volumes including rework

	see boa

views for benefits.

a>> jovonna - review jepl for cpa license - add value

Liz view of presentation 

key questions to answer 

1 to 3 minutes / pages

this is what it does - before / after views
this is why you want it
this is what we propose

outcomes are
	potential support

who's doing this now?

	make it easy to do business in RI 

	found EU ahead
	US behind

	unique in US States ..
	see eu, ca
	estonia, dubai, lichenstein, bc.gov, ebc, ebsi, wef 
	ahead of US behind world

what problems do we want to solve?	
	improve efficiency of govt process and experience for all parties
		who?  individuals, businesses, State agencies, 
			supporting organizations ( nasba )

what is it?  
	re-engineered State services using those 3 technologies
	digital transformation? blockchain?  SSI ?

why do we want it?



State agencies

what are the next steps?

	identity blockchain poc in progress w Infosys
	cta - next steps
	business next steps
		liz diagram

		did first
		credentialing second

	it next steps
		wef toolkit diagram

	program next steps

		how do you apply this solution to other agencies?

		how do you apply this solution to outside parties?

Jim's secret truths

trust is the foundation for all relationships
we put trust to work
in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice ...
modern QA mgt focuses on six sigma and zero defects at the expense of failure management
catch 22 for new systems - everyone wants change but doesn't like new system
consultant borrow your watch to tell you the time -- good because you have all the answers
resistance to change expert - "war council" .. feelings over data
customer first doesn't mean user interface first, it means value first
in a world of digital transformation, which careers are in demand AND long-term?

	extra - the appendices

what projects did she like, why, how justified??

	all it history for winners
	leveraging new techs and operating methods to improve 
	service levels, user experience and process efficiencies

	potential savings >>
		vs separate silos maintained independently
		costs, quality, fraud
		near real-time
		trusted records on entities, assets, transactions
		everything is immutable ( write-only ) digitally signed
		traceable history - important for dispute resolution, legal
	ledger & related data
		provides digital proof of all transactions meeting 
		approved rules applied by smart contracts
		all related data is tracked by transaction
	secure private data
		data privacy rules and regulations can be enforced
		ensuring confidential and PII ( Personal Identity Information )

summary slide deck

                table of contents

                                context - trust @ work 
                                govt many services, use cases
                                firms same + id, creds
                                individuals - id, creds, services

                                what's blockchain with examples
                                what's did with examples
                                what's identity blockchain with examples

                digital trust model
                                toip - original trust triangle - issues 
                                toip - electronic trust triangle - issues 
                                toip - digital trust triangle - opportunities

                value - bcase      

                                challenges & strategies

                our sdp – solution delivery process
                                process - learn ( research poc ) >  test pilot > production
                                sri poc w governance - itg, arb, agencies, infosys

                our poc
                                user journeys - value opps: person, firm, agency
                                poc proofs - stack, tech, process improvements

                moving forward
                                poc feedback
                                pilot planning
                                agency boa
                                how to get involved - sri bc wg & hlf ps

m200916 wed


a>> get dbr metrics for processes
	volumes including rework


Hi Chirag

Here’s a link to POC Blockchain Sprint 2 video.  
The team did a great job adding context in this video.
There’s more we can do in a Final version video that would make this “standalone” to explain what we are doing and why ( adding context ).

In addition, the video shows administrator setup for the credentials IN SEQUENCE with the user applying for credentials.  The admin setups will be moved to an “Admin section” for the 1 time configurations so the actual video flows on the front-end will JUST show what is done for a CPA, a CPA firm or a DBR admin to process requests ( vs the 1 time setup ). We will add a single slide for each user journey as introduction to that section of the video as well.



https://rigov.sharepoint.com/sites/DBR-Blockchain-Project-Team/Shared%20Documents/General/Sprints/RI_Sprint2_demoVideo_Final.mp4 [rigov.sharepoint.com] 

q> in our secure world, using multiple devices for
	security makes sense - Web app w mobile creds
	CAN we simplify the access flow to make it easy??

q> admin setup ( 1 time ) explanation of app download
	scan qr to connect to an agency
	4 steps --
	define cred schema
	define cred definition
	create connection invitation on state app
	set connections to state registry

credentials connection process ( every time )
	user scans qr code on app for agency
	user connects & accepts cred offer

q> production --- 
	web agent option if no phone ???

r> need flow charts for journey & interactions
	for each trans 
	- get id
	- get license etc
	- find user, firm in registry

i> which are 1 time setup vs ongoing for each trans

	make separate pre-req to user journey
	( like firm flow )

i> add 1 sheet on summary of user journey

i> cpa credential request sent to BOA for approval
once approved, the credential is issued to the walllet
with a connection request

i> user applies for employment credential ???
	user applies for position
	firm issues emp cred to user

i> separate 1 time setups for credential defs
	from user journeys

i> keep connection details on qr code for 2 parties

i> explain the firm employment credential agent app
	will be available to firms
	can be customized on schema setup

g> good showing state cred registry after cred issued

c> check firm ui apply for id

context slide

get some metrics about the way things currently happen – for each point, then it will be better. Jim can help us with that?


m200915 tue



DMV will support project on analysis, requirements for id bc, poc

Sprint 2 complete

Sprint 2 video Wed

Sprint 3 started

Added a proxy DMV Web portal to renew State ID with create digital identity (DID) option

Infosys drafted a whitepaper on the project

Simple story board on blockchain, digital identity, POC project, opportunities

Education plan in progress with Liz on bc workgroup concept

	context - bc in ps
	table of contents

		context - trust @ work 
		govt many services, use cases
		firms same + id, creds
		individuals - id, creds, services

		what's blockchain with examples
		what's did with examples
		what's identity blockchain with examples

	digital trust model
		toip - original trust triangle - issues 
		toip - electronic trust triangle - issues 
		toip - digital trust triangle - opportunities

	value - bcase	

		challenges & strategies

	our sdp
		process - learn ( research poc ), test pilot, prod
		sri poc w governance - itg, arb, agencies, infosys

	our poc
		user journeys - value opps: person, firm, agency
		poc proofs - stack, tech, process improvements

	moving forward
		poc feedback
		pilot planning
		agency boa
		how to get involved - sri bc wg & hlf ps


arb notice email

mark kents - elicensing engineer


pstatus = 39

dmv will help us on analysis

sprint 2 video 

front-end slides

	what is a blockchain?
	what is did?
		you own your own id
		individuals, organizations, things ( IoT )
		dids, credentials, stored in dwallet
	how do dids work?
		paper-based trust model
		digital trust model
	leverage related tech for more value ...	
		analytics, automation, AI, IoT, mobile, security
	toip -- layers of technology, governance
	why is it needed? by role value
		health & safety, compliance, user ownership
		fraud, accuracy, efficiency, automation,
		optimization, incentivized behaviors, 
		cost savings, risk reduction, revenue impacts,
		resource impacts, data quality	
	who is doing it and what we can learn from others?
	what is the blockchain poc project?
		validate the technology works on State gov use cases
		learn from the poc what works well, what doesn't
		understand what a production solution needs
		educate State agencies on identity & blockchain


m200914 mon

DMV integration meeting

Research resources granted

DMV POC integration

get current process ...

renew real id
	option to create digital id

all records 
	birth, death, education,
	pull records from agencies

	citizens portal	
	360 view for individual 
	- existing ids
	- new ids
	- automate near-term reqmts for credential currency
	- xover to ma fishing license

	ri interactive ...
	we add services 

a> goals for DMV planning meeting

0> background -- nicole, brian
1> understand RIMS overview now,  email ..
2> review 

research other govt blockchain solution concepts 



AWS and ...

access teams ...

did stack 

support OIDC ??

Andrew Reidl
	AWS engineering lead

Sanjiv Bhatia
	cloud pgm mgr

Andy R
	console, cli access in landing zone
	create dbr dev account w dev mode enabled
	enrollments ???
	azure ad for idp -- sso -- 
		m365 license for each user accounts
		federation with 
		ad security groups linked to dev mode role
		< recv multiple apps for each role

		maps existing accounts to ams roles

		aws console access
		dbr dev, uat, prod

		oidc supported

		not a control tower landing zone
		ams dev mode = aws account via console

		governance - create ams to build templates
			cloud formation template
			ams way of doing things in aws

	define vpc - ec2, storage, net ports etc
		i> ext client access to front-end ports
			ext connections open by default
			standup security group in firewall

	account has 2 av zones w pubic subnet, private internal
		internet open by default for repo downloads
		>> later will push through security stacks

	normal arb process ...
		account id for sso = 2 weeks
		sol arch - tagging for resources mgt for app only
		in dev mode, no auto backup etc
			snapshot backup

		ams rfc process for uat deployment 
			ams services available etc
			br = ssm thru aws

a> request sso accounts - dbr in aws ( 4 accounts )
	dev, uat, prod, devops
	via servicenow to andy

a> request for state accounts, dev mode role after arb approval

a> arb review for deployment to mark w / tony ?

a> email mark w / tony lib on arb radar

i> DMV oks hours 
	no data fields exported from test system to POC

q> onboard roadmap for dev mode instances?

next steps??		

prod reqmts
i> pii in cloud approved ???



a> front end slides on ...
ID concepts 
triangle - 3 times
why ?  see workgroup benefits slide on idbc

a> sprint status

a> whitepaper draft

a> Hi Tim - this new document version 
(  Blockchain-POC-DMV-ID-integration-v2.docx ) 
adds another option Chirag asked for:  
Option without DMV - New POC Plan to “proxy” DMV identity process with digital identity


DMV integration v2 

Hi Tim - this new document version 
(  Blockchain-POC-DMV-ID-integration-v2.docx ) 
adds another option Chirag asked for:  
Option without DMV - New POC Plan to “proxy” DMV identity process with digital identity


a> see mobi cmdm and other business case templates
a> create cpa license jepl for review as slides ??
a> governance models -- JM session, TOIP, Sovrin on governance
a> Indy, Aries production examples reference
	indicio, bc
a> RI agency systems access, research


poc dmv realid

Option without DMV - New POC Plan to “proxy” DMV identity process with digital identity




form for drivers license

u201029 - Liz - presentation deck updates


pptx deck

q> do we chapter headings .. yes

a> update dg slide 

a> add federated symbols

	email symbol

a>> added my id slide
	w roles, agencies

a>> next slide shows how data is shared 
	by indivdual 
	from state

t200917 - Liz presentation design deck

Liz presentation summary notes
Liz view of presentation 

questions to answer 

1 to 3 minutes / pages

this is what it does
this is why you want it
this is what we propose

outcomes are
	potential support

who's doing this now?

	make it easy to do business in RI 

	found EU ahead
	US behind

	unique in US States ..
	see eu, ca
	estonia, dubai, lichenstein, bc.gov, ebc, ebsi, wef 
	ahead of US behind world

what problems do we want to solve?	
	improve efficiency of govt process and experience for all parties
		who?  individuals, businesses, State agencies, 
			supporting organizations ( nasba )

what is it?  
	re-engineered State services using those 3 technologies
	digital transformation? blockchain?  SSI ?

why do we want it?



State agencies

what are the next steps?

	identity blockchain poc in progress w Infosys
	cta - next steps
	business next steps
		liz diagram

		did first
		credentialing second

	it next steps
		wef toolkit diagram

	program next steps

		how do you apply this solution to other agencies?

		how do you apply this solution to outside parties?

Jim's secret truths

trust is the foundation for all relationships
we put trust to work
in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice ...
modern QA mgt focuses on six sigma and zero defects at the expense of failure management
catch 22 for new systems - everyone wants change but doesn't like new system
consultant borrow your watch to tell you the time -- good because you have all the answers
resistance to change expert - "war council" .. feelings over data
customer first doesn't mean user interface first, it means value first
in a world of digital transformation, which careers are in demand AND long-term?

	extra - the appendices

what projects did she like, why, how justified??

	all it history for winners
	leveraging new techs and operating methods to improve 
	service levels, user experience and process efficiencies

	potential savings >>
		vs separate silos maintained independently
		costs, quality, fraud
		near real-time
		trusted records on entities, assets, transactions
		everything is immutable ( write-only ) digitally signed
		traceable history - important for dispute resolution, legal
	ledger & related data
		provides digital proof of all transactions meeting 
		approved rules applied by smart contracts
		all related data is tracked by transaction
	secure private data
		data privacy rules and regulations can be enforced
		ensuring confidential and PII ( Personal Identity Information )

summary slide deck

                table of contents

                                context - trust @ work 
                                govt many services, use cases
                                firms same + id, creds
                                individuals - id, creds, services

                                what's blockchain with examples
                                what's did with examples
                                what's identity blockchain with examples

                digital trust model
                                toip - original trust triangle - issues 
                                toip - electronic trust triangle - issues 
                                toip - digital trust triangle - opportunities

                value - bcase      

                                challenges & strategies

                our sdp – solution delivery process
                                process - learn ( research poc ) >  test pilot > production
                                sri poc w governance - itg, arb, agencies, infosys

                our poc
                                user journeys - value opps: person, firm, agency
                                poc proofs - stack, tech, process improvements

                moving forward
                                poc feedback
                                pilot planning
                                agency boa
                                how to get involved - sri bc wg & hlf ps

t200915 - DMV support, education plans

Create test users

Per our conversation with Andy Reidl (CC’ed) earlier this week, please create the attached users in Active Directory. (James.Mason.CTR and myself already exist, but we’re on the list for the second part of the request.)

About these users:

Second part:

  • Once established in AD, please configure these users via SSO to have access to/be members of DBR’s Amazon Web Services account.

Honestly, I’d create the users myself but I wanted to confirm that they don’t need a full O365 license first in order to use the account to SSO to AWS.

I yield to Mr. Reidl on that last one.

t200820 - Liz meeting tasks on Design


updates on flows and ???
approval of BRD
deck review for DMV


RI CPA society
likes automated digital credentials
automated compliance

Melissa Travis - RI CPA president on NASBA

Jovonna with Nasba

a> common workflows module ..
cavu ... portable
frameworks ...

design professionals -- diff than CPA
realtor --
security licenses ...

vonnage founder

a> create high level workflow


why id chain?
immutable ledger

why ssi?
legal - gdpr, ccpa,
data privacy

why now?
tech here now
ri.gov opportunities


my role - ri pm, test mgr, report author

review draft plan, timeline

setup meeting on dev env, tools, process
update arch plan
update eng plan
update test plan

reqmts scope

- ux ?? web ( mobile ?)
- 5 actors w aries wallets
cpa1, firm, dmv, dbr, cpa2

flow ...
- create cpa id at dmv
- create firm id at dbr as an org
- dbr issues x license to firm
- firm issues employment credential to cpa
- cpa applies for license
- dbr issues cpa license credential
- cpa logs on to dbr site to view credential

- cpa2 has a RI dmv realid
- firm hires cpa2
- cpa2 applies for cpa license using dmv realid
- dbr authenticates cpa2 using oidc to ads

extended reqmts
- ads oidc authn for ssi
a> brian - who can demo our ads oidc use case now?

- acct firm relation to cpa

pm200811  Senior Status Meeting


a> reqs doc signoff 1 meeting w Liz, BM, CP

a> define sprint deliverables sprint on timeline

a> final report toc

what does chirag want in weekly and final report ?

show goals - activity to support

1 use case poc done well vs mult use cases

a> show reports on current progress

a> realid input to poc flow

h> how to integrate DMV

define what's needed w slide deck ...

what we need from DMV

prep meeting for deck ...

a> standup
review slide deck for DMV integration


what are we doing?
why will this be successful?

itg in next few weeks...

pstatus - 200825

notes on pstatus 200825
RIDTC -- Digital Transformation Council


ribc - RI Blockchain Council

RI BC WG ???

Understand how blockchain and related technologies can be leveraged in public and private solutions integrating all stakeholders ( individuals, organizations ) effectively

> technology accessibility for all Rhode Islangers ...

Groups to include: 

announced efforts by the State's corporate legal community to explore the need for any clarifications to the Delaware corporate law to address and enable the authorization of "distributed ledger shares" by Delaware corporations.




investment themes

solution themes 

CIP - continuous improvement process
SSM 	smart service mgt
SDM 	smart data mgt
SOE 	service oriented engineering
XUC 	reqmts = executable use cases
EDS 	event driven systems
AQM 	automated quality mgt

other Govt sites

british columbia digital transformation >>


delaware blockchain initiative 
	corp filings only


m800827 -  review tasks, RI BC wg concept

a> Design to sign

a> Melissa call good

cpa re-engineering starts w Jovonna

a> DMV sme for id integration

a> define report TOC

a> research items list for PROD integration 
DBR ... 
cavu, db

a> Business case journeys for Bijay ...


id journey - before, after 
cpa license - before, after 
shows using id, create cpa license
firm hire cpa journey
shows using cpa license, id

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps

POC Project Workshop Agenda

report workshop

1> contents
2> delivery schedule including review

what are the earlier questions and findings?
> why did we do the poc? rfp, sow

> what is BC? an automated proof system between parties
> what is DID?
id evolution to ssi, did, vc, user centric services, controls

> what are the current opportunities in DBR, other agencies?
standalone systems, trust, data quality, SLAs, user experiences

> an example: CPA licensing
issues now
did process

did process = user ctlr, automated, validated, fast, easy, online
did load
nasba api - exams
nasba api - transcript
firm work credential automated via did comm
>> ready for admin review
may leverage open bpm solution

> feedback on: concepts? on poc? on business case for DBR?

what are the questions to answer going forward?
> what are the benefits for this solution for: people, firms, RI?
> what are key differences, strategies for pilot solution?
> where will we see the fastest paybacks? firm licenses
> what's the long term value for this DG focus? id bc, soa, dq,comply,
communit, partnerships

> feedback on: dbr benefits, pilot strategies, payback focus, LT value

deliverables list

project workshop
pilot plan
final report updates
dos integration plan deck
poc testing
ri aws deployment test
research - dids, legal

Infosys POC wrap up note - Srikanth 

Dear Rhode Island team,

Infosys thanks you for the opportunity to work on the Blockchain POC and also for your support over the last 3 months to bring this to life. Today’s discussion was a culmination of the work done by the project team over the past several months and stands as a testament to the quality and agility of work Infosys can deliver. Obviously, the advice, guidance, and direction from leaders of IT and Business at the state played a huge role in the outcome of this project As discussed during the workshop, we covered not only the key highlights of the project, but also walked through a roadmap for industrializing blockchain adoption in the state. This includes several dimensions along users, use cases, stakeholders, legislation and other emerging technologies.

As you close this phase and begin the journey to the next phase of the project, Infosys stands with you as a strategic partner to assist and help drive the initiative to success. All collaterals created for this project including the videos we shared during the workshop can be utilized for internal evangelization with other state agencies. Amit T will ensure that all of this is made available on the state SharePoint.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to once again formally thank Chirag, Liz, Bijay, Brian, Jim and the entire Rhode Island team for making this project a success. Also, kudos to the Infosys team led by Ashima, Debo, Anchit, Abhishek and supported by the larger practice.

Bijay – As agreed during the workshop, we will push forward with the whitepaper, blog, case study, and press release. For the case study, I’m able to confirm a leading analyst firm to write it by interviewing a few key folks from the state. I shall initiate this thread on the case study, however, will await your signal for timing over the next week or so.

I do not have Danielle’s email ID, kindly forward this email and the attached presentation to all required recipients at the state.

Wishing you all a happy Friday and thank you!

+1 (510) 833-1129 

DG presentation notes

dg presentation notes
Blockchain POC project context
dbr mission
dg program
bc poc project 
	foundation step
	digital identity for everyone

Blockchain POC project

did bc POC summary

view use cases diagram

did bc potential values

DG foundation for other milestone solutions
improved service levels for users, firms
improved security & data privacy
improved compliance with regulations & standards
improved transparency & accuracy with blockchain history
improved efficiency with credentials sharing ( like phone autopay )
improved user control with consent management
improved reliability with automated agents, digital wallets
support for digital identity backup & recovery

recommended next steps

launch DG work group
complete DID BC POC
plan DID BC Pilot project
plan DG Strategy & Blueprint
plan DG standards - DG CMM, SDP, BOA
plan DG governance 
plan DG rollout for solutions
plan DG training for solutions



ssi - did 
did bc - indy, aries, ursa
ent bc - hlf
jim's bc sessions


potential access to digital services
digital integrations to other systems
did security
did data privacy & protection
did history
did recovery strategies

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