TSA Sybal opportunity

TSA Sybal opportunity

Key Points

  1. Define candidate POC use cases for a POGS ( Proof of Governance Service )

sybal-mtg-notes2 gdoc


Key Concepts

Sybal white paper definition

What is proof-of-governance?

Transactions on blockchain are validated, or "governed", through various protocols. Proof-of-governance is a governance method conducted by artificial intelligence to preserve the integrity of a digital transaction and optimization of a blockchain ecosystem. Peer-to-peer transactions are not validated nor are they mined by non-regulated humans who are incentivized by monetary gains. Key chain activity is facilitated by an ethical intelligence who has no other mission but to serve and protect consumers when transacting digitally. We believe this constitutes true governance.


Although Sybal’s protocol will facilitate peer-to-peer transactions via distributed ledger technology, a decentralized transaction by industry definition, it is by our definition a highly transparent, private centralized transaction. Sybal customers thereby have the utmost confidence transacting on our platform

<< discuss this in detail given our role is an external service provider >>

For simplicity of our discussion, Let's ignore completely:

1> decentralization concepts
2> data privacy concepts
3> identity concepts
4> the value add of AI analysis and decisioning
5> token systems
6> other Sybal products beyond pogs
7> how we secure operations, parties, data, transactions

the fundamental question ...

do we want our pogs to:

A> compete with other FinTech solutions


B> provide a service that FinTech solutions can use

Is Sybal another blockchain in competition with other blockchains?

a different physical blockchain that runs client transactions directly ???
( based on what permissioning, protocols, chains ?)

an independent pogs that monitors, audits client transactions indirectly ???

The white paper assumes Sybal is just a blockchain that clients must use differently than other blockchains they have now - an alternate blockchain service they could implement ( instead of Fabric, Ethereum, Sawtooth, etc )

Is Sybal an independent governance service organizations can use?

Define operational goals for Sybal to govern:

account verfications
through identity?
through client IAM services ( identity and access management )

blockchain consensus in the context of different consensus protocols?

Sybal pogs can:

> Setup for a specific client governance job with defined processes, events, data and rules

specific behaviors can be rewarded or punished on the client system using tokens based on specific measured objectives and key results ( OKRs )

Sybal oracle can analyze the trends in behavior
Based on trends observed relative to goals,
Sybal can recommend changes in:
> the client system
> monitoring
> rewards system

> Track behavior and events based on the assigned rules
( monitor the transaction processes and events Sybal is configured for on the client system )

> Escalate specific events to designated client agents
( eg total day trades executed over the weekly limit of $50K )

> Audit specific events based on rules
( eg 5th day trade in the last week by this account )
As an independent audit service, Sybal's analysis and findings are less subject to bias normally than similar services a client operates

> Remediate issues by invoking a designated client service
( eg the day trader pattern exceeded authorized limits so Sybal recommends the account be suspended for the day based on the client system rules )

Crypto exchanges - a potential use case

what are key responsibilities, accountabilities, liabilities?

onboarding clients

onboarding new crypto products
providing a market for quotes
providing a market for trades and settlements
providing a market for conversions
reporting for clients
reporting for regulators

managing data privacy
managing security of the environment and transactions

key challenges for Crypto exchanges?

Many exchanges work to avoid regulations and compliance reporting as much as possible. Some also have had significant problems in a variety of areas:

> KYC issues
> identity fraud
> theft of assets
> failure to meet reporting requirements
> lack of transparency in operations impacting customer trust

These lapses and failures have direct impacts on clients.

Business case for pogs
why pogs?

Many organizations see responsibilities beyond shareholders and profit and loss today. Stakeholders include:
> shareholders
> customers
> employees
> communities
> vendors
> regulators
> competitors

candidates for pogs?

Sybal pogs can work with a variety of domains: individuals, businesses, regulators, non-government organizations.

Businesses have strong needs and significant resources to address those. It makes sense to focus their on our initial efforts and then expand to other communities as needs grow and resources allow.

Many organizations operate in ways that violate their own rules or those of governing bodies ( industry groups like FINRA or regulatory agencies like SEC, FDIC etc )
> think LIBOR scandal, credit account falsification, simple violations of trading rules and more

Those behavior violations can occur even with existing client governance systems in place.

When violations occur, they can be extremely expensive to client organizations:
> customer trust is lost
> sales may be lost
> employees may quit
> fines may be levied by regulators
> law suits may be brought by injured parties

For organizations looking to "lean in" to:
transparency, accoutability, regulation

an independent governance service can offer benefits an in-house solution can not.

Client engagement:

The client assessment determines what services Sybal can offer the client system that are useful to the client organization

Deployment can be defined as:
> on-premise service managed by the client
> secure cloud service run by Sybal

Security and confidentiality are critical for external governance

> When a client system contracts Sybal pogs, the client system is enrolled and assigned a DID - digital ID
> PII information should be shielded from external governance services
> data privacy regulations also apply to external governance services

The client defines the goals, system features and support available for data, transaction and event monitoring

ICO Exchange Concepts 

exchange provides

  1. quotes on crypto 
  2. marketplace to buy and sell
  3. registration for crypto assets
  4. registration for user accounts
  5. market details and summary on trades
  6. custody ??
  7. post-trade settlement ??
  8. crypto exchange ??

exchange has 

  1. trading marketplace
  2. registered coins
  3. registered user accounts

exchange integrates with 

  1. bank accounts via services like Stripe or Plaid

ICO Exchange Governance Concepts 

As community manager there are multiple responsibilities we have:
  1. creating the tokens to be used - minting, selling, buying, redeeming tokens
  2. donations, selling tokens and service charges on transactions provide revenue to run the community
  3. there can also be sponsor membership levels for investors ( gold, silver, bronze ) that provide a fixed % ( eg 95% or ? ) to go to causes, the balance to operate the community ( like a United Way report - we need full transparency online real time around financing, contributions to causes etc )
  4. setting the responsibilities, terms and governance rules for the market participants ( contributors, investors, beneficiaries etc ) 
  5. on demand reporting for all participants ( beneficiaries, investors, contributors  etc ) by period ( like your credit card company )
  6. marketing and promoting the Social Responsibility Credit market ( SRC market ) through other channels
  7. providing update reports for beneficiaries to show what has been achieved against their goals with funds received
Other Key decisions as community manager include: 
  1. fixed or floating token values? ( I think fixed simplifies the market for everyone )
  2. defining fees ( token redemption for cash etc ) 
  3. setting the KYC rules for enrollment, update by membership type
  4. how funds are managed ( banks etc )
  5. how PII data is managed 
  6. identity forms accepted by membership type and role 
  7. is there a foundation that sponsors can donate funds to OR are all donations targeted directly to causes ?
  8. if there is an associated foundation, what are the rules on how the foundation donates to causes?
  9. what options for communications do we provide for members in different roles?
  10. others?
Differentiators for SRC system include:
> the transparency on funds management and low operating costs for the market
> on demand reporting with trusted data 
> qualifications requirements for both beneficiaries, contributors ( KYC - no dark money etc )
> compliance with regulations by jurisdiction
> community elected governance board and external audit
> no political agenda
> assists underserved, underrepresented communities 


Continuing to think out loud. 
The partner purchasing our social responsibility credit can control capital allocated vs in the other model it is dependent on purchase volume and therefore not predictable. 
In our modeling we would be more predictable and therefore better aligned with NGO and non-profits' project timeframes. 
We don't want our partner to have to wait on transactions. They should be able to simply purchase the credits and we provide the reporting. 

Concept >>  Governance Protocol delivers Trust

Let's look at proof-of-work vs proof-of-stake vs Sybal's Proof-of-governance.
First proof-of-work and proof-of-stake.
Both of these methods have non-regulated miners and validators. The most significant difference between the two is that PoS requires miners to stake a set of assets for a period of time - the more you stake- the higher the chance you have of building the blocks while hoping you aren't a bad actor that would forfeit what you have staked.  
proof-of-governance protocol
With Sybal's proof-of-governance, there is no need for hope. Sybal, being developed and governed by a fully regulated organization whose sole focus is to protect consumers while transacting digitally, removes the need for these third parties completely, performing key functions on the chain to keep transactions safe and improve the experience. And she doesn't stop there. 
In the other models, you are left at the mercy of validators to validate the blocks for accuracy. Yet, the industry still suffers from double-spend attacks and has insight only after illicit transactions are completed. 
Sybal will proactively look for these anomalies through machine learning, seeing patterns as key indicators to act quickly because of her speed and agility to look at data.  The longer she is learning the safer our ecosystem becomes. 
This is the power of Sybal, proactive governance without the need for monetary incentive. 

Concept >> Lean In to Regulation, Transparency, Trust 

We could show our willingness of leaning in with regulators to ensure consumers are protected vs competitors who do not take this approach.

Concept >> True Financial Inclusion  ( vs Limited Financial Inclusion )

We can show how solving for lack of ID increases "formalization of economic flows and higher inclusion" across robust services vs existing competition that can only serve those with an existing digital trail. 

Potential Value Opportunities


NGOs - Service organizations



Organizations that handle documents, money or other key assets

Organizations that audit or certify others




Leverage Sybal services, tokens, governance ( of X ? )

Potential Challenges

Marketing Challenges

defining the right value propositions for the right audiences

building the right alliances and partnerships

identifying key service differentiators

finding the right alpha candidates

clearly marketing the services and value add for the right use cases to the right audiences

creating a market for GAAS - governance as a service ( we tried the same thing at DMX for FCA lead management PII )

Product Challenges 

Blockchain Product Value Life cycle 

Andy Martin• 1st Blockchain Value Design leader at IBM - Blockchain is really a governance technology4d • Edited •4 days ago
blockchain - we start with new forms of accounting to drive ecosystem reconciliation but move into open market ecosystem collaborative and competitive marketplaces and then into the token or digital economy itself. This is about who carries the can for when things go wrong and who owns the profits when the ship comes in and how all that changes when we move to a digital economy. In a digital economy you only have "1's" and "0's" - yes you have a link to the physical but that is handled in the industrial physical economy below. We are building a digital layer on top. The funding model is different - it is collaborative. It is about making money for your ecosystem as well as yourself.
No alternative text description for this image

Technology and Patent Challenges

Competition Challenges

Other Data Governance Services 

Others targeting similar segments or offerings

how are they funded?

where do they generate revenue?

how much do they actually contribute to social good?

what are their biases in program support?

Stellar - can support any custom token on Stellar network with high performance now




RIPL - Research Improves People's Lives




stats show education improvement after removal only for young girls


how RI can categorize more unemployed as "displaced workers" to increase federal funds for training saving RI funds

Libonomy - AI and Blockchain service


blockchain plus AI = autonomous consensus engine for blockchain transaction governance

more energy efficient uses less power ( no POW, uses POG instead )

does not discuss malicious attack risks


1 pager - business case for the solution

white paper - how the technology is better

yellow paper - business use cases with potential value delivered

partnership - who provides blockchain services here?

Coin Capital, a company that helps facilitate transition from centralized to decentralized systems in this digital era. Coin Capital is regarded as being one of the world’s leading digital currency banks, hence this partnership being a major milestone for Libonomy – a newcomer to decentralized technology.

“I am excited to be helping lead the way in blockchain innovation with a project as groundbreaking as Libonomy.” – Armando Levy, owner of Coin Capital.

Explainer Videos

Your thoughts on us developing scripts for the below differentiators?

Governance is more than Consensus

  1. True Governance vs Consensus
    1. We can show how governance performs without financial incentive vs consensus with all its vulnerabilities

Expanding Financial Inclusion

  1. True Financial Inclusion vs Limited Financial Inclusion
    1. We can show how solving for lack of ID increases "formalization of economic flows and higher inclusion" across robust services vs existing competition that can only serve those with an existing digital trail.

Lean In to Build a Better Future

An open, transparent, community-based approach to building better solutions. 

It's not creating revolution but accelerating evolution of solutions and systems to deliver faster at lower costs on opportunities for efficiency, growth, inclusion

  1. Lean In vs Lean Out
    1. We could show our willingness of leaning in with regulators to ensure consumers are protected vs competitors who do not take this approach.

Candidate Solutions

Crypto Trading Marketplace & Remittances

With our 2-in-1 platform, you can trade significant cryptocurrencies, BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, XRP, ERC20. You can also send money to friends and family anywhere in the world, and particularly in Africa. This comes with the lowest rates and a process that is as simple as sending an email.

What are the conversion costs from crypto to currencies?

How do these costs compare to straight remittances from 1 currency to another?

Who needs this combination of crypto trading and remittances?

Are the thoughts of high trading fees giving you second thoughts on crypto trading? When you trade high amounts, do you get startled by the resulting trading fee? Trade comfortably with Sybal, our low fees will allow you to trade with ease.

q> what are the exchange fees?  redemption fees for fiat?

competitive services, rates , market share?

Crypto Bank ?

KYC Service 

Governance Bias Service 

For product services

For corporate governance 

For HR governance

Financial Investor Pitch Idea ?

Hi Christine, Ike,
Overall it was a good call for Sybal. I very much appreciated the direct feedback we got real time from Dave and Josianne. Very helpful.
They provided real clarity in the call on what their criteria are: investing in operating businesses with solutions in the market that needs resources to expand. Many other technology firms ( maybe not all ) will fit the Intel investment profile.
Financial investors are looking for low risk investments on the road to revenues and value quickly. It's better if the company has technology that can have a large market upside & impact.
If the financial investor profile makes sense, it might make sense to put Ike in the position of the "unconvinced" financial investor with those criteria and then giving him a presentation on the Sybal proposition. Basically the Phase 1 plan has to be convincing, real and the focus point for funding.  Our phase 1 needs to make the value believable, the time frame short with clear business & financial milestones. It also needs a slide for a risk mitigation plan.
Phase 2 plan represents the long-term upside potential to separate Sybal from other investments. If I'm going to get Ike to fund us, we have to convince him the Phase 1 plan is real, we're delivering on that journey now and there is little risk for success.  The Phase 2 story can only talk to market opportunity, use cases, the technology and value gaps that Sybal can fill. It's the Phase 1 story that will make Sybal real first.
It would be the dialog with Ike that would show what is working now and where improvements are needed to make the offering concrete.
You have a lot of great slides in the deck already to make these points, especially for Phase 1. We should use them in our discussion to strengthen the points we make.
I'm tied up all day tomorrow but there may be a time slot we could find Friday PM. I do have a 1:30 to 3:30 client meeting Friday afternoon.
Your thoughts?


m201218 - token offering, web site, product - KYC service

m201218 fri

team meeting


1> weekly availability for calls

2> review pitch deck for presentation areas 

3> concrete 


a>> draft case study format

a>> public sector for example concrete remittances etc


view only

a>> CA use case list 

a>> how -- put trust to work w 3 concrete case studies

a>> Sybal the value we deilver 

we are a service

what's the problem we add value to ???

	concrete w solutions today that could be improved
	CA use cases and current values delivered

what sybal is .. the difference maker

we leverage latest technologies to add value, solve tough challenges on:
social good, bring communities together, inclusion, underserved, equitable ( opportunity vs results )

does AI make us different?
no - we use AI
does BC make us different?
no - we use BC

others use these technologies.

What makes Sybal different is ...

	human-centered governance and compliance across processes

	put trust to work
	lean in to communities 
	our own governance model is ... our communities served
		community participation ( sse CA BC study team )
	concrete use cases
		remittances, education credentials, energy credits,
		licenses, health certifications, consents, 

	our operations 
	sybal education on governance
		non profit
			free education on our topics
	sybal service
		for profit
	sybal bank
		for profit
	sybal foundation
		non profit community services 
			identity, fin inclusion, healthcare w sybal services

	triple bottom line
	social good credit system >> esg -- token system
		certifcation system for participation
		audit we conduct to maintain certifications
		business serving communities - stakeholders
			customers, employees, shareholders, govenments, communities
	transparency, governance, change management 
sybal is a social credit system 
for gov, business

initial investor slide - call to action
	how do we move forward
	what do you expect from the investors 
	how are we gonna put that to work

governance concepts 

gmm - governance maturity model




275 want pitch deck

financing expected to be 12 mos for full $10M ...

0> tokenomics paper dec
1> white paper jan
2> web site ready 

3> mvp stack for coin trading

saft agreement for future tokens
vendors offering ICOs as broker / dealers
SEC registered tokens 
erc20 token for reservation for sybal coin

charge percent for ICO raise

ICO is reg D with SAFT agreement
INX token

case law on coins 
	did private raise
	exempt from reg D
	public raise thru regular filings
	SEC > no --- initial private raisee dependent on public raise
		all was a public raise 

lean in to regulations, oversight
	auditors on finance, tech
	"poster child for regulations, governance"


POG protocol blockchain 

	mobile remittance, payments
	OCC and Wyoming on banking licenses for digital assets

a> review pitch deck again
	spell check

link to my legislation research


g> reduce risks on bc remittance 

g> expand access to fin svcs
	everyone has seat at the table
	equitable access for all
	< can't solve all at once
	< quick hits that validate benefits -- portable wallets

h> focus on US unbanked now for testing solutions
	lower fees, ids ( ssi )

a> cost of issuing ids on sovrin

g> best practices, governance focus - lean in

g> sybal - who we are ? baas svc 

q> HOW do we eliminate human traits, bias putting consumers at risk

a> need specific examples 
a> use MAD tracking alert on data governance
a> read Ethical AI - vs FB AI

o> opportunity - restatement of business purpose for others is a door for us

s> strategy - social impact business model ( eg air bnb etc )

k> key = right partnerships = market niche, resources, promotion

g> sybal value 

	7cs- clear, concise, complete, concrete, considerate, cooperative

q>> who else is trying to hit our goals now ???

	World Bank on remittances - bc pilot now
	WEF - stds on bc use cases

d> difference - sybal
	human centered for social good using AI & blockchain 
	driving economic growth
	true governance on bc with regulatory compliance 

h> how investor return with
	innovation, high growth, increased profit over time (not first)

q>> key use cases to start ???

	government remittances ?? registrations ??

investor goals ??

a> sustainable advantage 

a>> show me how the moat is wide ?
	other baas has to rebuild their service model 

POG protocol 
	ethical intelligence 

a>> show concrete examples simply 

a>> need comparative examples simple 

	a person walks into a bar with normal license, vs ssi cred
	90 second videos 
	capabilities videos for solution approach
	solution impact videos for specific use cases - remittances and ??

v>> business digital banking service in US

i>> can you 
	sell it, scale it, govern it, grow it

	collaborate - help other orgs deliver better service, value, gov
	align with others on goals, strategies

h>> how do we measure bias on specific use cases???

q>> how do we align with CBDCs ??





dr dan he - ibm ai 

now consultant
infrastructure setup 
white paper 

hannah robertson - alexandria, va
creating sybal story
investor page

q> who gives us feedback on investor side?

works w postal service as a pm, whitepaper
bc healthcare startup

jim m
sybal focus on blockchain solutions, technology 
	work w fabric, indy, aries
	lead public sector group for hlf
	mobi - vid, cmdm stds
	presentations on ebc

	worked in infrastructure on IT 
	services, apps, solutions - cfg, fidelity


a> jm.testnet on aws
a> supply chain 

1> availability of smart devices in adult populations
2> multi-tenant wallets
3> cloud wallets ( mediators ) and services
4> mfa 



e201215 - update on web site, my tasks, token offering

Please do let us know what feedback you have on the items in your data room.

Additionally, I would like your feedback on the MGI Digital Identification Report located in your research folder as it relates to initial development of our ID Solution.

Initial Framing of the solution would start with KYC , which drives access to financial services on our platform, privacy and control of identifying data with a notification system of how it is used and by who, establishment of the digital trail, and efficiency within the digital ecosystem.

From there, we would move into innovating on behalf of customer to improve the aforementioned baseline and on behalf of the public and private sectors to decrease fraud, onboarding time, and exclusion expanding upon the use cases for both customer profiles.

Please let me know your thoughts as we will discuss each section of the offering during the meeting.

<<  The concept of ledger proofs of KYC activity, consents etc with automated event notifications potentially has high value as a service.


We hope this note finds you well. 

Quick update on where we stand. 

This week we are scheduled for a team meeting which takes place 12/18/20 at 9:00 AM EST. We look forward to seeing you there.

Hannah, our Blockchain/Developer SME continues to work on final web copy. Once approved she will begin placing copy and redesign of GUI. We expect this work to be completed before end of month. 

We are in the process of developing the initial tokenomics of Sybal’s protocol. This will be completed prior to end of month. Once completed, we will draft an initial white paper. We expect this to also be completed prior to end of month. 

These are the final items remaining prior to going live with the raise.

As final stages come to completion we have decided to exercise a SAFT raise and list our coin via a regulated broker platform. We believe this approach expedites the raise and make Sybal more visible to the right type of investors. 

Please do let us know what feedback you have on the items in your data room. 

Additionally, I would like your feedback on the MGI Digital Identification Report located in your research folder as it relates to initial development of our ID Solution. 

Initial Framing of the solution would start with KYC , which drives access to financial services on our platform, privacy and control of identifying data with a notification system of how it is used and by who, establishment of the digital trail, and efficiency within the digital ecosystem. 

From there, we would move into innovating on behalf of customer to improve the aforementioned baseline and on behalf of the public and private sectors to decrease fraud, onboarding time, and exclusion expanding upon the use cases for both customer profiles. 

Please let me know your thoughts as we will discuss each section of the offering during the meeting. 

My response 200505

Hi Stacy,

Sorry for the delay.

That's good news the model does work.

I'll guess the service needs to model data by both location ( eg SF, NY or .. ) AND  price ranges for those markets. A 3 BR, 2 BA home in MA would sell very quickly compared to a high end 5 BR, 5 BA home over $1M in most MA markets ( except greater Boston ). If your model allows those inputs, I expect it could be very accurate after training in a market.

Cluster analysis by market ( a set of zip codes ) would show roughly what is in demand on the sales side and what is available on the supply side to do basic matching in a market.

In theory, the only thing that "breaks your model" at any point are black swan events like this virus. I don't know if there would be a "factor" you could apply to the forecasts at that point or if you need a new model during that time period.

I linked a few sites that provide real estate apis you can access data.
Some of those I believe are free.
I don't know if they have the minimum data you need on listing date & price, selling date & price etc.



Some Real Estate APIs that may have the listing data, sales data you need:

Real Estate APIs to review



Is there an API to access MLS data? - Quora

Is there an API to access MLS data? - Quora

On Thursday, April 30, 2020, 3:19:14 PM EDT, SN Laabs <snlaabs@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Jim,

Finally. :) The software expert that I worked with for years and build our multi-million dollar software.


After reviewing the code, he believes the model is likely accurate. 

But to know 100% accuracy of code: we need to test with data in the exact parameters he hard coded into the model - against the real time it took for the houses to sell. 

1. We are going to test the model with actual real estate information we pull (from a relator) to double check the accuracy.

2. Now, if the model is accurate off the data we pull, then we have a second issue, we can/need to resolve. Demarcation. 

    The value is hard coded in at 75k, for the value. It's not 'smart', so it's unlikely that the model would translate      to accuracy in price ranges of million dollars. So we would need to figure out a way to either fix that issue.
         Quick Brain Storming:
                 1. Drop down options for real estate agents to choose from in their local area, given the different price                     points.
                 2. Create a 'smart' AI component to calculate on the fly.  

Next Steps:

Find a real estate agent who can get us data based on the current hard coded data - run the code. Check the accuracy against what 'really' happened with the house sales.

200425 - email on creating own code

***Biggest reason: Where is the working code that the university used to create the paper? My only guess: They don't have it. 

I never asked directly because I wanted to stay in good graces with the university, but this is a good explanation as to why suddenly the professor abruptly dismissed me after the student got back to him.  


I am getting cost to see about writing new code to predict if this is even possible. (will let you know the cost when I get it)

Even if we own the code, even if some of it is open source, we have our own 'proprietary software', as you don't patent AI software.

Also with us communicating with the university we don't want a legal fight. In fact, their code being flawed actually may help us (see below why). 

University Solution: 

I wrote our attorney CW for confirmation, but I believe the most politically and legal aspect is to honor the agreement. We publish the universities code on our github (a code repository), and do what we said we would do. 

1. It meets our legal agreement.
2. It actually helps us (if our new code works), because most people who think they can copy the code and be direct competitors have no idea the paper is flawed and code is flawed. 
3. We don't embarrass the university and get into some sort of legal conflict.

*It is known the the university in earlier emails that I was creating our own code, but we found theirs more interesting. So I should easily be able to communicate that we decided to use our own code, but are sharing theirs per our license agreement.

Recommended Next Steps

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