VINblock Notes

VINblock Notes

Key Points

  1. VINblock is DMX's term for our family of blockchain solutions that support our application suites and platform
  2. VINblock is a key technology from the DMX Foundry along with AI, Analytics, Mobility, API's
  3. VINblock is based on DLT - Decentralized Ledger Technology from Hyperledger 
  4. VINblock encompasses a growing set of blockchains that are delivered based on business priorities
  5. DMX has partnered with a variety of groups on related technologies for automotive and blockchain.
    Key organizations DMX participates actively in:
    1. Hyperledger Fabric - multiple areas with 18+ months in the documentation team directly and other working groups
    2. MOBI - Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative - actively working on VID ( Vehicle Identity ) and other standards projects with other MOBI members
    3. AGL - Automotive Grade Linux - a standards-based model for the digital systems of a connected vehicle, participating in various working groups
  6. VINblock Evolution: As blockchain standards and frameworks evolve, DMX will update VINblock chains where it can add value
  7. DMX has collaborated with a variety of blockchain service providers:  Chainyard, Hyperchain Labs and others
  8. VINblock uses multiple Hyperledger projects, primarily Fabric
  9. VINblock initially is focused on: 
    1. VIDblock is the Vehicle Identity blockchain ( VID ) that tracks just the basic vehicle identity and current references ( if known )
    2. OwnerBlock is the Vehicle Ownership blockchain tracking vehicle ownership history
    3. InspectionBlock is the CPOV Inspection blockchain tracking vehicle CPOV inspection history
  10. VINblock POC is based on Fabric v1.3  and will be updated to Fabric v1.4 ( the long-term stable production version of Fabric )
  11. VINblock design requirements are in progress for Fabric 2.x platform for VID, Ownership and CPOV
    1. Fabric 2.x is a beta version now, expect a stable version of 2.x by 2019 Q4 or 2020 Q1
    2. migration from v1.4 ( the current long-term stable release ) to a v2.x stable release is not trivial given the architecture changes


m Hyperledger Fabric Solution ConceptsHyperledger Fabric Concepts
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Elf0Fcxp95HyKfu7GgcjPneLC4OHSpDrXM89y819G_g/edit#DMX Enterprise Blockchain Concepts

VINblock conceptual architecture diagram
MOBI DLT - vehicle blockchainMOBI Reference Notes
/wiki/spaces/KH/pages/33587333AGL - Automotive Grade Linux Notes

Key Concepts

  1. VINblock chains support
    the DMX application suites in our network of OEMs, dealers, vendors and consumers
  2. VINblock chains can provide: 
    immutable history, transparency, security, data privacy, member verification, network consensus, trusted data and relationships
  3. VINblock smart contracts provide:
    value transfers across networks, guaranteed enforcement of business rules on transactions, data security, self-management of contract versions, events
  4. VINblock smart connections
    Where needed, VINblock chains can integrate directly or indirectly to Connected Vehicle systems using OBD2 devices, AGL systems over networks

VINblock Conceptual Network Diagram


The MOBI VID ( Vehicle Identity ) standard

  1. The MOBI VID specification is just that - a specification.
    1. The goal is the specification will mature and be adopted as standard by most of the industry and implemented in similar ways on many vehicle types
    2. MOBI plans to define a variety of related ledger specifications for the connected vehicle ( Owners, the vehicle, inspections etc )
    3. MOBI teams work in concert with other standards bodies on connected vehicle definitions ( 

  2. The MOBI VID is a document in a ledger on the connected vehicle.
    1. The vehicle systems are digital twins of the vehicle itself and include local ledgers
    2. There are a significant number of on-vehicle subsystems today from different vendors that are not based on standards now
  3. The connected vehicle includes on-vehicle systems and ledgers that connect to off-vehicle systems and blockchains 
    1. The off-vehicle systems communicate and replicate with the on-vehicle systems as needed
    2. Connection methods include bluetooth, wireless ( 5G etc )

The VID includes the VIN which is part of VBC ( Vehicle Birth Certificate ), the current Emissions Certificate  from the OEM and limited other current information on the vehicle

Different parties ( OEMs, dealers, owners, vendors, drivers, toll roads etc ) will have access to the VID attributes appropriate to their role ( no-access, read-only, write )

The VID is primarily used for trusted vehicle identification and as a reference item for many other applications ( maintenance, driving, tolls, insurance etc )

In addition to the VID, other information about the vehicle, the owner, the current driver etc can be stored reliably and securely on blockchains 

VINblock relation to MOBI VID ( Vehicle Identity )

that is tied to the VIN? (edited)

VINblock is based in the DMX ecosystem supporting applications and other ledgers

Where are each of these various certificates referred to created and ledgered (edited)
- (edited)
This appears to me to be a mix of both defining standards but also defining a new system, which means I gather its defining a single system that would be built and hosted by finite private parties. Am I reading this correctly? (edited)
Is governance of such an system subject to a new regulatory body and if so, how is that body going to be constituted

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