m Mobi VID2

m Mobi VID2

Key Points

MOBI VID2 - POC to create standards

  1. every Tuesday meeting
  2. project charter is our roadmap
  3. use cases
  4. problems to address
  5. solution options
  6. standards draft and validation

Description:VID phase II weekly meeting
Meeting ID: 866 239 278
VID2 use cases in gdrive

use case worksheet for VID2


version 2 of use case gsheet



https://mobi.dltMOBI home
https://dlt.mobi/mobi-blockchain-standards-publications-media/MOBI publications
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rkQuiuOKG4sqjr1ueEiMrl-UAv16K1Xtjmason900 access to MOBI VID2 folder
https://app.slack.com/client/TE3TYD6FM/CEANQ2K5MMOBI slack channel

MOBI VID Standard v1 report
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JjekBke8qyf1S3R2YKs4htnAcdjKmOxgW5rj1AAAeWEVID2 Project Charter
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L1InuUdO0SeGSyD26afQWGbcpwHVsZbQ2ZSSKfLSt1UVID2 membership gsheet
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fNxdRfOzL3g3VlF4lS15LkQpmSzyGR3FVID1 RFI pptx

https://obd-ii-trouble-code-lookup.soft112.com/OBD2 trouble code lookup
https://www.outilsobdfacile.com/data-trouble-code-obd2.phpOBD2 code description - app
https://github.com/todrobbins/dtcdbDiagnostic trouble code links


PIES parts data definition xml stds for exchange from autocare.org

login jm9 synm


Spec Equipment Market assoc on part stds

references - PIES, ACES catalog

McKinsey - 2019 - OEMs plan for future changes in mobility trends




SOVRIN identity service
Sovrin glossary
Trust Over IP Whitepaper - slides

Other Blockchain Solutions
Cosmos overview youtube 1Cosmos blockchain hub and tendermint protocol for blockchain interoperability?

Daimler - 2020 - POC tests - 

- A car wallet built together with RIDDLE&CODE - The Blockchain Interface Company
- An identity wallet for transactions with Spherity
- A mobility as a service customer experience with 51nodes

VID2 meeting notes
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZlondzaB3RF9gVuNeSm38YoJBcQJsPOe39AkaJ-nHE0Oct 8 Meeting Notes

Waste infrastructure sensors
https://iotify.help/virtual-lab/smart-trash/index.htmlSmart trash can test on bluemix

MOBI VID2  team

chris wood - filament ewallet

divyesh jadav - ibm bc

dan bachenheimer - accenture

todd - luxoft

hans otten - autodata cto - chromedata - oem data mgr

klaus uwe roehm - bosch iot

ryan tabibian - car iq - car payments net - use hlf

johannes klepsch - bmw - chair - mobility pm

sebastian banescu - quantstamp - security - solns hlf

michael vo - mobi cto

joe bannon - kar global - dealer markets

alan gordon - ford vc - tech lead ai

Key Concepts

OBD2 diagnostic codes


As the list of generic OBD codes is not always sufficient, manufacturers can add as many of their own codes as they need.

The last 3 digits correspond to an incremented number (purple digits).
This may be a hexadecimal number (i.e. from 0 to 9 + from A to F). For P family codes, sub-families have been defined using the 1st digit (in this example the "3"):

  • 0 , 1 and 2: for the air/fuel mixture
  • 3 : for the ignition system
  • 4 : for checking auxiliary emissions
  • 5 : for engine idling
  • 6 : for the onboard computer and ancillary outputs
  • 7, 8 and 9: for the transmission (gearbox)
  • A, B and C : for hybrid propulsion

These OBD codes were standardized using SAE J2012 and ISO 15031-6 standards which, to our knowledge, contain about 11 000 definitions in the most recent version.

IEEE specs


Define Visual Appearance Standards

Every appraisal or inspection includes visual appearance evaluations

2 Schemas - header and detail 

Automated Visual Appearance Solutions

Paint meter thickness - shows potential useful life of an existing body panel before repainting required

Collision industry standards on visual appearance

CIECA - Collision Industry E Commerce Assoc 

Repair diagnostic stds by area


The purpose of this report is to begin committee work to define and publish the repair steps from loss initiation to final delivery and documentation.  The committee will determine, define, and standardize the event points that are required within the process 

Vehicle Diagnostic and Imaging 


The Vehicle Damage & Imaging committee is chartered with developing and maintaining the next generation XML standards that will be used by the collision industry in the appraisal of and/or restoration of a vehicle that has incurred a loss.  All standards will be based on the BMS (Business Message Specification) developed by CIECA

Repair Industry Segments

  • VDI Provider - A Company whose main businesses concern is providing vehicle damage repairs to the collision repair industry. The provider can perform vehicle damage repairs solely or can coordinate repair operations on a vehicle in conjunction with conventional repairs.
  • Damage Appraisers - Any entity whose role is to estimate or appraise vehicle damage and/or record and process appraisal information.
  • Information Technology Providers – Any entity that develops and/or maintains applications and/or services related to damage appraisals, appraisal data communications and/or appraisal data consolidation. 
  • Data Recipients - Any company that utilizes vehicle damage appraisals, vehicle damage data communications and/or vehicle damage data. 


  • Insurers
  • Repairers
  • Glass Vendors
  • Appraisers
  • Consumers
  • Information Providers
  • Paint Vendors
  • Sublet Repair Vendors

industry ratings etc

Potential Value Opportunities

MOBI VID2 solution models

Preferences report out

1 >> one chain everyone plugs into

1a >> we spin up chains from the protocols and OEMs plug into as you see fit insub-groups

2 >> OEMs build their own solution with interoperability

Potential Challenges

BIO - Blockchain Interoperability

VID2 requires multiple blockchains on different protocols that can execute:

  1. a lookup transaction - gets information from remote
  2. an update transaction - updates one or both nodes ( requestor and responder )
  3. a spend transaction - updates one or both nodes ( requestor and responder ) with a token spend ( actual or virtual )

non-functional requirements include: scale, performance, automated configuration, identity validation, scope ( session or transaction ), duration, transaction rules, authorization, audits

Blockchain Interop Transaction Use Case Types

  1. Oracle - read-only access to another blockchain from a first blockchain
  2. Standard Transaction - eg ship a vehicle from one blockchain to another
  3. Spend Transaction - eg buy something from one blockchain on another blockchain involving payment or future payment

Steps to connect 2 different blockchains


  1. Protocol Support - connect 2 different types of blockchains using standard service interfaces implementing Hub, Adapter or Bridge patterns from a bc protocol adapter repo
  2. Register a blockchain on another chain
  3. Connect to a chain
  4. Transactions

Tasks to connect to 2 different blockchains

BIO metadata definitions

BIO needs chain registries for a purpose to find service chains

BIO needs service chains to manage directory of approved client chains

BIO needs a common protocol for BIO - tcp sockets, https web sockets or ???

BIO depends on decentralized ids ( self sovreign ids ) and proxy ids, wallets etc

BIO needs common metadata for: contract, authorizations, identities, transactions, mapping, contract management, BIO requests, BIO grants ( similar to Kerberos )

BIO create a connection definition - flow

bc.a issues a connection.request to bc.b OR bc.b creates a connection request for bc.a to bc.b for a smart contract transaction sub set for a group

bc.b reviews the request and responds with: declines or grants an approval for a duration ( transaction, session duration or permanent )

bc.b issues connection certificates for specified roles and contracts to other chains with an expiration and duration

bc.a creates API for the other chain's contract context

map the API to existing local chain services

save the BIO definition

BIO issue lookup transaction request

BIO issue an update request

BIO issue a spend request

Candidate Solutions

Compare IBC protocol

Interblockchain Communication (IBC) is a TCP/IP-like messaging protocol for blockchains.



_mobi vid2
- folder
VID phase II weekly meeting

Meeting ID: 866 239 278
A> charter update
- assumptions on lifetime events, risk strategies, scoping
C> only use a few events
- benefits expected
- issue ledger tracking ...
- certificate issuance
- certificate retention - wallet
- vehicle events for a context (existence category) and end of life event
did ...
i> how are my parts related to me? a category

A> articles on mobility issues w quotes from team ??
following use cases:
• Birth of the Vehicle
• Transfer of Ownership
• Lifetime Events
• End of vehicle life: salvage, recycle. etc. and more
The standards will specifically touch on data architectures, security, permissions/roles and governance.

q> is the vid pii OR the owner relation pii??
a> the vid._id is NOT pii .. but vid contents ( eg vin ) are
i> who accesses the vid.vin ?? oem, owner, gov and authz??
q> do we have a VID vs VDR - vehicle digital record for all trans??
different roles, authz, access??
i> where are vid, vdr access rules stored ? in each

i> mult devices create mult digital twins as replicas that need synch
i> can we assume a vid._id can be compromised ??
yes.. need to establish authz on each request or session??
f> escrow transactions management by scontract

i> slack channel ??
mobi slack

evgi - electric vehicle grid integration working group at mobi

A> tie out fca bc role

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps

Define process flows for a VID use case using DIDs, VCs

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