

j.m.d - Syn

Key Points



VID team

Michael Vo

Joe Bannon

Alan Gordon

Johannes ...

Todd Gehrke Luxoft

Lucy Halocyban

Key Concepts

DID networking concepts

m191203   Accenture presented their KTID _ Known Traveller Id model

Accenture presentation on known traveler digital identity KTDI.

Dan Bachenheimer - 4 layers of decentralized identity reference architecture. First 2 layers are human trust.  

Layer 4 - Governance Frameworks (human trust)

Layer 3 - Credential Exchange (ht)

Layer 2 - DID COM protocol

Layer 1 - DID networks


-> Layer 1 & 2 - under Cryptographic trust category

The vehicle has a securely stored electronic wallet (data store) that contains digital certificates (SIC) for things such as vehicle identity, ownership, warranties, and mileage. At the birth event, the VID consists of the vehicle birth certificate (VBC) and is indexed by a unique vehicle. 

KTDI Wallet includes traveler information and private DIDs


What’s on the blockchain? Public DIDs, DID documents and revocation register.  

Are there issues with GDPR with this?

Short answer is no - but where to mitigate…? Don’t put PII on the blockchain but do share PII on the connections. What data is being asked from one point to the next? That data is encrypted and GDPR compliant.  

Sovrin published their GDPR position paper 2 weeks ago. Launched a second delete-able ledger. To be GDPR compliant, need to be able to delete PII. 


DID documents are linked to a DID on chain. Documents themselves do not live on the chain.  

Example - geo location is valuable data, how does capturing this data still comply with GDPR? 

That data can’t be stored on blockchain + blockchain is not meant to store tons of information.  

You can’t hash something say it is no longer GDPR. 


Don’t confuse cryptography with hashing. 


For identity, Accenture’s stance is to use Indy, moving to Aries. Sovrin network is built on Indy.  

Solution is to have 2 ledgers: 1 for identity and another for business. The integration needs to go hand in hand. 


Hedera Hashgraph - similar approach as Sovrin with stewards but focusing on different verticals. Keep an eye on it. 


Todd (or Alexander from Luxoft) to present on Sovrin network before the holiday break. 


Overview of where we are on the use cases document and buckets. There are currently 11 buckets right now. 

There is a lot of value in going through each use case before bucketizing. Discuss the pain points and relevant aspects of blockchain. Then get the buckets and start standardizing attributes in each of these buckets. Tie it back to the first standard on the vehicle birth certificate. 

It is achievable to bucketize each of the use cases. It is what we agreed upon in the charter document. We did spend a good amount of time on establishing buckets and exploring things in parallel, but it’s ok. It’s part of the process.

m191210 - Sovrin Overview - Todd Gehrke, Luxoft

presentation of Sovrin to VID

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