m Public Sector - LFDT
Key Points
- Some interesting blockchain solutions have been listed under Candidate Solutions below
- There are multiple blockchain frameworks and platforms available
- Some target enterprise, permissioned blockchain requirements like Hyperledger
m Public Sector Sessions 1 - LFDT
You can use host code 99-142536 to claim host when joining a Zoom room
https://lists.lfdecentralizedtrust.org/calendar ***
Hyperledger Public Sector Discord Channel
You can chat in the Public Sector community after registering
Hyperledger Discord server ( must join Hyperledger Discord community first )
hyperledger community link
AFTER you join the Hyperledger community in discord
Meeting Protocol
- I welcome you to this meeting of the Hyperledger Public Sector SIG.
- We will wait a few minutes for more people to arrive
Antitrust Policy
- Linux Foundation meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws.
- Please do not participate in any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws.
- the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/
Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all.
- We treat each other with respect, professionalism, fairness, and sensitivity for our many differences and strengths at all times.
- For more information please visit our Hyperledger Code of Conduct at https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/HYP/Hyperledger+Code+of+Conduct
Presentation Introduction
Presentation title
- The meeting recording and a PDF copy of the presentation will be posted on our web site after the meeting
- The speaker will go through the presentation.
- Please make note of questions you'd like to ask at the end.
Key Groups
PSSIG 2022 Planning Session
Hyperledger Public Sector SIG 2022 pptx
Speaker Invite through EUBOF
I made contact with your group through the EU Blockchain Forum. I'm interested in having you present about INATBA, the organizations programs, events and activities and how that helps drive innovation, regulation support in Public Sector related use cases.
Here's a link to our group page:
We meet biweekly on Friday at 10 am EST.
If you're interested, please email me and we can finalize a topic and speakers so we can set a date and promote the session
Thanks very much,
Jim Mason
Standard Invite
Hi Speaker
I'm the leader of the Hyperledger Public Sector Group. I am a big fan of the work you do in the identity space and the impacts it can have on related domains: finance, healthcare, government services etc.
I would love it if you would do a presentation to our group.
Here's a link to our group page:
We meet biweekly on Friday at 10 am EST.
If you're interested, please email me and we can finalize a topic and speakers so we can set a date and promote the session
Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks very much,
Jim Mason
Key Services of PSSIG
presentations as scheduled
meetings - sig health, work - monthly
research reports - digitail id ( use cases, concepts, regulations, opportunities, challenges, solutions )
newsletter - quarterly with categories - regulations, technologies, challenges, vendor solutions, etc
blog - for all to access, registered member to contribute
Candidate Sessions, Speakers
areas ??
use cases > solutions > technologies
bc.gov ?
stephen curran ?
drummond reed ?
telegram sam on aries ?
nathan george ?
sofia terzi on ebsi ?
consensys ?
accenture ?
delaware ?
Dr Thomas Dunser - Director Office of Financial Market Innovation – https://www.linkedin.com/posts/wendy-gallagher-8a1a961_the-liechtenstein-law-that-is-actualizing-activity-6806167404075356160-GzE6
Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes - Blockchain in Healthcare, speaker, GBA
Brighttalk blockchain channel - https://www.brighttalk.com/channel/16693/ - Ulf Mattsson - book to review
Blockchain Consulting | ICT Communication | TEDxSpeaker | Founder of Blockchain Ladies | e-Health Expert | Key
Dr Alex Lee - technology convergence and IP, Metaverse and NFT ?
Andy Martin, IBM
states w DID ?? FL, LA, OK, CO, IA,
banking the unbanked
universities on blockchain
local governments
Bobbi Muscara - blockchain donations project ??
Sandra Ro CEO GBBC
Anjon Roy on Simbachain and Equideum Health solution plan
Public Sector session List gsheet
speaker__________________ | contact_info________________________ | topic__________________________________________ | date_____________ | status_______________ |
Nathan George, Kiva | invited | |||
Sofia Terzi, EBSI | invited | |||
Peter Watkins, bc.gov | ||||
Amy Davine Kim | ||||
Drummond Reed | ||||
Kaliya Young | The Domains of Identity book | 11/06/20 | scheduled | |
Hannah Norberg | ||||
Pete Teigen, IBM gov | ||||
Thomas Hardjono | Trust, Identity, CBDC, SSI, or ? | |||
Jurgen Kurtz | Intl Trade, Sustainable development book | |||
Vipin Bharathan | Paper on CBDC directions 2020 | 12/4/20 | ||
Andy Martin, IBM | ||||
https://www.linkedin.com/ in/ingrid-vasiliu-feltes-mdmba/ | Healthcare systems expert, thinker, speaker | |||
Dakota Gruener - ID2020 | ||||
Wendy Charles | Healthcare - blockchain - research | |||
TIPPSS Datasets as Assets: Secure, Compliant Valuation Methods | ||||
Kaliyah | Identity, SSI, governance solutions | |||
Tim Bouma | CTF Canadian Trust Framework | |||
James Schulte | Indicio | new use cases, solutions, roadmap, assessment | ||
Oxfam | Inequality Kills - debate the analysis, the goals, the ethics | |||
Jim Mason | 2/25, 3/11 Hyperledger | |||
Group Meeting Calendar
US Daylight savings date and EU daylight savings are not on the same dates
Global Forum sessions that may be interested in presenting
HLF Public Sector SIG Tasks
email to announce meetings
run meetings
upload meeting presentations, recordings
find speakers for sessions
thank speakers on mailing list and post meeting videos
Thank you email on the public sector mailing list
Leadership Notes
Jim Mason - chair
Anjon Roy - co-chair
Session lead activities notes - meeting start
lead tasks ....
a> call to know each other
read anti trust policy
code of conduct
managed by ecosystem team in hyperledger - marta etc
q> who is our core team for ps.sig???
lead team, not own
a> keep wiki page updated
a> wiki drive for files, media
k> keep lfid account - encourage members to edit wiki too
a> biweekly, 10 am meetings friday
a> email to introduce us as a team ....
a>>> facilitate discussions on the mailing list
make sure everyone is on the mailing list ( links on slide 1 )
a> any work items ?????
white papers on ....
solution briefs ....
digital identity
a> keep content on presentations
a>>> highlight past recordings w blog posts ....
add to email
a>>> set meeting agendas, topics, load presentations, recordings
follow up email
a>>> every 6 mos create sig report on wiki
send to Marta
key issues
help areas needed
a>>> member surveys via ????
a> if violation of code of conduct, report to Marta
a>>> set goals for group, metrics
publish for review on wiki
a>>> group approves leaders after 3 months
a>>> track participants vs mailing list subscribers
why aren't mailing list subscribers in meetings?
survey ??
a>>> build bridges to other blockchain orgs
ebsi, ebc, iso, natba, bsn, wef
corona testing
dr first
11/06 get speakers
blockchain public sector speaker search
linkedin connections to orgs, people
pitch on what to share
set times
network - my, org connections
africa - many public sector
asia - 70% public sector
us, emea - 50% public sector
s america - via doc wg
a>>> if no speakers, run use cases on BOA
a>>> post videos to hyperledger youtube
a>>> survey via groups poll
a> check ownership of mailing list
a>>> meeting to discuss meeting plans
invite speakers, wiki updates, agenda email, followup emails
Recent speaker invites
Past Leadership
Dr. Hanna C. Norberg, Founder & CEO, TradeEconomista, trade.economista@gmail.com
Saptarshi Choudhury, Director Emerging Technologies, Paramount Software Solutions, saptarshi@paramountsoft.net
Hyperledger Point of Contact: Dr Marta Piekarska, Director of Ecosystem, Hyperledger, mpiekarska@linuxfoundation.org
Please JOIN the mailing list here.
Leadership Nomination Request
Charter and FAQ
The activities of the Public-SIG include:
identifying related use cases, current pilots, and proofs of concept;
sharing stories of successes, failures, opportunities, and challenges;
exploring cross-cutting concerns like security, privacy, and identity in government contexts;
identifying existing or needed common critical software components that would serve the particular needs of the public sector;
identifying conferences or other opportunities to connect face to face, as well as submit talks or present as a group at an event.
This activity will be automatically recorded in email archives when conducted over the mailing list. When this activity is conducted in other media, it will be captured as notes or other formats and posted to the list (so it is archived), or possibly to the Hyperledger Wiki. This activity might also be turned into reports from the Special Interest group (recommendations to the rest of Hyperledger, for example) or other kinds of content (blog posts, content for publications, etc).
The Public Sector SIG is prohibited from performing or engaging in any form of lobbying or attempts to influence government policy-making or regulatory processes. It is also not intended as a platform for procurement of services. |
Work Products
The initial work product will be a set of documents which analyze the space of government and regulatory use cases for blockchain technology. This will be an inventory of example use cases which captures common government processes, which may suggest applications that are built or could be built using software being developed at Hyperledger. The public-sector-sig may also host in-person meetings intended to accelerate the Special Interest Group's mission.
Communication Tools
WEF Blockchain Trust Toolkit
Welcome to the Redesigning Trust toolkit, designed to guide you and your organisation through the development and deployment of a new blockchain solution. This toolkit provides tools, resources, and know-how to organizations undertaking blockchain projects. It was developed through lessons from and analysis of real projects, to help organizations embed best practices and avoid possible obstacles in deployment of distributed ledger technology. It is the culmination of more than a year of global collaboration by 100+ leaders and focused on supply chain and trade use cases. By bringing together competitors in those industries, this toolkit cuts through the hype around blockchain and helps newcomers navigate this promising technology.
Areas covered by the Toolkit
Executive Summary
The Blockchain toolkit helps your organisation think through and meet these typical enterprise requirements in the context of blockchain technology.
#Enterprise Solution Technology Requirements
Common Blockchain Benefits
Value brought by blockchain technology can best be understood through specific use cases. In general, the power of blockchain lies in its ability to
- enable peer-to-peer interactions and cross-enterprise automation – supported by smart contracts – typically as part of a broader solution.
- It offers the opportunity for greater trust and increased efficiency in supply chains.
- automated processes using business events and smart contracts
- better decisions through analytics and ML
- lower cost operations when integrated with IoT devices ( eg residential energy, waste mgt, supply chain etc )
Opens Decentralized Trust Models ( vs Centralized )
Blockchain technology provides the tools for an alternative business model wherein the data and trust layer are collaboratively owned and managed by its participants. This provides an opportunity for incumbents to compete against the centrally driven platforms becoming the new market leader in their industry; to retain control of information collection and usage, the interface and trustbuilding.
Blockchain can improve operational integrity
Blockchain solutions should provide solid integrity in data, security, authenticity, and other important pillars of operational integrity. Given the increased focus on privacy and data compliance in the general public and with governments, these needs are greater than ever within supply-chain organisations.
Data Integrity
Personal Data Handling
Data Protection
Structure: Public / Private
Financial Reporting and Controls
Digital Identity
data integrity within blockchain applications is broadly composed of three requirements covered in the toolkit: data origin integrity, oracle integrity, and digital twin integrity. Blockchain helps to establish a higher level of traceability and auditability to data as any data entered inaccurately prior to consensus can be traced back to its origin.
Regulatory Compliance
Blockchain's distributed data exchange or selfexecuting contracts can simplify compliance.
Specific use cases on data compliance, data management, data security can often be improved with automated blockchain services.
Regulations that have been addressed with blockchain solutions include:
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements, and intellectual property (IP) protection. Personal data protection should also be considered within the blockchain design, including emerging rules like the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the recent California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
Internal audit can work with Blockchain Solution Architects to manage risks related to material misstatement, management’s assertions, and internal controls, to cite just a few examples.
Interoperability use cases include integration with external systems as well as interoperability between blockchain platforms. If I place an order on blockchain A, I should be able to complete payment on blockchain B if needed. New frameworks such as BIF ( Blockchain Integration Framework ) will enable that interoperability across different types of blockchains ( initially Fabric and Besu ).
Other Groups
Blockchain in e-governance
Kamlesh Nagware
Blockchain technology has the potential to make government operations more efficient. It can improve the delivery of public services and establish greater trust. Most government departments work in silos. The lack of interconnectedness across departments foments a larger concern about data integrity and consistency. Blockchain will play a major role in e-Governance in the near future. It is expected to enable governments to build secure, auditable, and efficient government workflows and processes. These modernized workflows can equip the government to design citizen-centric applications that cater to different verticals of governance. In India, the Central government and State governments started blockchain implementations across verticals certification, land registry, and various e-governance services.
Amid the debate over the crypto regulations and laws in countries, Governments started using blockchain in e-governance. Blockchain is a governance technology and has the potential to transform how e-governance works.
Over the past few years, governments in several countries have been experimenting with the application of this novel technology to a wide variety of functions and services, including land registration, educational credentialing, health care, procurement, food supply chains, and identity management.
Many governments hoped that blockchain would be a game-changer for issues such as security and operational challenges. Indeed, this technology has the potential to help agencies make improvements in many areas, including accelerating the speed of transactions, such as for land-use registry, digital identity, certificate issuance & verification, and many more e-governance services.
<< Jim
Excellent update on e-governance - thanks Kamlesh !.
Key organizations to follow for e-governance include:
Many US states are either implementing blockchain solutions or experimenting.
One of the US leaders is the state of Rhode Island which is implementing Self-Sovereign identity for organizations and individuals with verifiable credentials for business regulation and licensing led by Liz Tanner.
GBBC - Global Blockchain for Business Council
US State Government Leaders
Track for many new IT projects
Opportunities for Blockchain, ML, Automation, Data Services, Analytics, IoT
LF Training resources
free ssi id course
LFDT organization
LFDT card templates
Key Concepts
How blockchain can impact Financial Services
"Any financial operation that has low transparency and limited traceability is vulnerable to disruption by blockchain applications.” –Bruce Weber and Andrew Novocin
Centralized solutions may migrate to decentralized given trust, compliance
Hosanagar expects the first wave of applications to be rolled out in “private” blockchains where a central authority such as a financial institution and its partners are the only ones with the permission to participate (as opposed to public, permissionless blockchains where participants are anonymous and there is no central authority). Applications in the private blockchains, he said, will be more secure and will offer some of the benefits of decentralized ledgers but will not be radically different from the way things work at present. However, over time, he expects smart contracts (self-executing contracts when requirements are met) to be offered on public blockchain networks like Ethereum. “When securities are traded, intermediaries provide trust, and they charge commissions. Blockchains can help provide such trust in a low-cost manner. But trade of securities is governed by securities laws. Smart contracts offer a way to ensure compliance with the laws. They have great potential because of their ability to reduce costs while being compliant,” says Hosanagar.
Werbach - Important technologies, he said, are far more likely to be integrated into the system than replace it. According to Werbach, while some firms will fail to make the transition and some new ones will take hold, “over the long-run, virtually every historic innovation that eliminated some forms of intermediation also created new forms.
Reduces friction and improves efficiency in financial systems
when a syndicate of lenders participates in a loan, having one shared ledger means they don’t all need to keep track of it independently. International payments and corporate stock records are other examples where there are huge inefficiencies due to duplicate record-keeping and intermediaries. “End users won’t see the changes in the deep plumbing of financial services, but it will allow new service providers to emerge and new products to be offered,” said Werbach.
Sharing governance strategies in new ecosystems first
“Distributed organizations serving an open community need to take care to design their governance systems, incentive structures and decision-making processes to create consensus without unduly slowing down the decision-making,” said Weber and Novocin. “Scenario planning or war gaming are worth exploring at the beginning of blockchain projects. Forward planning enables organizations to swiftly respond in a predictable way that is supportive of stakeholders. Publicizing these plans in advance can also build trust and user confidence.”
Cryptocurrency Risks to date exist
Bitcoin has shown that the fundamental security of its proof-of-work system is sound, but it has major limitations such as limited scalability, massive energy usage and concentration of mining pools. There has been massive theft of cryptocurrencies from the centralized intermediaries that most people use to hold it, and massive fraud by promoters of initial coin offerings and other schemes. Manipulation is widespread on lightly-regulated cryptocurrency exchanges.
Currency regulation and governance
There must be recognition among cryptocurrency proponents that maturation of the industry will require cooperation in many cases with incumbents and regulators,” added Werbach.
It's clear, cryptocurrencies ( where they are legal ) need to comply with KYC, AML and other financial regulations. Blockchain should make that governance simpler and lower cost.
Blockchain continues to evolve
Weber and Novocin expect that in the next few years, many more businesses will implement private blockchains to improve the transparency and traceability of their financial operations, supply chains, inventory management systems and other internal business systems. Clearer standards will be adopted and a few high-profile projects will emerge. Meanwhile, they said, R&D will continue among the many decentralized blockchain projects to invent more scalable public ledgers
verified.me SecureKey design
Design overview for Fabric with proposed enhancements for DID, Indy support
SecureKey Technologies is launching an interoperability initiative aimed at establishing common standards and development frameworks for next generation digital identity networks.
We will support the efforts within the Hyperledger and Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) communities to help create innovative distributed ledger technologies and digital identity networks. We believe that creating cross-project and cross-network standardization and interop along with common development frameworks represents the next step in transforming the digital identity space. In particular we support, and look forward to contributing to, the efforts of Hyperledger Fabric, Indy and the newly proposed Aries project along with DIF’s Identity Hub efforts.
Contributions will be directed towards the community projects above as well as open project extensions within the TrustBloc initiative.
In particular, we will contribute:
- Hyperledger Fabric performance and customization improvements. We are excited to contribute improvements we learned while building and taking our network operational.
- Enable DIDs to be managed and exposed from Fabric, and more generically enabling document provenance.
- A model for digital identity exchange based on DIDs, Verifiable Credentials, and Hubs.
- Efforts towards interoperability with the newly proposed Hyperledger Aries project, in order to use a Fabric-based ledger and our digital identity model. We think it’s critical to allow variation on top of a common base.
- Tooling and demos to enhance developer experiences building digital identity networks.
About SecureKey
SecureKey builds identity networks like Verified.Me, the Canadian identity sharing Network supported by seven major banks, mobile operators, a major credit agency, and other providers in Canada. Verified.Me provides a user centric, privacy protecting identity platform for services that trust the individual’s identity established at their financial institution and other connected organizations. Users can link in account information across services for a convenient but highly reliable digital identity where information is delivered in real time.
Technical Brief
In the following diagram, we provide an overview of the components related to the TrustBloc initiative. We will follow-up with additional details and data exchange flows.
Potential Value Opportunities
IBM on Public Sector Blockchain Initiatives - 2018
UAE Blockchain Use Cases - 2020
case studies
Blockchain adoption challenges
Biggest challenges are not technical
Blockchain Success Factors
Blockchain Adoption Levels
Key Features in Blockchain Ecosystems
Potential Challenges
Delaware has a restart on corporate registration blockchain with IBM
Delaware awards $738,000 single-bid blockchain contract to IBM
Karl Baker, The News JournalPublished 3:32 p.m. ET July 3, 2018 | Updated 4:06 p.m. ET July 3, 2018
Warren Buffett called Bitcoin “rat poison,” but the technology behind it is something everyone can agree on. Here are other life-changing uses you didn’t know about.
IBM will design blueprints for what could become Delaware's future blockchain-based corporate filing system, according to a $738,000 single-bid state contract recently awarded to the Armonk, New York-based tech giant.
Blockchain, the much hyped financial technology that underpins Bitcoin currency, keeps information safer from hackers than traditional computer networks, according to advocates. It also allows documents to be updated and amended electronically without human errors creeping onto the records, they say.
That is key for Delaware's billion-dollar corporate franchise business, which provides the state with more than a quarter of its revenue. The state is the registered home to more than 1 million corporate entities, including 64 percent of Fortune 500 companies.
Locally in Delaware, blockchain evangelists say the extra safety provided by the disruptive technology will allow the state to charge companies higher fees to file documents with the Secretary of State. If done right, they say, Delaware will buttress its edge over Wyoming and other states in its business registration trade.
In 2016, then-Gov. Jack Markell became a leading blockchain promoter, telling a conference of investors and startups in New York City that the technology could "free up billions of dollars in capital" by reducing business risks, eliminating layers of technical procedures and speeding up the exchange of assets.
Now, with a new contract awarded on June 18, IBM will develop and test computer code for a prototype blockchain system that would be used as a guide for a future state contract for the full-scale build-out of such a system.
Deputy Secretary of State Kristopher Knight compared IBM's work to an architect building a model of a skyscraper before construction. The state will use the scale model to gauge how blockchain may benefit Delaware-registered entities, he said.
"It's all dummy information and it's just meant to show you that this is how we imagine these pieces working together," Knight said. "We're talking about something that's so new and we don't want anyone who's bidding on this information to get it confused."
Delaware could legally hand IBM the contract without competing bids because the deal piggybacked on an existing federal consulting contract that the tech company holds, state officials said.
Knight said he hired IBM without listing the work in a competitive bid process because the contract is so critical for the state's core revenue generating business and "IBM is a leader in the space."
He said that while the three-quarters-of-a-million-dollar cost of the contract is substantial, it is necessary because governments have a track record of rolling out high-tech systems that end up costing taxpayers as much as twice the estimated amount when not properly planned for.
Pennsylvania "has had a ton of them in the past 10 years, the past 20 years almost," Knight said.
IBM officials did not respond to a request to comment for this story.
While Delaware has been looking into the feasibility of placing certain slices of the corporate franchise business onto a blockchain-based system ever since Markell made his speech in New York, the journey has featured fits and starts.
The recently-awarded IBM contract follows separate blockchain consulting that IBM had done with the Delaware earlier this year. The state paid $49,000 for the work, which came after a Delaware partnership with a blockchain startup, called Symbiont, mysteriously collapsed.
That company's CEO Mark Smith claimed Delaware officials were playing "politics" after they expressed concerns last year that a blockchain filing system could disrupt the business of registered agents and corporate attorneys in the state.
Smith said his company’s coders had built a blockchain system for Delaware's state archives, but the new system never launched as the state balked.
“(Gov. John) Carney reached back to the private sector to find out who would be affected,” Smith said in January. “The administration is focused on jobs in the state of Delaware and registered agents make their livings off of” company filings.
Symbiont officials did not respond to a request to comment on this story.
Pressed on why the Department of State awarded a Blockchain contract to IBM when some work already had been done with Symbiont, Knight said his agency never had a contract with Symbiont.
He did acknowledge there had been a working relationship.
IBM will not be the company that builds a full-scale, blockchain-based corporate filing system, if that ultimately happens, Knight said.
"Blockchain is new and it's expensive and, if we were to move on to that next phase, it's going to be a significant investment with that technology firm, we need to make sure that from the beginning, we're all on the same page," Knight said.
Contact Karl Baker at kbaker@delawareonline.com or (302) 324-2329. Follow him on Twitter @kbaker6.
Candidate Solutions
British Columbia Blockchain, Identity Solutions
Digital Services at bc.ca
VON - Verifiable Organizations Network at bc.gov case study
has the impact statements on business licensing
article on orgbook impacts
ave small business pays up to $44,000 getting licenses before OrgBook
bclaws.gov --- ID card regulation
British Columbia OrgBook for VON - Verifiable Organizations Network
British Columbia OrgBook on Hyperledger Indy
von-bc-hyperledger.org-OrgBook Case Study Hyperledger.pdf
The Verifiable Organizations Network (VON) started by the governments of British Columbia, Ontario, and Canada
To assemble an open software stack that helps business people establish trusted and enduring digital relationships to help governments cut red tape
- Think through the problem carefully
- Find like-minded groups to share development
- Choose the most suitable open-source framework
- Contribute code to extend Hyperledger Indy
- First demonstration project, Orgbook BC, announced January 2019
- Includes digital IDs for 529,000 companies and 1.4 million credentials
- Similar services coming soon from other jurisdictions
Canadian companies say they waste C$10 billion a year dealing with unnecessary “red tape.” That’s almost one-third of total compliance costs of C$36.2 billion.
Even though small businesses are seen as the engines of job creation, they bear the heaviest burden. Companies with less than five people pay C$6,744 per worker just meeting regulations. Even a sole proprietor in Canada must use at least three different tax numbers (SIN, GST/HST and CRA BN).
Starting a new business is like navigating a maze with three levels: local, provincial, and federal. A helpful checklist on starting a business in Canada offers 60+ links to explore. All this red tape frustrates entrepreneurs and governments alike.
An ambitious project started by the government of British Columbia (BC) aims to lighten that burden. The project pulled together small teams from BC, Ontario, and the government of Canada to fight red tape using decentralized identities and trusted credentials.
The first project to emerge is OrgBook BC, an online directory that makes finding authentic and authoritative data about companies faster and easier. This helps reduce the time to do due diligence on a new supplier or client from hours down to a few seconds.
And that’s only the first step in an ambitious plan to help governments everywhere streamline their services using verifiable data powered by Hyperledger Indy, an open-source blockchain framework.
In fall 2016, Jordan moved to BC to make that happen. He and a few colleagues—including Peter Watkins, Executive Director of BC’s Office of the CIO—sketched out a bold vision. The Verifiable Organizations Network (VON) would assemble a software stack, open-source it, and encourage everyone to use it until the network effect took over, like it did with the telephone or AirBnB.
Open Agile experiment
The team wanted to assemble a software stack to bridge that gap and enable government departments to issue and use digital credentials, just as they issue physical permits and licenses today. And instead of holding month-long planning sessions, they chose to work in Agile sprints that allowed the solution to evolve as they learned.
“There are no MOUs, no steering committee, no working groups,” said Jordan. “We each have a few people on the team, and everybody contributes what they can. It’s been more like a potluck really.”
BC’s “open by default” philosophy encourages a shared approach by asking government service designers to consider open source first. This approach leverages the millions of dollars invested in open source by the global community.
Indy provided an identity registry and more
The team needed a platform open enough to accommodate that vision, yet structured enough to minimize their efforts. They found it in Hyperledger Indy, which reduced their requirements for coding, cryptography, and blockchain network admin.
“Most people think of Hyperledger Indy as a framework just for identities,” said Jordan. “But we wanted to show that it can be used for a much broader purpose: To support private and secure P2P connections where verifiable credentials can be used to build trusted relationships. This can help streamline any process that involves trust.”
organizations register in OrgBook
But the VON project needed more: an “enterprise wallet” that could hold millions of credentials, handle numerous connections, and support efficient searching.
In other words, the team needed to scale up Hyperledger Indy.
Credentials verification process with Indy
BEST overview of how SSI implemented by Hyperledger Aries, Indy
SSI - identity wallet concepts
IBM Food Trust Network
https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/solutions/food-trust | IBM Food Trust Network |
https://www.ibm.com/downloads/cas/E9DBNDJG | Food Trust Overview ( view here ) |
https://github.com/IBM/IFT-Developer-Zone/wiki/doc-Message-Types | Message Types |
https://github.com/IBM/IFT-Developer-Zone/wiki/APIs | Food Trust API's |
https://food.ibm.com/ift/api/connector/swagger-ui.html | Swagger Tests for API's |
https://www.gs1.org/sites/default/files/docs/epc/EPCIS-Standard-1.2-r-2016-09-29.pdf | EPICS standard for trading partners |
Food Trust Value List
Value | Features | Description |
Safety | Transparency Traceability | Trace food instantly – with end-to-end supply chain data visibility – to help ensure food safety and regulatory compliance. |
Supply chain efficiency | Shared immutable ledger | Access a shared and immutable digital ledger in real time – rather than ink on paper – to find choke points and uncover opportunities to speed your supply chain. |
Food Freshness | Traceability Shared data | Gain instant and efficient food tracing from source to consumer to more accurately judge peak freshness and remaining shelf life – and reduce product loss. |
Sustainability | Shared data Immutable ledger Smart contracts | Rely on shared data and an immutable ledger to help ensure the promised quality of products and that food comes from a sustainable source. Smart contracts improve data quality |
Brand Trust | Transparency Traceability | Gain a competitive advantage as you add transparency and specificity about the sourcing of your food products. Build trust in the safety and quality of your brand. |
Food waste | Shared data | Identify waste hot spots and speed responsiveness using better visibility into your food supply chain. Reduce costly food waste and boost your bottom line. |
Food Fraud | Shared data Immutable ledger Smart contracts | Data-sharing across the food supply helps eliminate chances for fraud and errors – and can help preserve the integrity of raw materials, products, and packaging. |
Verified.me - a secure blockchain identity framework for Canadian banks on IBM Blockchain
Verified.Me, by SecureKey Technologies Inc., is the new and secure way to help you verify your identity, so you can quickly get access to the services and products you want online, in person and on the phone.
Verified.Me helps verify your identity using personal information that you consent to share from your Connections, like your financial institution, with service providers you want to transact with.
Fetch.AI - smart blockchain tokenomics framework
Fetch.AI is a decentralised digital world in which useful economic activity takes place. This activity is performed by Autonomous Agents. These are digital entities that can transact independently of human intervention and can represent themselves, devices, services or individuals. Agents can work alone or together to construct solutions to today’s complex problems.
Open Economic Framework
The digital world in which agents live is called the Open Economic Framework (OEF). This world acts as the ultimate value exchange dating agency: each agent sees a space optimised in real-time just for them, where important things are clear and visible and less important things are simply removed. The OEF provides the senses for agents: their sight, touch and hearing to present to them a world unique to the viewer.
Smart Ledger
Underpinning the digital world is the smart ledger: a new generation of learning ledger that provides a collective super-intelligence to support agents’ individual intelligences. It provides market intelligence, previously locked up in centralised silos, to everyone so that any agent that wants something is assured of the shortest possible route to find another that has it. Fetch.AI’s smart ledger scales to support millions of transactions per second and is able to restructure itself to present the OEF’s digital world to the agents that use it.
China BSN - Blockchain Services Network
china-BSN-200422-finance.yahoo.com-Chinas National Blockchain Will Change the World.pdf
Domestic to start, then International focused on BRI - Belt Road Initiative and global partners
China will officially launch a major new blockchain initiative called the Blockchain-based Services Network (BSN). The BSN is a critical part of China’s national blockchain strategy that was announced by President Xi in late November 2019, but went largely under the radar as the simultaneous announcement of China’s digital RMB currency, called the DCEP, swept the world by storm. Only recently has the Western media recognized the significance of the BSN, which sees its mainland commercial launch April 25. The portal’s global commercial launch is scheduled for June 25.
The BSN will be a new internet protocol to allow a more efficient way to share data, value and digital assets in a completely transparent and trusted way between anyone who wants to be a node on the network.
The main BSN founding consortia partners are the State Information Center (China’s top-level government policy and strategy think tank affiliated with the National Development and Reform Commission), China Mobile (China’s largest national telecom with over 900 million subscribers), China Unionpay (the world’s top payment and settlement provider with eight billion issued credit cards), and Red Date Technologies (the main blockchain architect for the BSN)
The BSN has developed cloud management technology that will allow multiplexing compute on top of a flexible multi-cloud architecture in a very resource-efficient way. Cloud providers under BSN’s multi-cloud management services already include AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Baidu Cloud, China Unicom, China Telecom and China Mobile
The vision - value proposition for BSN
.The Chinese central government sees blockchain as the critical next-generation IT infrastructure to build future smart cities, connecting cryptographically secure databases linked by 5G to scalable cloud and data management infrastructure such that big data/AI analytics can efficiently run on top.
Low cost
The BSN launch will allow companies to access ultra-low cost blockchain cloud computing services. Target pricing is less than $400 USD/year, which would allow any SME or individual access to the critical tools to participate in the digital economy and drive adoption and financial inclusion opportunities.
Widely available shows top-down planning benefits
The central government has developed a master top-down plan to connect all the major cities in the country, rolling out to 200 cities over the next year and rapidly to all 451 prefecture-level cities thereafter. As I write this article, the world’s largest scaled blockchain testnet is imminently preparing to launch. There are various blockchain-as-a-service applications being developed simultaneously, many of which are already being deployed by city governments to provide services for citizens across the mainland ranging from paying utility bills to registering company credentials. As example, the Hangzhou government has launched a blockchain pilot for unified digital identity, for faster authentication of individuals using government services.
BSN is a Fabric fork
While the BSN itself is a permissioned chain forked from Hyperledger Fabric, it will allow interoperability with public chains and other decentralized platforms (which will be fully implemented by July 2020). The protocol at launch will already be interoperable with major blockchain platforms and frameworks such as Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum
BSN impact will be big
upon launch the BSN ecosystem will instantly become the largest blockchain ecosystem in the world and will become a strong driving force of institutional and government adoption of blockchain around the globe.
How would a crisis like a pandemic be easier to manage on BSN under China's regulations?
Not hard at all. Tracing would be easy as well as supply chain coordination, data sharing between hospitals and labs etc.
BSN is a foundation for China's expanding leadership in the global economy
The BSN can facilitate increased global trade and bilateral economic activity to buffer against systemic shocks and great rifts that have been exacerbated by mistrust and differences in ideology. It can connect the world more synergistically together, while democratizing access to the critical tools that will allow more efficient cross-border trade, investment and international collaboration.
In the new normal, the BSN will catalyze the globalized digital economies of the future through new modes of collaboration and cooperation that are core to the blockchain ethos.
Next Steps for BSN
- I underestimated the technology behind it. It's NOT just another blockchain.
- The blockchain architecture, multi-cloud interfaces, different network protocol and integration of data, assets, value should be reviewed in detail
- Consider participation as a user to test
- Opportunity to participate in MANY application rollouts
Update on BSN - 210317
china-BSN-210317-coindesk-com-Inside Chinas Effort to Create a Blockchain It Can Control.pdf
UN SDG - Sustainable Development Goals
EU Technology Directions
EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum
US Technology Directions
US State of the State reports with Technology focus
US-2022-govtech.com-State of the States 2022 How Much Tech Is on the Table.pdf
Legislation on identity and blockchain
Legal research on support for digital identity blockchain solutions
Legal scans for laws and bills that define digital identity, signatures, SSI
Congress – Blockchain signatures are legal signatures – HR 8524
S. 553: Blockchain Promotion Act of 2019
H.R. 8153: Blockchain Innovation Act
H.R. 8524: Blockchain Records and Transactions Act of 2020
Wyoming laws
wyoming-blockchain-crypto-laws-forbes-2020-What Do Wyoming's 13 New Blockchain Laws Mean_.pdf gdrv
Wyoming blockchain laws query
Regulatory provisions relating to digital assets.
Digital assets-existing law - SF0125
Nature of digital assets; Uniform Commercial Code; security interests; qualified custodians; custodial services; blockchain.
Summary/Major Elements:
This act establishes the legal nature of digital assets within existing law, dividing these assets into three categories of intangible personal property and classifying these assets within the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) as follows:
Digital consumer assets (UCC: general intangibles);
Digital securities (UCC: securities and investment property); and
Virtual currency (UCC: money).
Wyoming task force
The Wyoming Blockchain Task Force was created in 2018 and it terminated on January 1, 2020. The act establishes a successor committee to study related (and additional) subjects, the Select Committee on Blockchain, Financial Technology and Digital Innovation Technology (Select Committee).
Government Blockchain Alliance group
British Columbia ID card types
There are three types of BC Services Cards:
BC Driver's Licence and Services Card - this combines your driver's licence and BC Services Card into one card
States Introducing digital driver’s licenses, government IDs – 10 ?
Electronic Identity Cards - EIDAS
Liechtenstein - Blockchain, FinTech Solutions
Blockchain, Token Act
Liechtenstein has attempted to mitigate part of the risks connected with fintech by creating a unique legal/regulatory framework with the enactment of the ‘Law about Token and Trustworthy Technology Service Providers’, also known as the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act
Compelling corporate tax incentives
Effectively below an 8% corporate tax rate with numerous exclusions from income
FinTech momentum
Due to the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act and the already open attitude of the government and the regulator towards the crypto economy, companies are increasingly preparing to obtain the required licences to implement fully regulated crypto exchange projects (trading of digitalized assets) and/or crypto banking services.
Apart from the favourable tax environment for companies and the high degree of political and economic stability, Liechtenstein is an excellent place for entrepreneurs to settle. Liechtenstein as an EEA member has EU-compatible regulations and full freedom to provide services in all EEA countries. Due to the traditionally close neighbourly economic relations and the customs and currency treaty with Switzerland, Liechtenstein companies also benefit from privileged access to the Swiss market. Due to its size Liechtenstein offers flexibility and expediency when it comes to decision making, especially with governmental agencies and the FMA. It is also very innovative and pro-active, the establishment of the Regulatory Laboratory and the enactment of the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act being examples of this. Liechtenstein is in general a very business friendly environment with a liberal economic policy, which is for example reflected in its labor and corporate law.
emoney and payments
For the commercial issuance of e-money in Liechtenstein a licence as an electronic money institution is required. As for virtual currencies, according to the FMA, neither the production nor the usage of virtual currencies as means of payment is subject to any licensing requirement. However, in specific cases (depending on the business model) licensing requirements or due diligence obligations may apply.
Token Offerings
Also, every token issue must be notified to the FMA when the token is offered publicly for the first time. This also applies to already registered TT service providers. Information on the issuer, the token, the TT system used, the time of issue, the issuing currency and the target markets must be provided.
Furthermore, the token issued may be subject to financial market legislation and therefore subject to licensing (by the FMA) on the basis of special legislation and may require publication of a prospectus (in terms of the Prospectus Regulation [EU] 2017/1129). Accordingly it is recommended to sort this out before issuing tokens in Liechtenstein.
Blockchain and Token solutions in production or test
There are some live blockchain projects in Liechtenstein, especially in connection with the finance sector and cryptocurrencies/token economy. A Liechtenstein Fintech start up has been granted a license (subject to conditions) by the FMA to operate an MTF for digital assets and is therefore the first MiFiD II compliant digital asset trading platform in the EEA. The first ever bond on the Ethereum blockchain was issued in Liechtenstein, as well as one of the first security token offerings in Europe with regulator approval took place in Liechtenstein. The FMA also issued an e-money licence with conditions and requirements to a company funded via blockchain technology in 2019. Further, the FMA has approved a prospectus for a tokenised real estate investment product based on blockchain technology. On a lighter note, a collectibles game based on blockchain was launched in Liechtenstein in 2019 that aims to educate users on the blockchain technology whilst having fun learning about Liechtenstein at the same time.
Lichtenstein Blockchain Act – English
Liechtenstein Financial Management Authority - FMA - Dr Thomas Dunser
The Financial Market Authority is the primary financial regulatory agency of the Principality of Liechtenstein. It is an independent, integrated financial market supervisory authority operating under public law and covers all financial markets in Liechtenstein.
The FMA is responsible for safeguarding the stability of the financial market, protection of clients, prevention of abuse, and the implementation of and compliance with recognized international standards.
Its core principles are;
- Supervision - supervise consistently and fairly, granting licenses, fight abuses and punish violations.
- Regulation - regulate with stakeholders, meeting international standards taking into account the competitiveness of the Liechtenstein financial market.
- External relations - cultivate dialogue with other international agencies
- Enterprise - independent, internally organized according to private sector principles.
- Team - Value each other in our interactions.
The FMA covers the regulation of banks, insurance companies and intermediaries, pensions funds, investment companies, asset management companies and other financial intermediaries.
Through Liechtenstein’s membership of the European Economic Area (EEA) licenses issued by FMA allow companies to operate some services through all member countries of the EEA.
FMA main site for financial regulation
Financial technologies are an opportunity for Liechtenstein. The FMA pursues the approach of using and designing regulation in such a way that established financial service providers and new enterprises are able to implement their business models. More information
With the creation of the TVTG, the registration and ad-hoc supervision of ten new categories of service providers which provide their services on TT systems (e.g. blockchain) will be delegated to the FMA. The law also implements the FATF recommendations, which provide for supervision under the Due Diligence Act (DDA) for such services. More information
FMA regulations to manage TTP - Token Technology Providers and protect consumers active
Liechtenstein is the first country to have a comprehensive regulation of the token economy. On the one hand, the law regulates civil law issues in relation to client protection and asset protection. On the other hand, adequate supervision of the various service providers in the token economy will be established. In addition, there are measures to combat money laundering by making service providers subject to anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism rules. Furthermore, the law provides clarity with regard to digital securities.
"With the TVTG, an essential element of the government's financial market strategy will be implemented and Liechtenstein will be positioned as an innovative and legally secure location for providers in the token economy," Prime Minister Adrian Hasler said.
Regulatory Framework for a Token Economy
Describes all the of participant types, roles and related legislation for Token Technology Providers
Liechtenstein's Constitution And Amendments
Legal sites in Liechtenstein
English translation of Liechtenstein Laws
Liechtenstein Legislation for Data Protection
Switzerland Blockchain Legislation process
Paramount - Blockchain in Public Sector - 9/17 10 am
Notes on the presentation
The Global Web3 Index 2024 report
- Michael Hung, Co-founder and CMO BYDFi
- Alex Guts, CEO of Banxe
- Bailey A. York, Data Lead at Galaxy Digital
- Sasha DiMarsico – Chief Communications Officer & Co-founder Banxe
- Guo Junxiu, CEO & Co-founder of Elven
- Charles Savva, Managing Director of Savva & Associates
- Tonia Damvakeraki, EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum
- Marianna Charalambous, EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum
- Juan Carlos Reyes, President Of The National Digital Assets Commission (CNAD) of El Salvador
- Florian Wimmer, CEO Blockpit
Step-by-step guide for Example
sample code block
Planned Meeting Dates
All Hyperledger Public Sector SIG Meetings are Friday, 10 am EDT
Public Sector wiki page:
2022-03-11 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, MARCH
2022-03-25 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, MARCH
2022-04-08 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, APRIL
2022-04-22 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, APRIL
2022-05-06 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, MAY
2022-05-20 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, MAY
2022-06-03 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, JUNE
2022-06-17 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, JUNE
2022-07-01 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, JULY
2022-07-15 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, JULY
2022-07-29 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, JULY
2022-08-12 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, AUGUST
2022-08-26 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, AUGUST
2022-09-09 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, SEPTEMBER
2022-09-23 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, SEPTEMBER
2022-10-07 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, OCTOBER
2022-10-21 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, OCTOBER
2022-11-04 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, NOVEMBER
2022-11-18 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, NOVEMBER
2022-12-02 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, DECEMBER
2022-12-16 FRIDAY 10 am EDT, DECEMBER