DLT - Hyperledger Besu Case Studies

DLT - Hyperledger Besu Case Studies

Key Points

Hyperledger groups you belong to https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/main/subgroups






Citi joins Hyperledger to create Besu Financial Services Group **

DTCC leads the subgroup

Key Concepts

Besu Financial Services WG - link

collaboration space for enterprise users of Besu and code contributors of Besu to come together to support and help shape the evolution of Besu.

Work group focus: use-case agnostic enterprise features and non-functional requirements that code contributors of Besu can leverage for future releases of Besu.


The increasing adoption of EVM-compatible technology within financial services and the accelerating trend of tokenization of assets are some of the key drivers for enabling a collaboration space for enterprise users of Besu and code contributors of Besu to come together to support and help shape the evolution of Besu. The interests of these two groups are a perfect match for collaborating on the adoption and success of Hyperledger Besu Project.

  • Enterprise users of Besu in need of tech capabilities that meet enterprise requirements

  • Code contributors of Besu aiming to maximize the value and adoption of Besu

The mission is driving working sessions for enterprise users and code contributors to come together for:

  • Identifying challenges that enterprise users face when operationalizing Besu for enterprise use cases

  • Defining new features and enhancements that drive alignment between Besu and enterprise-level requirements

The main deliverables expected to come out of this WG include, but are not limited to:

  • A prioritized and detailed list of enhancements of existing features of Besu

  • A prioritized and detailed list of new features of Besu

  • A prioritized and detailed list of technical limitations of Besu

  • A list of recommended practices of Besu for enterprise use cases

These deliverables will shape an inventory of use-case agnostic enterprise features and non-functional requirements that code contributors of Besu can leverage for future releases of Besu.


BESU for ERP integration with Data Privacy

Multi-Enterprise Automation with Privacy-Preserving Layer 2 Scaling on Ethereum

Andreas Freund












Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions


Use Case




Key Takeaways


LACChain uses Hyperledger Besu to create the largest permissioned public blockchain

Use Case

  • To break silos in blockchain usage in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • To provide a neutral, reliable blockchain infrastructure compliant with regulations

  • To reduce barriers to organizations scaling or adopting blockchain by eliminating transaction fees, establishing an assurance framework, and granting compliance with regulation

  • To appeal to a variety of users, including start-ups, corporations, banks, academy, governments, and multilateral institutions

  • To contribute to social and economic advancement in Latin America and the Caribbean,
    reducing inequality and empowering people.


  1. Establish a global alliance with key, diverse partners

  2. Build an ecosystem with the help of Hyperledger Besu

  3. Implement a neutral, accountable, and robust governance

  4. Develop tools for economic sustainability

  5. Introduce a non-profit orchestration entity


  • Sponsored by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Lab and its partners as a regional public good

  • Supported by a global alliance for developing blockchain in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

  • Launched in March 2019

  • The largest permissioned public blockchain infrastructure in the world, based on the number of projects and entities using it directly


  • More than 101 entities on the network since its launch

  • As of August, 2022, 191 nodes deployed

  • More than 60 projects on LACChain Network

  • Over 40 projects with impact on inclusion

  • 15 countries co-building ecosystems

Key Takeaways

Permissioned private blockchains offer what permissionless public ones lack, but they also cost a lot to develop and support This makes them hard to scale.

Compare Layer 1 scaling capabilities is key. Any Layer 1 chain can have Layer 2 optimizations engineered on Layer 1

Establishing the right alliance was the first step of the project.

“IDB Lab intended LACChain as a public good,”

“We consider Hyperledger Besu as the best Ethereum-based permissioned protocol available for permissioned-public networks” says Vegezzi. “Hyperledger protocols come with a seal of quality.

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps

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