Climate Management Initiatives & Programs
Key Points
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what-the-cop28-deal-means-for-the-us-amid-record-oil-and-gas-output.html * | |
cop28-kicks-carbon-trading-down-road-eu-blocks-deal-2023-12-13/ | |
Key Concepts
The Good Forest Project - GFT.COM - Good Forest Team
- Project Goals:
- Incentivize forest owners to grow their forests, not reduce them through development of carbon offset streams
- Support donations to the co-op to treat, grow forests with reforestation and other programs
- Expand carbon removals by helping forest owners generate renewable carbon offsets
- Provide volunteer opportunities for people who want to help increase forests and carbon removals
- Work with forest administration organizations to support the project, owners in forest growth, improvement, certifications
- Work with marketpkaces, organizations and individuals that want to purchase carbon offsets
- Work with organizations and individuals that want to market carbon offsets
- Provide education resources and programs on the importance of forests for the planet, wild life, rthe food chain and climate management
- Focus on State of Maine
- Non-profit co-op model defining stakeholder roles, responsibilities, returns with a governance board
- Starting a business is like a bad case of poison ivy >> the more you scratch it, the more it itches
EU Emissions Trading Program
The EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) remains a cornerstone of Europe's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy. In my latest article, I explore the intricate details of the ETS, from how the system works to its pivotal role in shaping Europe’s climate future.
🌱 Key topics include:
- The fundamentals of carbon pricing
- The role of cap-and-trade in emissions reduction
- How the ETS impacts industries and businesses
- The latest updates on policy reforms and what they mean for the future of emissions trading
For companies navigating the evolving landscape of sustainability, understanding the ETS is crucial. Whether you're directly affected by emissions regulations or simply interested in the future of sustainable finance, this guide provides valuable insights.
🔗 Read the full article here:
COP28 Climate Deal Commitments - 2023
- For the first time in nearly three decades, government ministers from nearly 200 countries on Wednesday approved a deal that calls on countries to move away from using fossil fuels.
- U.S. climate envoy John Kerry said the COP28 agreement “sends very strong messages to the world.”
- q>> is John Kerry the right person to spearhead US climate policy ??
- Climate campaigners singled out the need for the U.S. to lead the charge in shifting away from fossil fuels.
the European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring:
- no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050
- economic growth decoupled from resource use
- no person and no place left behind
The European Green Deal is also our lifeline out of the COVID-19 pandemic. One third of the €1.8 trillion investments from the NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan, and the EU’s seven-year budget will finance the European Green Deal.
The European Commission has adopted a set of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. More information on Delivering the European Green Deal.
With the Just Transition Fund, we have supported workers and regions to develop new skills and thrive in the green economy.
Likewise, the Social Climate Fund, partly funded via the EU Emissions Trading System, will provide Member States with dedicated funding to support vulnerable groups thanks to investments in energy efficiency, renovation of buildings, and clean heating, amongst others.
Potential Value Opportunities
Potential Challenges
Southeast US could see 3 feet of sea level rise in the next 100 years
Sea level rise has been tracked for a while and is speeding up at 1 - 2 millimeters per year.
In the southeast US, the other problem is sinking land due to groundwater loss and more.
Subsistence of coastal lands is a real threat in addition to sea level rise.
There really isn't a plan to manage or mitigate that.
Development is still allowed and that only increases groundwater loss in those areas.
Weather Modification in the US
- Increase precipitation: Cloud seeding is the most common method of weather modification and is used to increase rainfall or snowfall to increase local water supplies.
- Prevent damaging weather: Weather modification can be used to prevent hail or hurricanes.
- Cause damaging weather: Weather modification can be used as a military or economic tactic to cause damaging weather against an enemy. For example, Operation Popeye used cloud seeding to prolong the monsoon in Vietnam.
- Reduce fog: There are specific methods to suppress or eliminate different types of fog.
- Reduce the severity of a hurricane: Weather modification can be used to reduce the severity of hurricanes.
- Altering the amount of solar energy available by reflecting or absorbing sunshine
- Adding heat to the atmosphere from the surface
- Altering air motion
- Influencing humidity by increasing or decreasing evaporation
- Changing the processes that cause clouds to form and precipitation to occur
Candidate Solutions
Babcock Ranch - 15 mi inland, 30 ft elevation from Fort Myers FL
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